President Barack Obama is headed to London next month...

>President Barack Obama is headed to London next month, and the Queen of England is refusing to travel to London to meet with him!

>And she’s warning that Obama would be wise to not give a pro-European Union speech, as the queen wants England out of the EU.

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i bet she hates niggers too

She just doesn't want to wear a burka

racist old bitch

Shes at that special age where she no longer gives a fuck

God save the Queen

You know. I used to give you faggots a lot of shit for having a Queen. But in this situation, I'm glad she exists.

Exactly how reputable is this?

>tfw there is a chance that the Queen will call Obama for what he is, a nigger

based mum

onion tier probably

Good. The Queen is a fucking saint.

Now I understand why you stone-stackers love your queen so much

>>President Barack Obama is headed to London next month, and the Queen of England is refusing to travel to London to meet with him!
>>And she’s warning that Obama would be wise to not give a pro-European Union speech, as the queen wants England out of the EU.

It's tradition for the British Royal Family to stay neutral in political question.

>Exactly how reputable is this?

Not at all but the mouth breathers browsing this board will believe whatever enforces their believes.

God save the Queen


God she's so hot iun that picture.

Kek. At least you're being original, the teeth/tea/lime jokes get old fast.

She already openly said at a banquet before the brexit "name me three good reasons to stay in the EU"

Shes completly against the EU.

Only faggots have queens anyway

Fuck it be awesome to see the queen mother slit the throat of obama for all to see. Then blow his companions to hell with wildfire.

Please kek, please do this. Please.

Domestically. Generally speaking, there's no reason she can't get involved abroad and has done so.

>i bet she hates niggers too
She's elderly. Of course she hates niggers. She comes from a time where hating niggers was the status quo.

Tell that wog what to do Big Liz

Its more like Prince Philip that calls him a nigga and tells him to go back to Africa

Can you blame her its done fuck all for her nation

It's not the site reporting it, it links to the source.
The only reason this fag used this link is because it's an old story and the date is in the source link.

Good work, you're as dumb as the mother fuckers here who didn't see an old story. Even more so because they're right.
Go back to Turkey Mehmet

This article is months old

>A head of state meets up with an old corpse that is famous for literally fucking nothing
>She has the gall to tell him what he can't and cannot say

What's she gonna do about it, hit him with her purse? The only one Obama needs to listen to is the Prime Minister. You know, the guy that actually pretends to do something for his paycheck?

>There have been 16 realms since 1992. As of 2010, they have a combined area (excluding Antarctic claims) of 18.7 million km (7.2 million mi2) and a population of 143 million

That's an area larger than Russia and 143 million people giving a higher approval rating than any Prime Minister we've ever had.

God Save Her.

Here's a philipna that looks like english queen.

What's wrong with having a monarch as long as they're just there for decoration? Japan still has an emperor and look how uncucked they are as a nation still in this age of """progressivism"""

Add Disdain for Niggers to that image

>She warned him not to give a pro EU speech, because she wants England out of the EU
So if this is real there's a 100% chance he's going to go full nigger and say he knows what's best for their nation, isn't he?

>Donald Trump sends his regards


She could have stopped mudslimes from pouring in, any time.

Also isn't she Knights of Malta Free Mason shit?

prince philip is openly racist.

They are symbol of class society, unequality, lack of human rights, beheadings, wars, the list goes on an on.
Best to do with royals like russians did.

No, I was and are fully for the Brexit.
I completly despise the EU even tho my country is rich as balls thanks their globalist shennanigans.
I wonder what the queens endgame is, since she is, without a doubt, deeply connected with the elites and whats goin on behind the curtains.

Doubles confirm it

Look at that asshole with the gray hair. I bet he's giving him shit for that rebel flag while claiming he fights for freedom or some shit.

Better have a red pilled monarch than a cucked head of state.
Not everything that comes from (((democracy))) is good

I don't always like the queen. However ever night when I say my prayers I pray she out lives Charles. She is pretty redpilled and has the right idea when it comes to the EU and foreigners.

And God save the Prince Consort! He is hilarious.

Damn, that would be some Red Wedding shit

>red pilled
She just cares of protecting her crown. She likes horses more than humans.

I think Obama will shit stir.

This is the gayest thing I've seen on Sup Forums

Do Swedes consciously try to be as aggressively homosexual as possible, or is it just a coincidence?

How so?

>>And she’s warning that Obama would be wise to not give a pro-European Union speech, as the queen wants England out of the EU.

She never actually said she wanted out of the EU.

fucking tools

>Not everything that comes from (((democracy))) is good
Literally the only good thing that can be said about democracy versus other systems is that, "The people now have the government they deserve, damn their eyes."

>'unnamed source'

who gives a fuck what this dried up cunt thinks?

This is what Donald Trump always talks about, we have weak leaders. We need to have strong people whom the Queen respects, like a Mr. Trump in office

Fucking based
She was initially trusting of Obama and visited him once even, had good relations.
But then when she tried literally influencing an extremely important vote in her country, she was like hell no.




He's the fucking best.

Since you're French, you think we should have a Caliph instead.


I mean sure, if you're a pro-EU Canadian with autism and you want to elect to not read between the lines of her statements so that you can feel safer in your preferred set of beliefs.

In that case, sure, there's no reason to think she's anti-EU.

>I wonder what the queens endgame is

A union of Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


More likely Prince Philip.

He has no filter. He's Prince Sup Forums personified.




The Queen Mother dies a long time ago, it's just the Queen now, God bless her (only if this is true that she plans to humiliate King Nigger)

Todays royals get millions and never work a day in their lives.
We should put them to work to dig holes in the ground or break stones. These lazy neets are good for nothing!

your royals shit on your heads ours did not


You wish your king was a nigger.

He said 'Niggers should go back to Africa. Including those high-yellow Sand Niggers.'

God save her.

It's going to be Trump, The Queen, and a dinner table...talking about how arabs are cancer and come to the conclusion it's time to deport on a scale the world has never seen.

He always has been. Love his comments to British students in china all those years ago and I can't for get what he said to the native Aussies. Priceless. No filter. Gives 0 fucks.

Obama is such a scrub president

I almost feel bad for that ngga

There was this..



He can not control himself so yes. He has a firm belief he is a gift from God to humanity. His wisdom and intelligence are unparalleled in his fucked up nigger brain.

Triples confirm



Definately worth more to the tourist economy than the £30 million a year they get.

Lmao he looks terrifying but that is top bantz

Hes the Prince of not giving a shit.
Hes glorious, love that fucker.

Hmmm, I think that might be stretching it a bit, tbqh.


You can join too, but only if you build the wall and clear out all the nigs and spics.


They are citing a Daily Mail report, here's the link

Her Majesty just cucked Obama hard lol


top kek


Seeing as the vast majority of us hate the queen over ANY anglosphere country.

I doubt that would happen.

Canadian republic when?

>shitpile article from March
>visit is already long over, the Queen loves Obama, he loves the Queen

And you lap this garbage up

Would fug

Please m8, you know you'd much rather have US with you than those fucking leafs.

Based as fuck
