Thoughts on Loretta Lynch?
Thoughts on Loretta Lynch?
that fat nigger should go to prison with hillary
If they hung her now she would be decapitated
More professionally disappointing than anything. Everyone and their mother knows if you're on a case you stay miles out of the way from anyone with any connection to it
She rayciss
sad thing is the clintons will get away with this. they get away with everything.
i can't believe hillary is actually going to be our president.
She's an idiot, or totally corrupt. Either way the Clinton's have won again.
Should be lynched.
How many races is she?
Politically correct/10
Sack of potatoes/10
0/ have to go back
cankles for dayze
Her legs make her look like a Seth McFarlane cartoon.
why are politicians allowed to look like that
fat people should pay more taxes because they are a drain on society and the healthcare system
She has actually become an oval
next level ham hocks
You know who is really shit?
The white guys with suits who serve and protect these banana republic crooks from the American people.
You think you're some tough military man but you're just a whore selling out your own nation for money.
Vichy pieces of shit
Don't you know her reputation as the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney ? We have scandals playing out right and left in New York, from Brooklyn police precincts planting guns on innocent people as pattern and practice to political corruption playing out with impunity, and what was Loretta's record on all that ? She didn't touch any of it, because she was told to stand down and be a good Democratic Party soldier. Loretta does what she is told. That's what Obama wanted in an AG. He wanted the same as Holder. If you sound disappointed, that means you had some expectation that the AG was a post held by people with integrity. What Disney movie gave you that fairy tale dream ?
petain did nothing wrong
Kankles. Never heard her make news until this week.
I don't trust this administration. It's been a slow 8 years of grinding away at people's rights.
Those shoes must be made of adamantium
Since Obama can't get legislation passed through congress, he has turned to the unchecked power of the Justice Department and federal agency heads to push his agenda.
I hate this so much. I hate how my vote has no effect on these people.
The thing that gets me is that they will just be that corrupt right in front of everyone's faces knowing they can get away with it.
If I was writing a movie script about a corrupt bag running for president who had sold out the nations secrets for money together with her crooked ex president husband and there was this whole subplot about if the AG would indictin the face of the massive evidence.
NO WAY would you write a scene where the former president just openly meets with the AG on a private plane and directly discusses how to let her get away with it and what's in it for her
It would be like, come on?!? As if they would just come right out like that? There would be like secret briefcases of money and Swiss bank accounts and shady bagmen intermediaries.
Just MEETING when wife (should be) under indictment? Just that fucking crooked and not even concerned about consequences of it showing?
It's absolutely Venezuela tier shit.
Fuck you Ted Kennedy for 1965 immigration and all the GOP republicans that let illegal immigration and amnesties go. We're so fucked as a country with our bullshit peasant tier voters who just want welfare
No nation for free white men!
She has the same proportions as a fire hydrant.
looks Amanda Waller too me
Fuck, beat me to it.
Why are all female leftists disgusting mutant troll like creatures? Jarret, sotomayor, kagan, lynch, shillcuck, the list goes on and on
Moderators please, you need to prune threads like this too
And this is JUST the front page.
Otherwise you're just fishing for attention and making it look like there's moderation. If you can't fucking handle your job, step the fuck down.
She has Stone Cold Steve Austin as a body guard.
Peter Griffins maid?
My point was Loretta Lynch does EXACTLY as she is told to do. You can hate it, you can say Hollywood would not beleive it, but it doesn't matter to people like Bill or Loretta. They don't care what it takes to put the fix in on things like this. They don't care if you shame them about it. They do it, anyway. You are upset, because finally you have bust through the dissonance to see the truth that you couldn't have seen before. It was always playing out before your own eyes, yet you didn't "see" it before. Bill was always using planes to arrange "secret meetings" with women, Loretta was always putting the fix in on everything. Funny how fate has it that these things are converging. Now, you can see this.
nigger named lynch
I love the Alabama shakes
>hey, ms lynch, hey hey ms lynch
>check em
>10/10 would lynch
Who is this semen demon?
McD's drivethrough tier competence.