I'm planning to go on holidays to Eastern Europe because the west is full of sandys, poofters and shitcunts.
I'm planning to go on holidays to Eastern Europe because the west is full of sandys, poofters and shitcunts.
Why are you including Germany and Austria as part of Eastern Europe?
Couldn't find a better map mate
Are you going around or staying at one place?
depends whjere you going if youre going in far eastern europe be wary of strangers and have your wallet in your front pocket i also advise you to come to the croatian littoral / islands
I just got back from Croatia and I loved every second of it. The people are nice, the country has beautiful scenery, and there's a lot to see. I'd definitely recommend it.
ayy catholic slav bro
whered you go btw
Pic related is Central Europe you absolute mongoloid
Capital cities, you can't go wrong with them, there will be plenty of festivals during the holidays too.
You will be pretty much safe here as our wildlife is pretty much cucked, just beware the gypsos.
your capital is filled with gooks and dindus tho
not sure about bratislava
Visit Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Dubrovnik. The rest is just generic, doesn't worth it.
Wise choice. Poland and Hungary are pretty based. I've been thinking of teaching there for a year.
here s a tip,dont go to the big cities,their full of gyppos,go to the rural areas
Go to Slovenia/Czechia/Hungary/Poland
Also I haven't been there, but I heard Bulgaria is surprisingly decent
Stopped in Rijeka for a night first then we drove down to Sibenik. We stayed the night there, then we went to the Krka park (fucking lovely) and then stopped in Makarska for another night. We drove down to Dubrovnik after. I was a little disappointed by the tourist traps but it was still really chill down there. Then we kinda took our time driving back up and stopped in a bunch of smaller towns (don't remember the names).
Split was pretty chill too. Found a great spot to swim down there.
Visit Raguza, Fiume etc. along the coast
Great places with friendly people.
1. Kroatia
2. Hungary
3. Bulgaria
4. Everything else
999. Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia
Visit Ljubljana, it's nice. Really hipster-y though. Maribor is a bit better.
Really depends on what you want to see, cities are nice, but Slovenia has beautiful nature and mountains and shit. Triglav national park is a place to visit if you like that sort of thing. Croatia has better coastline, don't even bother visiting Koper and that region, it's a waste of time.
I'd enter Slovenia via Austria at Karavanke, go to that national park, then Ljubljana, Maribor and off to Hungary.
I only spoke for Slovenia
Visit the other countries too. Slovenia is maybe a day or two stop, you pretty much see all that's worth seeing in that time
Visit mainly countryside, national parks for example, stay out of capitals and big cities, czech republic is the safest region of Europe at the moment IMO.
No, capitals are not meant for relaxation and tranquility, OP seeks opposite of multicultural agenda, he needs countryside.
My personal favorite is Croatia or Montenegro, look for these two, also Slovenia is decent
lel i've been to prague
it's the eastern european amsterdam
some dindus were persuading us to visit their brothel
we were 16
had a good time regardless
tho people seemed kinda distant
probably because we were only hanging out with eachother
Prague and Pilsen is always nice to go. Karlovy Vary is meh now since russians are buying all the stuff and turning it into clothing stores. still nice though. Germany is Refugee-infested but the north is still ok i guess. Hamburg and Kiel were nice. Just dont go to frankfurt, not really worth it. I live 60kms out so trust me on that
I was in Bratislava last summer, shittons of asian tourists, like literally 50% of tourists going around where from east asia.
Barely any shitskins, tho we never left the inner city, so there's that.
Btw Czech is super overrated, Prague is pure shit, Zagreb is much better, Ljubljana is my favourite out of capitals, calm clean, but Zagreb is much more fun, it really depends on what you are looking for
how the fuck is zagreb fun?
there's not really much to do
idk I found it really fun, was with friends there
Slovenia, Croatia and Slovakia were the countries I liked the most.
Go also to the Baltics. Vilnius and Tallinn are awesome.
okay, the atmosphere at bars can be great
but clubs are fucking shit
Might be a little too far east but Georgia is majestic.
Come, get comfy and enjoy the ride Ausbro ;)
dont visit kosovo/albania if you want all your organs
based orthodox bros
My sides kek
Seriously though, listen to Serbanon, OP. Don't get your kidneys stolen.
Can you visit (or live) in Croatia from the Russian Federation without a visa?
t. Russian with a Croatian proxy
Bratislava has pentagon though, so I think there are some addicts. Kurvy ciganske.
Kill yourself.
Get raped,killed,mugged,beaten,drink bleach,OD on drugs.
Ausshie shitcunts are equal to chav trash,they get beaten and their shit stolen here.
Shanked in the clubs.
If you come to Slovenia. Stay in hostel Celica. in Ljubljana. Used to be a prison. Really cool looking place and has won the best hostel Europo award twice.. Everythign will be cheap as fuck too for you.
Luv it
This why why the Brits bash you
>Implying only the brits bash them
Half an hour documentary about Slavs if anybody
has the time to watch it. It has english subs don't worry people.
Listen to this guy avoid any gypsies and you will have a good time.
czech republic and do pub crawls. each block has at least 3 pubs and the czechs love aussies
try to start fights, insult people, piss on people's cars, their lawns and hit on their women in their presence
they will recognize all of those as oceanic bantz and laugh their asses off
better go via Ljubelj/Loiblpass, you won't get jewed out of 7EUR for a single tube tunnel
this is what you do
dont bother with rest
pooland is nice but too far off
>uhggg don't vi-visit Serbia because i hate it
Stop being a fucking child, man
I lived in Serbia for a few years because I'm happily married to a serb girl and thar country is pure fucking heaven for westerners with money.
You literally have to do fucking nothing except show that you are a trustworthy person. The Serbs will be bro-enough to supply you with everything.
I only didn't like Belgrade that much because it's way too loud and fast for me, but if you like NightLife, you're missing out.
Do you consider Croatia to be part of Central Europe?
Poland , Romania hungary and cZech repubblic , i visited those and i liked them all
I know some Russian dude who moved here to study.
If you're looking for nice summer holidays:
>1. Montenegro
>2. Bulgaria
>3. Croatia
>4. Romania
In that order. It's really good, you won't be disappointed.
If you are looking for party:
>1. Prague
>2. Budapest
>3. Warsaw
>4. Belgrade
Other than that, Eastern Europe doesn't have much to offer sadly.
you posted central europe and southern europe not eastern europe
if he has the money and time, he could visit Krakow I think. And also there is Lake Balaton