>Austrian court rules election must be redone
>VdB Won by 31,000 votes
>The court found more than twice that number of postal ballots had been affected by breaches of the electoral code.
I understand that you'll get another chance at election, but where is our justice? Where is the retribution for rigging a god damn election?

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come on pol, this is important

Nobody cares about your elections, Australia.

only information we want from Australia is when the 2nd great emu war starts


What the fuck is happening in Austria? I thought the right-wing party only just got beat by the greens, and now they're recounting? Someone give me the lowdown.

the poster is Australian


Lefty fag won the election. Turns out the postal votes were illegally ignored. Another election will be held. We want Hofer to win because the other cunt wanted more immigration for some reason

Thanks Austria, you always were our best colony. More euroskepticism throughout Europe can only be good for the UK, and make us seem like world leaders in leaving the crumbling EU first.


Go Austria! You can make Hofer win!



but is there any word on wether anyone will be held responsible for the votes being ignored?
It's literally election rigging. It's not a small thing.

People who rigged the election needs to be killed.

Wasn't there evidence a bunch of underages also voted?

All Austrian anons are busy reading all those butthurt comments from lefties in our newspapers.
Delicious lefty tears.

Sorry guys, we will post later here.

If they did cheat won't they just do it again but this time not repeating the mistakes of last time?

Sauba sog i! Zeit wird's!

Yeah that's what i mean
There has to be consequences for whom ever was responsible
its ridiculous that they've announced a re-election without naming a culprit(or group) to be prosecuted

No, post now. This is amazing news. The left are getting so desperate to remain in control that they're getting caught rigging elections.

I agree with Australia. Shouldn't someone hang for this?

Rigging elections is a pretty big deal.


Waren die schon immer so linksliberal versifft?

Yes there was. The known fraud is not even close to the 30000votes Hofer was behind though.

The point is that in numerous cases the voting law wasnt followed. E.g. they counted postal votes when no one of Hofer's party was there and stuff like that. There is no actual evidence for fraud on a larger scale. But there could have been fraud, while no one was there to control, so we have to elect again.

The vote wasnt rigged. They broke the law by counting before 9am. Because its a vote they fuck you up if dont follow protocoll.

>Rigging elections is a pretty big deal.
It is when the people rigging it don't get their way.

>"Over the course of the investigation, it had emerged that several counting centres had begun to process postal votes on the eve of the election, rather than on the day after the election, as Austrian electoral law requires."

>"Witness statements in court also revealed that election observers in some centres had signed minutes of the vote count without having read them."

>"While the court emphasised that there was no evidence of the outcome of the election having been actively manipulated, the confirmed irregularities had affected a total of 77,926 votes that could have gone to either Hofer or Van der Bellen – enough, in theory, to change the outcome of the election."
Fair enough, have another election. But it's hardly a rigged election

derstandard ist die linksliberalste Zeitung die man bei uns finden kann. Das Gegestück zur Kronenzeitung wenn man so will

aber erst seit letzten Herbst wurde es extrem.

Vorher hatte man durchaus eine gute Diskussionskultur — auch wenns immer Links war, man hat sich auf Diskussionen eingelassen und Argumente akzeptiert.

Mittlerweile wirds aber geflutet mit linksextremen Postings, während alle anderen stundenlang auf die Freischaltung warten oder garnicht schreiben dürfen.

Früher wurden zu kontroversen Artikel gut 500-1.000 Postings verfasst, heute sinds immer über 2.500, oft 10.000.
Und das alles auf tiefstem Facebook-Niveau mit schwachen Einzeilern etc.

Eigentlich ist nurmehr eine Grüne Facebookgruppe.

This isn't really news. This is just an Austrian thang.
People that were entrusted with observing, counting etc. said
>we did trust the local authorities that everything went alright
>it has always been like this...
>the media wanted first results by 17:00
One wrong doing is for example that people sign blank protocols even though they didn't even attend the event.
There wasn't a manipulation. And if there was one then it wasn't uncovered. It's just a misinterpretation of laws, adjusting them.

Hofer won't become president in a re-run. I guarantee that as Hofer voter.

I'm surprised that we have only a thread about this.

These news will damage the Greens chances of winning the re-election. Hofer is the next President.

Der Herausgeber ist Bilderberger. Die Userbase ist dennoch gemischt.

Sozusagen wie Süddeutsche und Bild in Deutschland.

Ein ähnliches Phänomen ist bei der Süddeutschen zu beobachten. Früher noch einige neutrale, regierungskritische Beiträge zu lesen, heuer nur linker Schmarrn.

Ich hoffe ihr im Süden machts bei den kommenden Wahlen besser. Drück euch aus Oberbayern die Daumen.

Fuck yes!
Hofer will win & be stronger than ever
The FPO will grow
Put Van der Bellen and his EU cronies in front of a firing squad

I'll fight for Österreich if you Yodelfags need help

>correcting Austria when he's right

Der Standard gehört der SZ zu 50 %

Hast du Falter, Augustin und kleine Zeitung, vergessen?

>had signed minutes of the vote count without having read them

You really don't think this was rigged?

Damn I wish Van der Butthurt would just go on suicide watch already

>for some reason
excuse me but the reason is ITS THE CURRENT YEAR

Record number of postal votes, who were tilted towards the leftist candidate and decided the election (ballot votes were tilted towards Hofer)

Record number of invalid votes, indicating manipulation

Numerous places were proven to not follow voting procedures; postal votes were opened days before election day; votes were pre-sorted by party days before counting began; members of Hofer's party not allowed to monitor the vote count process.

All the irregularities were about postal votes. Postal votes are illegal in France by the way, they got rid of them after they had numerous irregularities.

Also, take note of the fact that Austria only had 10% postal votes, and that the postal votes were counted seperately from ballot votes, which makes it easy to notice the rigging.

In Germany we have 25% postal votes, and the votes are thrown into the ballot urns on election day after lying around for weeks in the municipal administrations. If they rigged german postal votes on a large scale - whether by intecepting votes in the mail or by rigging them locally - it would never become obvious that voter fraud is going on. On top of that, members of AfD are not guaranteed a spot on the teams that count the votes or monitor the vote count. Numerous irregularities in Germany are documented each election, the chance that they actually REPEAT elections is next to zero (you have to prove that enough votes were rigged to make a difference), unless they really screw up.