Redpill me on the "Ego Death"
Redpill me on the "Ego Death"
Think of yourself as a jelly fish or something. Ego is your defense against the super-ego. It prevents you from becoming a faggot basically.
Your i.d. is you, your ego is the plastic bag you keep your i.d. in, the world is your super ego.
You will never attain ego death it's all just gay horseshit.
No such thing exists. Ego death happens when you actually die, that is all there is to it. Read Mind is a Myth by U.G. Krishnamurti
Psychedelics basically give you temporary high functioning autism + schizophrenia
1. it's "ego death" not "the ego death"
2. the term itself is retarded. it's more about having total control of your engagement with your mind's patterns, and a sensation of merging or unity with all time and space.
3. is kind of right. unless you experience it through a disciplined practice like zen.
I'm guessing everyone shitting on OP have never smoked DMT.
You experience ego death when you're on a high dose of DMT. Basically, you have no comprehension of who you are, where you are, or any of that shit. You basically get to experience existence as existence itself. Don't listen to these faggots.
it's a meme made up by psychedelics crowd to give a fancy name to their OD
oneness has nothing to do with ego death. Eventually your ego comes back when you stop giving yourself brain damage.
There's a certain part of your brain responsible for perceiving an ego, and it gets shut off or drowned out when you take LSD
I forget the details but I am pretty sure I read that somewhere trustworthy
Why are Canadians such bitch niggers? Neuotransmitters return to their normal levels after a trip, psychedelics are mostly harmless
You don't need trippers to experience it.
Most people start thinking about their insignificance in the universe and the sheer insanity on the world we will live in by the age of 10. How everything we do is strange, how we are largely just passive reactionary receptors of information.
Imagine an alien made of gas teleported to your room from a colourless shapeless world, it'd be like a kind of death, he would have no idea what was going on, or what he was feeling if he could even feel.
It only makes sense to us because of our learned perceptions, but if you take a 3rd person perspective looking in on our world, our lives and world make just as much sense as it as the aliens world.
Philosophers since pre-Parmidenes have been talking about things in a similar manner. Likely without getting trippy.
LSD/DMT/Shrooms just gives you all the above as an indescribable 'feeling'. Dunno why, some people think it replicates birth truama in people.
You don't need psychedelics to explore your consciousness.
No evidence LSD gives you brain damage, there's actually been almost no negative results from tests.
At high doses people can freak out and give themselves PTSD which does cause brain damage. But that's so-so.
>Redpill me on the "Ego Death"
It doesn't exist. Only in the minds of edgy faggots.
Just because it shuts off for some time, doesn't mean it died. When you actually die, you don't get to wake up and tell yourself "whoah that was a nice experience". See, it only strengthens the very ego you are trying to free yourself from by experiencing stuff. Any move in direction of freeing yourself from 'ego' only strengthens it, you see
Try reading some carl jung. You don't need drugs for that feeling of oneness.
It's pretty scary though desu.
I got really into occult and mysticism and I didn't need any drugs to attain higher levels of consciousness. As a side effect I can now read hieroglyphics.
It refers to letting go of ones 'self'.
Its basically remembering that there is so much more than your physical body and are connected to all things spiritually. The form or 'self' you've taken on in this 'life' was in essence your own doing and you have nothing to fear.
hippies use this to make themselves sound more enlightened than you, all the while preserving their own egos
it's bullshit
All of this drug bullshit is bullshit. Timothy leary and carlos castenada are hacks who lost their minds in the later years of their lives due to over use of psychedelic drugs.
A few of my friends who say they need acid or pot to "break down their ego" either have turned into unmotivated lazy assholes, or have gained a higher sense of false superiority because they look down on those who have not "broken down their ego" as dumber or less of a person.
it's the realisation of you fucking shit up
Parmidenes Poem is good for conceptualizing oneness, but I'd have though most writing on oneness stems from Platonic Parmidenes anyway if you havn't read it.
>turned into unmotivated lazy assholes
I was always unmotivated and lazy, drugs are just fun.
Pretentious tripping faggots are the worst though.
I'll check it out. Honestly though, I got the sensation of dissolving once I got to a certain point and just spazzed out. Was the strangest feeling.
