In the Netherlands there are prostitutes that fuck for 25 euro's, which is insane. We truely Sodom and Gomorrah.
In the Netherlands there are prostitutes that fuck for 25 euro's, which is insane. We truely Sodom and Gomorrah
I bet Somalians get a discount from that.
Where do you find these?
i think the driving lessons paid with sex is pretty based too
quite progressive
Amsterdam, Den Haag.
And leaving the EU aint gonna help you, dont blame SJWs or lefttards for this. Truth is the Dutch are a disgusting nation full of shysters and liars, that country is literally the shithole of all europe.
Not a single one is native Dutch. All the whores over here are eastern European / trafficking from Asia etc etc.
butthurt remain fag Jo cox died for nothing.
M8 if you want dirt cheap prostitutes, go to India
You'll pay around 10 Euros, and they are questionably young 8/10 Nepali girls
Problem is Amsterdm and Den Haag acts like a magnet on northern Europe because a lot of things are illegal in the neighbor countries (mostly coffee shops and whore houses).
If it was legal in the rest of Europe it is probable that french, belgians and germans would not come there and so these things would stop to be concentrated there.
There are gyppo whores around here that do a lot for only 10 - 15. Get on this level.
Shite, thats cheaper than here.
its cheeper than our 35y old hookers.
Capitalism at it finest, enjoy your STDs
what do you get for 25 euros?
very multicultural!
also, any news on the identity of the assailant? did he scream allah akbar before climaxing?
pic related???
Are they cute though, or are they dogs? Pics?
any human activity is characterized by the risk and the price. you talk about risk, but the price is equally important.
Where in Netherlands can I get the best bang for bucks? Do I get real Holland pussy or some imported low level quality?
Shit, that's like 3 pounds UK.
I was charged 50 euro per whore. They weren't even good.
Why are white women so beautiful?
I know where I want to go for vacation now.
it's 'muh genetics'.
She's cute. She played the sister of Marissa Cooper in The OC
No, she's an actress
Thatll get u a blowjob from a street whore here.
Although if you pay in crack you can get great deals
native attractive dutch women are expensive
from 150 to thousands of euros
average women and moderately attractive women in the red light district can go for 50 euros for a quickie
they rush you and give you a quick handjob blowjob and then fuck you and try to get you off in less than 20 mins
is the Netherlands a nice place to live?
LOL Jan. At least 20% of are Dutch.
Homie all you need to do to get your nuts off is ask one of the panhandlers if they want to make a 20 spot
And they mostly started as little 13 year old White runaways pimped by Muslim/Morrocan "lover boys":
>'Loverboys' child prostitution scandal back in Dutch spotlight
Aren't greek whores pretty much fucking for a sandwich at this point?
plz no bully
Yeah it's pretty good. If you want to avoid niggers then don't live in the randstad.
If you really do want to live there then just go to the upper class neighborhoods, hardly see niggers or other minorities here.
What happens to these women when they get older? Like, are there plenty of beta Dutchmen ready to settle with them?
The girls, emotionally and financially dependant on their loverboys
>Only thing relevant is "financially"
maybe a bit muh Cuckolic upbringing
Your whores are pretty good.
Netherlands should be keep as the brothel of the West europe
Nah. Emotionally as well. A lot of people are utter wrecks who need constant guidance and support in their lives. It's just more socially acceptable for women to be ''weak'' in that way, so they're more easily victimised.
The dutch are what the english should have been
>instead of beady eyed divide and conquering evil fagatrons.
will they fuck literally anyone or they often say no?
even the homeless can pay 25 euro
25 Euros is probably the drug addicted Ukrainian, Romanian and Bulgarian prostitutes. Actual Dutch ones cost between 100 Euros up to 500 Euros.
>Actual Dutch ones cost between 100 Euros up to 500 Euros.
