how do you deal with it? dogs are the absolute niggers of the animal kingdom. and owners who keep them outside all day long to do nothing but bark at cars, trees, leaves, the wind, are even worse.
what can i do? i'm at the end of my rope. how do i launch a legit complaint about a dog that barks 29 hours a day and will actually get me somewhere?
>dogs are the absolute niggers of the animal kingdom Fuck off Abdul
Brandon Gonzalez
Grow a pair of testicles in place of that vag you got, you disgusting sandnigger
Austin Jones
This is why I have 2 cats instead. They keep me company and chase away small animals and insects. They poop outside and hunt for food. They are extremely quiet even when talkative. And cats are dominant over dogs for some reason.
Parker Ortiz
You must be one of the absolute niggers of the human kingdom
Aiden James
Cats are a Jewish trick
Henry Mitchell
I agree man. Everyone who isn't an autist prefers cats anyways.