It was as if time was happening all at once, and I was already dead, I felt myself being embalmed and then felt as if I was already in my coffin. Time happened all at once and my brain almost exploded.
why are you mixing things up? enjoying psychedelics in high doses will certainly not make you lazy, it's the weed.
>I was always lazy
Here's an idea; grow up and stop being lazy.
So you can be a positive productive force in your community instead of a lazy junky
This isn't rocket science
But I'm not a junky. I don't even do drugs.
And I am a positive force in my community.
I'm not a NEET, I workout regularly, am at University and support myself well with betting. Volunteer a few times a week, only recently been doing this though.
I'm productive in that I do what is generally required of me in life, but when it comes to my spare time, rather than learning to code, doing a rubix cube, exercising my brain I just sit on various Sup Forums boards and shitpost like I've done for the past 6-7 years.
LSD has had a great effect on many successful people.
Buddhism taught this over 2000 years ago. It's not at all a recent concept.
To give a butchered and diluted explanation of it, when you take any aspect that you consider yourself or belonging to yourself you find that they are not your own
Your body is made of matter, fluidity, solidity, heat and motion. When seperate, none of these are your own, or belonging to any one being.
Your thoughts are not independent of the world around you. The physical and mental are one, not separate like western philosophy has taught. Your thoughts arise from the matter of your surroundings, the sensations they give off (colour, sound, texture...), your perception (or noticing) of these objects, and your consciousness of them (keeping them in mind and linking them to other memories or objects you know.)
So we see that thoughts and feelings do not act independently of the world but are affected and caused by them. Therefor our thoughts are not our own, nor our emotions.
There is no self because there is no permanent self. The self is not body nor mind nor emotion nor memory. The idea of self is an illusion created and constantly changed by the world around us.
There is no ultimate redpill on that, people generally can't agree whether or not the psychedelics can be beneficial.
I have experienced it 3 times. 2 times on DMT and one time on shrooms.
The DMT experiences were intense, I lost complete awareness of time and space, I wondered if I took the Herb before or after the time I was having these thoughts.. it was fucked up and way to strong to make anything from it. It was just an experience.
The shroom version was milder but I have managed to imprint myself on the wall of a cave I was in at that time. I became the cave, I became the coming from far away. My body was a collective of limbs and parts I didn't fully control. I tried to grasp for sanity, tried to impose MY will on the fucking shroom but it was like trying to stand in the midst of a roaring river, for now I have failed.
It felt so liberating gaining the ego back, you realize ego is your safespace.
Mushrooms, LSD will also give you the feeling of ego death.
Ego death happens every time you go trough major change in life. Perception of oneself changes and one changes his mask towards super ego. For a healthy mental state it is necessary to crucify ego for it to resurrect better and stronger.
Kind of concept of christianity/hinduism.
Permanent death of ego is physical death of individual.
I read that a few years ago (with Heaven & Hell) and it was a shitty read. It's very interesting and all but the writing is subpar.
mostly DMT, this shit gave mi the complete and utter loss of myself.
It was like two steps down into the unknown and two back to the normal self. The in between phase is the one where you're semi-aware of yourself because the surroundings change so wildly
The "you" whom you identify with does not exist.
ego's a thing.
Listen to lectures on Eastern philosophy, read a book
Ego is not you (function) it is who you've been told you are (American, John Doe, family) and everything surrounding that. Ego tells you that you are you and separate from everything else, independent and a free agent, and ego fights tremendously to keep that illusion up.
Ego, ironically, can only die when we have come out the other side of the purpose it serves us (who knows?)
It isn't something you can strive for (ego is what strives), it must die "of itself so" through your own awakening. Awakening as in your realization that back and front go together, white and black go together, here and there, space and solid, all of this, everything you can see or think or feel GOES WITH this world.
Ego death is liberation from the pity party we all play in our heads. Liberation from feeling seperate from the ground you walk on. Etc.
That just means they're faggots. I know a bunch of people who use psychedelics in moderate amounts but never utter a word about it and are still productive members of society.
Look up ayahuasca.
The truer the form the more potent the results.
These drugs (weed included) are stepping stones, like religion, nothing more. Don't stay on one step for too long. They are agents that lift our preconception (misconception s) about the world so we may act accordingly after the experience they provide us.