I get it now, so that's how they say no to people they don't want to fuck
Lol, are you even trying? $100 will get you a top escort all nighter over, hotel included
>yfw dutch whores are cheaper (and 10 million times hoter) than the average mexican whore
Nigga the dutch were jew-cucked long before the english were. Cromwell ruined everything by importing Dutch Jews.
i'll keep that in mind if I'm still a virgin at 30. Either that or an hero
In russia 90% of women are prostitutes, beat that.
mate, you're in Venezuela
half a ham sandwich would get you that right now
SJW lord
Duh bro
Price is dependent on how hot you are and how much they don't want to fuck you.
I think I fucked a prostitute on accident in vegas once. We went out together for like 2 days after we met and I dropped around $1000 bucks total on our "dates" but never officially paid her for sex so idk. Fucked her a few more times after that then left town.
In South Africa there are prostitutes that fuck for 25 rand but they look more like this.
At least they are honest there
Here in America they pretend not to be and don't even get paid a lot of the time.
> i happen to think Cromwell is the only decent Englishman in history of beady eye faggettry
> pic is my neetcave
>sex out of wedlock
Go and fester over there with the rest of the degenerates.
The Antwerp police recently arrested a fuckton of Morrocan loverboys who first buy stuff for 13 year old girls from unstable backgrounds, then make them addicted to drugs and finally force them into prostitution
If you're ever in Portugal.
That's about how much sex is worth to me anyway
Where do you find a girl that is worth marrying?
A starving man can only last so long in degenerate America
In Belgium black hookers are always half the price of white ones and most nigger hookers reside in separated parts of the red light district because most white hookers don't want to work with them
It's like hooker apartheid
sexycaracas dot com
Cromwell was a dick and he let the Jews back in
>that fuck for 25 euro
are they qt ? or are you talking about that 50 yo gypsy looking hooker with a gaping pussy ?
Don't cuck me Victoria
>he was big fat and ugly
confirmed for Sup Forumstard
I'd sooner fuck roadkill than what you get for a minimum of $180 an hour around here.
Why don't you come over and find out?
Spencer is based. Based!
> refugees willkommen
you again ...
i never pay for sex, i'm just curious
>inb4 rape
Are they attractive though?
5 years ago you could find at most 5/10s disguised as 7/10s in Amsterdam. But then again they were white, slavs or asian, so probably 7/10s disguised as 9/10s for a shitskin
Highway robbery!
Which country in Europe has the best looking cheap whores?
>First country to allow gay marriage
>realizuing in the 2016 that they are Sodom and Gomorrah
How much does one night cost and where do you find them?
>Best looking
would say France.
they get their qt slut directly from Ukraine
>be in Maastricht (that's cow country for non-aquafreshes)
>aquafreshes all tell me butthurtedly that the hookers are all serbian or whatever lets them sleep at night
>if you want to fuck a white lady go to germany they said
>germans said the exact same thing - hookers here aren't german! lololol
spoiler: all the non-nigger hookers were dutch in the netherlands and german in germany
I thought there was a flat rate of 50 euros for either suck or fuck in the red light district? Always found it quite weird desu, because that would mean the 9/10 Eastern European girls in the centre would be charging the same as those fat African and Thai women on the outskirts.
Regardless of country, most european whores are from the former sowjet union desu
Prostitutes here are all third world shitskins and slavs
It's only popular because lewd tourists and the fact it's illigal in most countries
Most of the immigrants here are Polish as the woman have a higher ratio 60/40% we are cucked by them and Germans who are inviting syrians, africans and other arabs here.
Even though the numbers aren't as horrifying as in Sweden it's still not good for our future. They are taking all meassures to ensure that these people stay and live here in the future.
Which will mean
More taxes
Less living space
Less jobs
More crime
More violence
More Islam
I find it easy to avoid here though up till now but I can't argue that Merkel needs to fuck off with her open borders and the roaches with their visum free bullshit
90% Romania
5% Bulgaria
4% Africa
1% Native
>fucking a gypsie
jesus christ just hit it with a shovel
toppest of bantz
Don't cuck me Victoria
wtf I have to pay 30€
I mean I could travel to Netherlands, but the fuel costs does make it unbeneficial. What do lads?
NEXIT soon my friend.