not really. the only army that comes to mind is russian army. besides, i have fucked up lungs and am physically weak due to all that substance abuse, so i don't think i would make a good soldier
saznao sam da je seselj kontrolisana opozicija, radi sta mu vucic kaze da ga ovaj ne bi vratio u hag. a ovo za maltretiranje ljudi sam radio kao klinac, ali mislim da to stvara vise problema nego sto ih resava.
it's not possible, since i have a chronic lung disease, so i can't really work out. the only thing i'm doing is small exercise in the morning, but my lungs start hurting after a while. i also don't know how good i would be as a parent, since i'm not very good with people in general.
satelit, tamo kod pijace
still a part of serbia, but i think not for long. they are quickly spreading national tensions in vojvodina, the way they're spreading racial tensions in the west. there is an organization called young vojvodina, which spreads their own breed of separatist nationalism and many kids have started to preach that bullshit, blaming belgrade for all their problems.
the problem is i feel like i've wasted my life and energy on something that brought me literally nothing in return, a lost war, and the enemy beat me without a single fired round.
this is what i hope
i was sns member before they came to power, when shills were still against them. most of the deep shit i've learned i've learned from them
uvek je moralo ovako biti. zato sto smo opkoljeni zapadnim kurvama
yes, they do, but in schools they teach them that it wasn't just nato vs serbia, but people vs milosevic. they blame milosevic for every bit of damage. i was trying to convince those idiots, but like all sjws, they don't give a fuck about real life
gays are just a stop on the way to lgbtq+. isn't it obvious now?