Why is the billionaire class allowed to whatever the fuck it wants to destroy up the west?

Why is the billionaire class allowed to whatever the fuck it wants to destroy up the west?

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Why does he have a wall around his estate? He should allow the free flow of people!


>billionaires are not allowed to have an opinion different than mine

because national borders don't exist

but private property borders do exist


I don't think Zuckerberg should even be allowed to exist


Nerds don't deserve wealth.

full version

All he uses his wealth for is to destroy the west and attempt to destroy every other country he possibly can

that and be a huge faggot.




>giving a shit about facebook

Same as Bill Gates, who is a socailst

>In other news, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg will never have to live near poor people, see them, or deal with the consequences of leftist ideas.


>when you see a goyim near you

of all the women in the world, why would a billionaire 30 year old marry a fugly ass chinese girl like that AND reproduce?

Oh, it all makes sense. Makes you think.

I'm a #Rothbardmissile now!

they are the west

You can take the man out of beta ville, but you can never take the beta out of the man

He is infiltrating China with Jew/Chinese hybrid race

they will destroy China like they destroyed the west

pretty crafty.

so zuckerbeg must think hillary is a "reformed" racist if he dislikes the boarder wall idea since hillary supported a boarder wall and deportation in th not so distant past


He's so small and weak, and yet when he's behind his computer he gets to act like a god.

fuck him.

do neolibs still believe this? kek

da fuq are those shoes she's wearing?

Isn't he building a wall around his Hawaiian mansion to keep poor people out?

I'm against sucked punching but it would be funny to see some nigger run up behind him and bash his head a few times

that baby is ugly as fuck with a pig nose

This. Didn't this jew steal someone else's idea?

His whole life is a lie and either his parents are fake or his mother had him illegitimately with a Rothschild. He's the fucking double of Nat Rothschild.

Yeah he stole the idea from two wasps at Harvards

They knew each other from college.

All Jews look the same, they're descended from the same 300 people.

he's just jewish, dude

Libertarians will defend this.

They try to convince us that they're "racialists," but multiculturalism and a rootless elite are direct, inevitable consequences of capitalism.

If you support capitalism, you are a crypto-Jew. End of discussion.

he is rich yet dresses like a poor person
whata saint
god bless him

>bill gates

Socialism is not massive amounts of charity money thrown around. Read a fucking book
Gates has been a major proponent of neoliberal, labor-hostile reforms and uses his wealth to push them through. Anything but socialist

women can't be racist though

>this millionaire can speak because it fits my agenda but this other millionaire can't
ahhh yes very impressive

wow...........really makes you think

They are the ugliest race. Jesus.

like I said

Zuckerberg shouldn't even be allowed to exist.

Oy vey, he's an oppressed minority, you overprivileged shitlord

Says a lot about the value of racial purity...

Could say the same thing about Trump tbf, doesn't work like that mate

me on the left

> requests a dystopian commie dictator to name his child

Also, his wife looks like the chink version of Michelle Obama


Seriously though, what the fuck do people have against physical borders?
>China as the great wall
>Mexico itself has a fucking wall on it's southern border
>Trump wants to build a wall
I can't even begin to understand

Abbos come first

kek how shameless, he's definitely going to take it really personally and go out of his way to snub Xi in the future


>Why is the billionaire class allowed to whatever the fuck it wants to destroy up the west?

What would happen if one of these billionaires ran for President?

Oh shit, Chris Benoit in the back left side.

Ancaps are cute

They assume they will be billionaires and that there will be enough of an infrastructure to be able to create their Island of Doom

Fuck off

why does she always look so miserable

Hes shieldig his ugly face away from the public

Asians tend to have resting bitch face

He actually only dresses in several sets of that exact outfit. He does it so paparazzi photos are useless, and to streamline his early morning decision making. Kinda autistic but it does make sense.

Because they believe if they keep using the words racist, xenophobic, sexist, nationalist (which isn't bad at all), etc. then the words will regain the weight they had behind them. It's what happens when half the country spends years trying to avoid debating.

Who? No one by that name has ever existed user, so don't ever say it again

t. Shmince McPahon

his fishface wife must have some serious connections