He was right.
He was right
Other urls found in this thread:
About what?
the last french man. the race went extinct shortly after his passing
He looks so fucking...French.
Surrender to Algeria was the right thing to do right ... ? Fuck you Mohammed
Finally after six months someone is showing some brains here on Sup Forums
My grandfather met Charles de Gaulle as a young mayor, it was the best day of his life.
He was a puppet put in place by Churchill and FDR. Controlled opposition to the communist new world order.
It would be a minority in our country today if we had not left Algeria to its fate.
"The wombs of our women will give us victory" Houari Boumedienne.
He was shit
t. OAS
> He was a puppet
Rather Churchill and De Gaulle did not like. Precisely because De Gaulle would not be a "puppet".
And moreover we have seen even after the war, where he was conducting an independent foreing policy of Anglo-Saxon.
This is some of the worst english I've ever read on Sup Forums.
I always wonder what it would be like to meet a pre-WW2 proud Frenchman. So much literature, art, history and philosophy has come out of France, yet it has for 70 years now been a lost cause that no one talks about beyond "Have you seen how black and fucked up Paris is now? Dear god."
I look at pictures from WWI and the de Gaulle army and I just can't believe that this warrior culture degenerated into fashion obsessed faggotry and le cigarette smoking man memes so quickly. Wtf France? You guys aren't even good at soccer anymore. What happened?
He was relatively benign compared to what France should have been. Whether he intended or not, he delivered France to Nato, the EEC which beget the EU, and ultimately, international (american) communism. France deserved better.
French people are notoriously shitty at English. They speak the weirdest Romance language, so it isn't surprising they have a hard time with Germanic languages.
Tg pd
as long as it's understandable everybody will be fine
Vichy did nothing wrong.
You're on Sup Forums
Half the Euros here speak in broken English (probably half the Americans as well, for that matter).
Get used to it.
Are you memeing me right now
Because your first post actually makes no sense
French people put absolutely zero effort into their English just to spite us for becoming the world's lingua franca.
>Whether he intended or not, he delivered France to Nato
Which is why he stepped out of it, right?
>The EEC which beget the EU
Which is why he put severe restrictions on West Germany and opposed any form of German unification
>International communism
0/10, it goes against everything your culture stands for but educate yourself.
Leftism, nihilism, huge kikery, white guilt, "multi culturalism" and race mixing, all embodied in one man: Sartre.
And de Gaulle refused to throw him into prison, because you don't arrest "Voltaire". Oh silly goyim, you are nailing yourselves on the cross.
>when you overdose on the black pill
Can someone tell me what the fuck happened to France?
This. France got cucked by the white guilt meme and is now filled with sandniggers. Had they just dumped Algeria, they wouldn't be the most Islamified western nation.
>Warrior culture
French isn't that weird
Also English may be Germanic but when it comes to vocabulary, it has almost as many French words as Germanic ones (both are about a third of the total vocabulary)
So they should find it relatively easy.
They just hate us, that's the real issue, therefore they don't want to learn English out of spite
But look what happened in the long run... Like I said, he was a puppet, meant to sterilize French nationalism. The prediction matches the experience.
America is the original communist country; we infected the world, not the other way around. Enjoy your degenerate, American-globalist controlled communist world order, manifested in Europe as the European Union.
Yup. I'm scared to imagine how cucked France would be today if not for him.
This is what Trudeau wants to do to us
What? Hell no. People in the pic are not on fire.
They invested all their spiritual power into Napoleon and he shone so brightly and intensely that it effectively burned out their power and national capacity for self-protection for the next 250 years.
Alternate theory: because Leftism is raw and pure decay, and France unleashed it in 1789 they were the first to get infected and their exposure was so great their nation's racial decay is far more advanced than other nations.
>not on fire
>Satan trips
W-wow. Demonic.
>But look what happened in the long run
Indeed. Shall we analyze how Teddy Roosevelt is responsible for what happened to Detroit and Obama becoming president?
Americans are dumb, but Americans on Sup Forums are the fucking bottom of the barrel.
I've been here for years, that is why I made the comment after years of observing French people typing up shitty English compared to other Romance speakers.
Yes Japan. Tg pd.
Not bullying you. I just find it humorous how much trouble French people have learning English. It's like Americans trying to learn to speak French with a proper accent - ridiculous.
We still pronounce the borrowed French words with proper English accentuation. It's more French grammar and accent are a lot different than English.
>calls America dumb
>gets conquered by nazis
TR was a causal factor among a long line of progressives, so yes; he is, in a sense, responsible for Detroit.
The devil was the first Whig.
Obligatory quote :
It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are still primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion. […] Those who advocate integration have the brain of a hummingbird. […] Arabs are Arabs, the French are French. Do you think the French body politic can absorb ten million Muslims, who tomorrow will be twenty million, after tomorrow forty? If we integrated, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered French, would you prevent them to settle in France, where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-The-Two-Churches but Colombey-The-Two-Mosques.
As opposed to us Brits which put lots of effort into English and still can't speak it properly.
Myself, I'm pretty sure it's really hard to get a good accent anyway, I don't want to sound like people doing the try hard english acccent, and I don't really feel like sounding english instead of american.
I just go with a light accent, with effort on the tricky "th" or the "r".
I totally agree a lot of french people, even academics, don't put any effort into their english accent. I did not figure out if it's disrespect or just laziness though. I'm sorry about that.
Ever since then, it's been forced socialism and kikery of the highest order and it's been the slow death of a once great and proud country. In France today and especially the army there are very few republicans left and it's getting increasingly harder to show French colors.
>not speaking with the heaviest french accent possible on purpose
Communicating with anglos while at the same time annoying them to no end/making their women wet is your God-given right, no, Mandat as a frenchman !
This is Carnival of Bordeaux!! Cultural enrichment from Martinique, enjoy !!
>mfw I'm probably on this photo
Why dafuck La Martinique have its own flag here?
Why isn't your flag France ?? You're a fucking department. Like Guadeloupe.
La Guadeloupe aussi a son drapeau ici. mad?
>incite conspiracies to assassinate goy leader
>later realize he had a point
jewish history in a nutshell
That is one sexy beast of a car.
C'est le plus proche du drapeau québecois qu'on aura.
He surrendered to Algeria and started first the immigration thing in Europe, fuck him, he had some good points, but fuck him.
and is this quote even true ? It would be really odd, after what he did.
Do you just browse this board all the time until you're mentioned?
Corse? Bretagne? etc? They all have their flags here?
I don't even know if my déparetement has officially one...
I'm never mentioned
Corse maybe, I'm not sure about it.
Tbh we're bad at English cause we think we can live with french alone. (same people who thinks French is still relevant.)
>implying it's not revelant and not the prettiest language in the world
Stoppez votre postage déféquant, citoyen.