I did read the study you linked, but it said that;
>"Because the transsexuals had all been treated with estrogens..."
and also;
>"...the reduced neuron numbers of the BSTc could theoretically be due to the presence of high levels of circulating estrogens..."
...thus I don't see the support to your claim of feminized brain wiring before taking hormones.
>"You can only be WHAT YOU REALLY ARE"
I find this complicated, because if someone is fat, then one could use that as "I shouldn't lose weight, because that means changing who I am". So in some sense I do understand what you mean, because you're still in your same body.
What I'm instead arguing is, there is an obsession about changing your body in a manner which I doubt is healthy.
Like people who find a need to cut of their legs, I find the same sort of mentality about mutilating your gender. Also the same way with how I see people obsessed with plastic surgery.
I do not see why you would be happier post-transition. But, you say you are? If so I'm open to hearing what you say.
>" A lot of you folks are missing the wisdom to understand that your relative view, may not be the 100% correct one."
This applies to everyone not omnipotent. I try to understand your view here and that I might be wrong about transgender being a mental illness. But also I consider that you should consider that it also could be that one could be "cured", so to speak, from being trans.
Yes, I agree the human experience is dull without emotion.