Why does Trump need donations if his net worth is $4.5 billion?

Why does Trump need donations if his net worth is $4.5 billion?

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Not sure if this is a credible source, but it says that he makes $43 mil a year so even if he doesn't have $4.5bil in hand that's still more than enough without having to cut down on anything

he is a buisness men. don't be surprised when he act like one.

Dubs trips in original post, dubs in this post
And that's just from investments. His yearly salary (according to that website at least) is $476mil

There's a difference between liquid worth and net worth.
Everything he owns personally, added up, including his cash, is worth however many billion.
He probably has most invested n real estate though. Most billionares don't have a scrooge mcduck pile of money in their homes, and have a few hundred million at most in liquid (cash) assets.

That's what I'm saying. Why does he need donations then?

I mean even a few hundred millions is more than enough for a campaign

Obama spent like 1 billion on his campaign.

Avg campaign is 1b, Trump will be under budget and ahead of schedule.

I see, thank you

Heaven forbid he actually spend more than pocket change on his """self-financed""" campaign.

Self-financed could also mean that he wouldn't let external donors (as in from other countries) to influence his campaign or presidency
But yes if he has that much he could sell some stocks or something

Because he self-funded HIS campaign to become the nominee, and now he is running as the GOP nominee.

Why the fuck should he buy them the election?

He doesnt need donations and doesnt get many because he doesnt ask for them

Because he fucked their system and now his campaign is broke because of him.
It's like, don't slaughter your cow with lead bullets and then ask why you can't eat it.

His worth is in owing a lot of building. Why would he take a big hit by selling them if he can get loads of people who believe the same things to help out his campaign?

Why doesn't Israel take in muslim rapefugees? Why is it only white nations?


1. I don't support this multiculti thing
2. Israel has 8 million citizens, 2 million of them are Arabs. We don't need any more of them here if we don't want the government to change

Because he's not as rich as he claims.

Remember at one point the man agreed to shill for steaks. Fucking steaks.

Billionaires don't shill for steaks.

You are racist and sexist.

They're not just steaks, they're Trump Steaks

You don't get rich using your money like that

There is no actual proof that his net worth is 4.5 billion dollars. There is no actual proof that he isn't completely underwater. Forbes based their speculation on his wealth from things that Trump himself said.

Forbes has been worthless since the Reagan era.

The truth is that nobody knows what Trump is or is not worth, since he will not release that information.

Anybody who makes claims to the contrary is only interested in listening and believing, and does not care about facts at all.

Also it's fucking idiotic to expect somebody to run for POTUS and not fundraise anyways. Even if Trump was worth 100 billion he'd still fundraise for the general election.

Don't you kikes know financials better than that? Net worth =/= how much money you have in your pocket

I've heard they're pretty awful desu.

Because you can't sell yourself

oh wait...


made from the flesh of his enemies

You can sell your properties. I assume a businessman would have lots of stocks, he also has the Trump towers but I'm guessing if that's the only thing he has left it would affect the general opinion on him

Again, lots of property and stocks
But s post makes sense

that's because people don't like him and they lie

What if they're just shit steaks that use his name as a marketing ploy?