Why do negroes like fat chicks so much?
Why do negroes like fat chicks so much?
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Fat=lots of food=wealth
They like fat white women because they have lower self esteem.
Don't buy into the cuck porn that's posted here. The only white girls irl that actually go with black men are either ugly or fat
I already know that
>Among white women, one of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large.
skinny girls - best girls
prove me wrong. pro tip: you can't.
Girl in ops pic is cute af
you are a literal low test faggot if you think that is fat.
please, op is greek. they don't have any money. have some perspective, jeez
put this pic next to hungry holo jew pic....
Old habits never die, right Hans?
I guess that is where faggotry originated after all.
Thank you Mr Skeltal
Because the fatter the ass and thighs the closer they resemble the backside of a man. The majority of arabs, negroes and muslims are closet homosexuals. If not all of them.
Its undeniable by this point.
They can't run as fast
>the fatter the ass and thighs the closer they resemble the backside of a man
are you actually retarded?
THICCCCK girls best girls
Skinny girls look great and its nice to show her off to your friends and shit but in bed and for everything else
fucking disgusting
This ozzy gets it.
>this roachfag who spam about this trap in everythread about woman
nice dub tho.
>fit chicks don't like fat guys
i lik em thicc
>tfw when no roach gf with perfect feet and legs
>not skinny milfs
get on my lvl pleb
i guess you're right tomek.
>help Im a fucking retard
Goddamn, and here I thought no one could be this fucking stupid.
They want people to think they have a big dick that can make it past all those layers.
Would smash/10
jebus that's a fucking teacher?
my life has gone wrong in all kinds of way
simple, for non-whites: fat=will survive famine, comes from rich family
yo momma!
Oh yeah I would like her ass and she would sick my dick
not bad, you got any with legs though?
you missed me already didn't you jean-luc?
Fatties look fun on the Internet but once you see their gut or armfat up close you'll run away asap.
Trust me, been there done that.
>fat ass
wtf? You must be part mud, european men tend not to have a lot of ass.
At one point I was 260lbs and had no ass and thats pretty normal around these parts.
women on the other hand end up with a lot more fat around their chest and hips. Having a big ass is feminine you twink.
sign of high testosterone
this has nothing to do with politics, retard
fuck off
not on this computer
really I shouldnt even have these on my HD at work
but here I am.
Are you gay or greek?That is a hell of a woman.
Did you read it? It said Fit chicks don't like black guys.
fug, I usually don't save this kind of thing unless it's 2d
this is the best i got
Remember, the negro Is a relatively well endowed (8+ inches average), muscular, fit, powerful, and extremely virile creature.
A skinny little white girl would break/be destroyed.
It has actually been scientifically proven that the negro is the only creature capable of fucking a thick woman, into fitness.
That is awesome, thx.
Have a Nina:
>nina hagen
too early for this headache
waifu material. make many strong sons
thikkk white girl
damn muh dick
greek girls have fat asses man
To be fair she looks thick but not fat.
Most black guys I see with white girls, they're WAY bigger girls.
This girl I went to middle school with ended up with a black guy. But while she was just a tiny bit chubby in grade school, she was fat af after high school when she met him.
8" inch average
top kek no man i know your shitposting but lets me real
its probably about 6.5"-7" average
t. nigger
nice tity monster, dose it have a name?
muh dick
y u do dis gypo?
Yeah, but greek classic culture is famous for their homosexuality here.
stop. sexualizing. anzu.
Insecurity, obviously.
Oh fuk off, she dont need to be 10/10....she neet to sing...and she is doing good job at this.