sorry to bother
I may sound stupid but do men in your country shake hands when greeting each other?
here, we usually shake hands only with friends, classmates, fellow workers etc.
post your experience
Sorry to bother
Here's my experience:
I shake hands with other people I meet.
No touch. Just hellos.
Yes. Here in America we do it a lot more than you'd think.
>go grocery shopping
>see guy looking at the same thing you're looking at
>make friendly comment about it
>you banter back and forth a bit
>say something like "well I gotta go, wife's waiting on me"
>"I didn't get your name?"
>"John user"
>"Burt Dinklestein"
>put out hand to shake
>"see you around"
>"you too"
Hell sometimes it can even get annoying.
>Accidentally bump into someone else's cart on the way to the cashier
>"Sorry about that"
>"It's all good"
>sudden urge to make casual conversation with a stranger is there but you're socially obligated to
>"N-nice uh, peas you got there"
>"oh uh thanks"
>other guy freaks out because now we have to have small talk for at least three minutes
>at the end shake hands
I mean sometimes it gets ridiculous though.
>get to cashier
>shake their hand
>start to make small talk
>the cashier finished ringing up my stuff three minutes ago
>I'm socially obligated to chat to at least twice the time it took to ring me up
>shake hands when I leave
>panic as I get out to the car because there's pigeon on my hood
>start to talk to it
>flies off and gives me the bird
insecure fag.
Here we shake penis
with mouth?
Professional: shake hands with men, shake hands with women who are above you in the hierarchy (or ugly/old), kiss on cheeks with other women
Social circle: shake hands with men, kiss on cheeks with women
Family: kiss on cheeks everybody
The number of kiss on cheeks (and the first cheek kissed) vary from one region to another.
In the South they kiss on cheeks between men out of work (guess it's the Med blood speaking), hipster fag do it too in the North.
Muslim women may shake your hand at best or just say hi. Since most of them are hideous, I don't really mind it.
(((Illuminati freemason))) here, secret handshakes all the way.
As an American I can confirm this.
Pretty much this tbqh
Fuck, I thought the first one didn't send
Handshake for men
Two kisses for women
Handshake for disgusting women, but they'll know.
Kissing your father is gay desu
In asia bowing is a meme we only do in front of foreigners, truth is we shake hands with each other but we don't wanna touch filthy westerners so we pretend we are "bowing culture"
we are sneaky
>minimal comunication with strangers
>do not talk
>follow the rules
>acts of kidnes are welcome like:
>keep door open for ppl behind you
>while shooping let ppl move in front of while in the que if they have one or two things to buy
>put seperator on cash tape for ppl behind you.
>do not talk or argue in public transport
>do not touch others
>stay on the rigth side of a escalator. Keep the rigth clear for ppl in a hurry
>make space for ppl in publictransport on market postions. Eldery disabeld.
Infrigment of this is handelt with death.
I wish we would be like finland. Germany is way to liberal.
>1 post by this ID
This isn't related to politics either
I enjoy making things awkward by shaking hands when it's not called for. I always use a strong grip to show how confident I am in any situation.
>walk into the dentist's office
>check in at the front desk
>bend over the desk and reach down to shake the office girl's hand before sitting down in an empty waiting room
>at the grocery store
>old lady giving out free samples of lunch meat
>don't mind if I do
>give her a big hand shake through her plastic gloves
>just another day watching shark week
>mailman is coming, dog starts barking
>shake his hand and thank him for his service
>have to sneeze in public
>do one of those held in sneezes so I don't spray that nasty shit everywhere
>I hear "bless you"
>you get a thank you and a handshake friend
Those are just some of the recent examples I can think of.
Thank god I'm British
>be in shopping qeue
>avoid all eye contact
>accidentally bump trollies
>sorry mate
>No worries mate
male walloons kiss eachother on the dick when greeting eachother. since there are no jobs there there is no etiquette regarding formal greetings
the flemish men shake hands firmly and kiss women on the cheek...unless you first meet the woman, then you shake hands
No knief figth to the death?
We also train people to shake hands
We've literally created a sport in which you are judged depending on how hard you shake hands, at what velocity you shake, the position of your shake and the overall extraction of your hand from the individual's hands. There's entire books on handshaking.
True, except for muslim women, who usually kiss on cheeks as everyone. I'm in Grenoble, that might be different around Parisabad
I must be autistic. I'll just say hi back and not talk after that.
I also have a weird time with eye contact, like I try to make eye contact but people always look uncomfortable so I will usually avoid it. Can any self-respecting Sup Forums fag tell me how to stop being a public menace?
your definitely over exaggerating im from the south we are the worst about this and its not even this bad desu
You'd fit in well over here,
Hell is sitting on a bus next to a talkative person
If someone extends a hand, it is only polite to shake it. Just make sure you have a good grip, its really noticable.
If someone extends a hand, i put my dick in it. I'm so hardcore, bro.
I shake hands when meeting/good byes
Close friends (and girls I've met) I'll hug when greeting or saying good bye
Also like grab hand and pull into half hug sometimes with bros if feeling it
If I meet a stranger I'll shake their hand if it's formal or at a party. At like Walmart or something not so much