Guy almost gets arrested for ordering a kids meal
Guy almost gets arrested for ordering a kids meal
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What kind of autist is the insisting that they order from a kid's menu, what a spastic. He's genuinely doing it just to be a spacker as he's filming it too
fucking cancer, i feel terrible for giving him a view
An American.
Is there an actual problem with this?
Like are kids meals subsidised from the prices of adult meals?
>asian police
It'll be removed, don't worry about it.
This faggot has been at it for longer than his channel lets off.
Watch it all the way through. The manager says "The only exceptions we make for kids meals are for senior citizens or people with a medical condition."
He has a video where he tasted panties iirc
Wait why? I've seen grown adults order from the kids menu for the smaller portions
stop shilling your channel, autist
Yeah they usually have a decent reason too, and not 'because I'm a poor, lazy retard on food stamps'.
>guy almost gets arrested for being a fucking retard
i assume it's priced at that restaruant to really not even be worth the labour or the time the customer takes hogging that table.
It's intended to bring more families in who otherwise would have to go through the trouble of getting a babysitter and whatnot.
Basically you cant justify hogging a table on a friday night for an hour while you eat the $2 chicken nuggets.
His girlfriend seriously needs some Stridex pads. Fucking pizza face.
I can't watch videos containing cops and verbal or physical violence by cops because they trigger me.
Write me a tl;dr with the appropriate trigger warnings.
I wonder if the cop felt like he signed up for petty retard squabbles like this
>we're a quarter of a century old
and closed.
i'm sure the remaining 11 minutes is him being an unreasonable prick who should be beaten
The cop doesn't insult the guy at all. He looks more bewildered like "Man, you see some shit on this job, but this takes the cake."
The manager should killed him when he pulled out the $100 bill. God fucking damn that autist made me mad
There's also one where he gets in a fight with a guy in a Porsche after video taping a kid without permission.
The cop just tells him that he can't leave without paying but he can sue the manager if he really feels like it's justified.
The autist finally says that he'll pay the 2.50 for the drink.
A fat Jew tries to steal a drink from the store and not pay and then the German manager calls the police and the autistic Jew pays and says he'll sue the manager for making him pay for the drink.
>Im jewish
>Im german
oy vey..
lyl at this
He's still making autistic videos appearantly.
This is how it should've been :
> 'please can you make an exception and have me order from the kid's menu?'
> 'No I'm sorry. That's not a possibility.'
> 'Okay. I'll have a cheeseburger then.'
my social skills are about as good as this guys. I'm acutely aware of it though and crippled by social anxiety. Should I just kill myself?
No you should visit a doctor.
Check out his youtube channel.
It's a bunch of videos of him pissing people off
I've done so. Little to be done sadly.
Maybe some day I'll go on anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds. But that will probably just make me act like that guy without restraint.
Hence the comment section I posted where some dude says he went to HS with the guy and he was getting his ass beat nonstop.
>paid for his 8 dollar kids meal with a 100
What an insufferable faggot, hope his food was fucked with.
You'd be correct sir
why is there only 5k views? did he delete it and reupload it?
No. You should just find like minded individuals and try socializing with them. On another note this video is where a guy catches him being a pedophile.
that and admiring to being jewish
I don't get what his fucking problem is.
Why is he deliberately such a dick to everyone?
Why does he act like a fucking child?
"Fuck with me"
LOL. He had the nuts to say that with his window rolled up and door locked..
He's a jew.
Kek. The guy is a pussy. He was probably trying to video tape those kids too. That is the only reason he would be in the neighborhood. What a creep.
i just don't fucking know man
Old fucking post who cares the guy is not even a real Jew
>Treat goyim like shit
>Thinks he's a comedian
>Only care about shekels
Well, at least give him the "honorary jew" card.
mate, Ive been there and got out of it with out using drugs etc.
Get some dale carrinage books, read magic of thinking big. Those bigs clicked with me and slowly I transformed.
Also when your at the store and checking out your items, just make eye contact when talking to the cashier. The more eye contact you make when talking the more confidence you will get.
You got it mate.
I used to grab a happy meal for my niece every week when I'd look after her while my sister stayed late at work. I forget what the toys were, but it was in like 1993 and they had something she really wanted for a long time so I kept bringing one for her. Now this is going to bug me.
Anyways, I never even considered that it could be an issue. I'd order her a happy meal and a coffee at around 530pm every Sunday. Nobody ever said a damn thing.
How doesn't this guy get his teeth kicked in?
Kids meals are generally a loss-leader to get families to come and order food.
Ok why in the world would a kids meal be forbidden to be served to adults?
