Thank an American GI serving in Europe for keeping your asses save!
Was on a huge exercise in Poland recently. Smashed a lot of slutty polish pussy. You mad slav boys?
Thank an American GI serving in Europe for keeping your asses save!
Was on a huge exercise in Poland recently. Smashed a lot of slutty polish pussy. You mad slav boys?
Other urls found in this thread:
You alright nigga
where you at in Germany?
>where you at in Germany?
Hangin with yo mama.
come to east germany, my friend and four others already beat up some shitskins last week.
>American GI
you look like a rapefugee to me, show proofs
And still they'd like me more than your kind.
Cmon nigga tell me where you at, have you ever been to that Bowling place on Grafenwöhr?
so are you an american GI or a filthy mudslime? gib proofs
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Fuck outta here
>implying we need americans in our shithole of a nation
you're in germany
but there are still muslims around
why are you here and not removing kebab
isnt that the point of joining the us military? to remove kebab?
>Sup Forums
>people taking this bait
>implying niggers should even be alive
So who taught you how to use a computer?
Go back to Sup Forums poop flesh.
its surprises me more and more how monkeys are getting smart enough to use technology. you go harambe
Thanks for your service, keep watching over us my nigga.
>implying America ever have been successful during a Cold Response exercise
Fucking nigger. Piece of shit rapefuguee
Oh look a nigger behaving like a nigger. No surprise here. Move along people. It's just a nigger attending to his true nature. That of a worthless, outdated, obsolete animal.
Congratulations at smashing that white pussy though... seriously. They just cant help themselves. It's kind of hilarious we still use the word human when referencing them.
American GI Arrested In Poland After 100 Women Found HIV Positive
>Muh dick
Now that's something new
> Sup Forums
>not a troll
>Sup Forums
Fake. You're a fucking cuckold fetishist kill yourself.
but there's no difference
verpiss dich du affe
>muh dick
>dat pussy
Paying for it doesn't count, you obsolete cotton picker.
Post uniform and timestamp faggot.
Why are your hands covered of crap ? ??
Fake or proxyfag. Show your CAC card or ACUs and tell us where you're stationed. And I know you're lying because we didn't get to spend any private time with the locals in Poland while on TDY.
>unironically being a nigger
Only a black man would brag about paying for sex.
Das right bruv
you're serving noone but yourself for the gibsmedats after you've completed your cosplay
also not welcome here, go back to africa
Kek was so funny seeing all these negroes freezing their asses of while you and the other fenriks banter with the poles.
why negroes are such gross creatures?
No matter how hard you scrub and rinse, the black will never come off.