Sandy Hook Redpilled thread. What are some good redpilled regarding Sandy Hook and other shootings that may have been staged/ faked in some ways? Pic related - very odd sign. Perhaps taking role call on Crisis Actors? Thoughts?
Sandy Hook Redpilled thread...
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Do you really think the US has any need to fake a mass shooting? One of you inbred gun nut fucktards cracks every fucking week.
Yeah, but it would really help Obongo's anti-gun stance.
Got you covered senpai.
Some dodgy residents won the lottery up to 7 times the same day, around 50k per prize. Speculated to be a backdoor for payments to the actors.
Are you stupid or something? the sign is from the fire station and everyone must check in because their kids are kept in the fire station
The shootings happened but there are obviously paid crisis actors so that people watch their news channel over others.
I don't usually go for conspiracy theories but this video is baffling to me. I don't see how this is anything but a staged press conference.
Trust me, you don't need to fake a mass shooting in the US
>implying they aren't all false flags.
>implying you aren't a paid nigger shill
"everyone must check in"
>mass casualty incident
>not having an incident command where everyone must...check in
Hello alphabet agency, please go, you aren't wanted here you filthy nigger
Brother your on the right track. Sandy hook wasn't the first mythical shooting. Let me repeat for the shills all your shooters are wind up toys.
All evidence that contradicts OPs delusions, please leave.
Wow, that scratch ticket thing is really something. I see those $20-$30 scratch tickets sometimes and this has inspired me to buy one.
ITS ALL ILLUMINATI!!!!!! FUCK DA J 0000Z"" " " !!!!
Interesting. That would be a clever way of going about it.
You have to admit that stuff doesn't add up.
>being able to have your own personal D.O.T. highway sign programmed with the perfect phrase while the scene is still in it's infancy.
At every fire scene I've been on, large or small, the fire chief's vehicle has been the incident command post during the first several hours of an incident and we never had the need for a DOT highway sign even at a massive fire that 22 departments responded to.
What exactly doesn't add up? A sign telling survivors to check in? Oh.
You conspiratards are making everything only worse.
Have you taken your schizophrenia meds today?
>100% fatality rate
>Most successfully executed mass shooting
>Done by autistic kid
Ya no
Not a shred of evidence has been released.
I don't think it's paranormal but crisis actors were probably involved at the least.
Sandy Hook was a false flag.
there was a thread on /x/ the other day linking to a site with Lanza's entire online history, and the whole thing was kinda sad desu. If the whole thing was a hoax, does that mean they took some innocent autist with a gun obsession and killed him for the sake of the narrative?
The kid in the picture did not exist though.
He was found on facebook to be a son of close friend of the "mother", picture dated from 10 years ago
His photo was also used as a victim of a mass shooting in Pakistan
anything else to share mr. sunrise flag?
yes,here's 3 hours worth of content on why sandy hook was a hoax
h-here I go...
I don't think it was a hoax, but the media and government obviously distorted the truth to push gun control. Also, Gene Rosen is a filthy, lying kike who made up stories about him taking care of the kids to seem like a hero when he's at best an opportunistic attention whore and at worst a government shill sent in to control the narrative.