Kids meals exist because kids can't eat as much as adults so the serving is smaller than of a adult meal, if a person wants a kids meal they're paying less for less food. While the guy is being a autist for being so insistent the prohibition is stupid as well.
Stop posting your stupid fucking video you worthless faggot. Report and sage every time.
>pays with $100 bill
Also he has a bunch of videos of himself making out with his ugly-as-sin gf. Why would you do that? To show off that you have a girlfriend and we don't?
>this is why post-birth abortion should be legal
Should've been arrested that guy was a fag.
Actually the scarier part is that him and his gf could potentially procreate.
He paid with a $100, he's just being a stingy prick for lols.
>i'm jewish
>ok...well I'm german
Race war soon....
>this guy has a gf but not you
Yeah but she looks disgusting.
>im jewish
>well im german
top fucking kek
this helped me to go all the way vegan
Someday he's going to piss the wrong person off.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Seriously, who raised their child to be like this? That manager is a saint for putting up with his shit as long as he did.
His girlfriend is a saint for putting up with him.
he deleted my comment saying that his behavior is the outcome when single mothers try to raise boys....
So it would be fine if he also ordered from the grown up menu?
That is the most disgusting guy I've seen today. Contributes nothing to the society, only leeches and brags like a gypsy. And when you beat him he only wants more.
Also this is fucking unbelievable, no empathy whatsoever
He also got so many thumbs downs on his video that he removed it and reuped it.
im not saying he is or isnt but he mght be the CEO of
This fucking post the third day in a row fuck off no one cares
get check
I tried but I can't watch this. It's too cringy.
>thread is still up
well done mods
I don't understand exactly what the guy in the Porsche was upset about though.
Oh god it's this guy.
Please tell me someone has this guys info
This is clearly a money issue which young people are facing
>We are a quarter of a century old
>We want to save money
This is all the fault of the terrible economy young people have been inducted into.
>Came into age when the economy became completely stagnate
>Can not get jobs or can not move on from low level jobs
>Little to no money
>No money means low life empowerment
These are victims of the times sadly.
Read the comment section on the video. Someone said his real name is Joel Glazer and he used to get the shit kicked out of him in high school nonstop.
Nobody cares about fast food since they assume it's for your kid anyway, senpai.
I don't really get why it's a big deal to order it for yourself, I guess it so a money issue.
The fat merchant in this video deserves police brutality though tbqh
At least you're self aware, that's half the battle.
You're ignoring how important table space is in a busy restaurant. Kids meals only exist to encourage families to eat there.
If you had some particular reason why you needed a smaller portion most places would accommodate you but not if you're an autist about it.
>pays with $100 note
Yeah no. If you're financially struggling you dont go out to eat.
He flatly admits in his videos that he rips the system off and he loves it. I gotta tell you, he's lucky that in all those videos he's only had the cops called on him twice and the Porsche video he drove off before they showed up.
The Porsche guy...that could have ended very badly because it's obvious the dude would have beaten the shit out of him if he didn't roll up his window.
>eating food after pissing off the restaurant staff
these people are so fucking brave holy shit.
This isn't about money. He wanted to feel like a big shot by getting away with acting like a cunt while not technically breaking any rules
this has to be the biggest myth ever. Just look at how the manager was handling it. How do you think he would react to one of his employees fucking with food? it just doesn't fit and most low level employees don't have the balls to risk a job they would only ever take because they really need it.
I'd assume just filming people in a privately owned venue would already warrant them getting kicked out.
That's not to defend what he did, but the Porsche driver did seem slightly unhinged to me and he could have been in real danger that time. The point is, if you act like an asshole for long enough, eventually you're going to piss off the wrong person.
To be fair, he got the food before he actually pissed them off. Remember, the real trouble didn't start until he realized he'd have to pay extra for a drink with a kids meal.
Good. Faggot should have his head caved in too for being a turbo autismo in public
This. OP is very obviously the retard in the video.
Name is Joel Glazer, went to Georgia State and probably lives in Atlanta. Here he is being completely insincere about being Jewish, giving off a Patrick Bateman vibe
Why can't American pronounce the word "crayon".
It's always some linguistic abortion that sounds like "KROWWWWN"
It's supposed to be "cray-on"
I would just tell him to fuck himself, and that I'll make sure to let my friends know, and that no one I know will be coming to his shitty rat ridden bar/pub, then went ahead into another one telling how they were ignorant towards customer and get my meal.
>"I'm Jewish"
>"Oh ya? I'm German"
>jew behaving like a piece of shit
Can't say that I'm surprised desu