Just rember to keep walking, don't pool in one spot (you die hard Christ fags)
>how to live without giving a fuck
just give up already
i sat with my dad for 5 days in a coma before he died
there is no doubt that he was experiencing a hallucinatory trip
the pathways we activate on acid and DMT are there in the passage to death, i'm convinced
Strassman was right
don't know how to prove however
I would never trade my acid and DMT experiences for anything
however I don't do anything any more
Basically, yes. How to live without giving a fuck.
>no war no distractions no worries
>Look up ayahuasca
Yea m8, planning a trip to Amazonia next year.
And I absolutely agree with you, the substances just alter your mind, you get a better understanding of yourself but you have to make something from it. This is the most important step and if you're not doing it - you just like to experiment with drugs, you are by no means on the way to enlightenment.
Time is not linear, only our peception of it. You are already dead, reality isn't real.
Death is the messiah, not the end, it frees you from this place.
>1 post by this ID...
My point exactly.
Are you familiar with the Tibetan Book of the Dead - Yamantaka? The early psychonauts including Leary made psychedelic guide based on it.
It's scary how similar dying is to "tripping"
>Death is the messiah, not the end
why not just ending yourself now then?
anyone else here epileptic?
>tfw getting to basically experience a DMT trip at random (worst/best time was driving at 110kph on the freeway)
sounds like reverting back into a pre-homo sapien creature
not buying it
In the term "ego death", "ego" means the inherently existent self or soul (what you refer to as "I"). The core concept in Buddhism is that nothing has inherent existence. Logically, it is easy to arrive at this conclusion, but it is false. This delusional "realisation" that the self apparently has no inherent existence is ego death, and is essentially a denial of the soul.
Read some Kierkegaard for an enlightened understanding of self/spirit/soul/"ego" and its relationship to God:
A human being is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation that relates itself to itself or is the relation's relating itself to itself in the relation; the self is not the relation but is the relation's relating itself to itself. A human being is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity, in short, a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two. Considered in this way a human being is still not a self.... In the relation between two, the relation is the third as a negative unity, and the two relate to the relation and in the relation to the relation; thus under the qualification of the psychical the relation between the psychical and the physical is a relation. If, however, the relation relates itself to itself, this relation is the positive third, and this is the self.
Who /eckhart/ here?
It's breddy gud. Paradigm shift for your thoughts going forward f@m.
If you are going to explain a complex subject you must avoid trading clarity for wording, as people get caught in words like an animal in mud.
Buddhist philosophy doesn't regard ego death as denial of soul as there is no soul to deny. If the soul is the self then the soul does not exist. If it is separate, or perhaps a combination of separate and not separate, then we cannot know something which lies beyond our scope of thought.
you lose your entire sense of self and can't tell the difference between "my buttocks" and "the couch i'm sitting on", it's all a part of the same entity (you, the totality of existence)
note: i'm talking about LSD-induced ego death, religious might be slightly different
It has to be done moment to moment, and in deep ego meditation, and most importantly, during white tantric sex with your husband/wife of the opposite sex. Read Samael Aun Weor and Belsebuub.
So the self is both one thing and the the things around it? That's a complicated way to just say everything.
>Most people start thinking about their insignificance in the universe and the sheer insanity on the world we will live in by the age of 10
Pretty sure most people don't think about that at the age of 10.
A place to visit, but not to stay.
There two types of ''ego deaths''
First is stupid pseudo-intellectual junkies trying to justify their drug addiction by trying to look spiritual when all that's happening is them being fucked up on drugs
Second is a pseudo-intellectual ''spiritual'' concept that basically means that you have disciplined yourself and don't let your emotions control you.
>drug addiction
you fail in the very beginning
If you're always chasing the high you're a drug addict.
Oh no, I am not an alcoholic. I just need to feel the buzz every 2 days. It's cool dude, I am not addicted! I just drink to get that drunk feeling haha. :DDDD
Why does it say I am from Netherlands?
What the fuck is going on here?
when niggers talk about ego death they really mean that they're depressed and better than you which is not ego death
maybe you're high
Y'all niggas need Krishnamurti
Intelligent ones do.
"The Ego" is a misconception. Freud was wrong.
It's your collective identity, not your personal identity.
When you remove it, you are left with the Id. Which makes you and Idiot. An idiot does whatever he wants.
All the meat I've eaten.. I forgive myself.