Why do Finns have high cheekbones and small eyes?
Why don't they have typical European features?
Why do Finns have high cheekbones and small eyes?
Why don't they have typical European features?
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Doesn't matter would sex
Cause Finns are genetically unique from the otherwise interbred European masses.
European + east-asian are objectively the hottest mongrels.
because they are scythians, ie. mongolian rape babies
Because Finns are ugly non-white gook freaks
They all tend to be socialists too.
Kill them all.
She looks nice.
Fuck off, more Finn qts
>Cause Finns are genetically unique from the otherwise interbred European masses.
no. they are just as euro as other euros gentically.
stfu ontarian !
>New worlder with highest chink population in western civilization mentions gooks.
Shut the fuck up Canada.
Fins are bros.
There are no Finns in Canada.
typical finnish girl with finnish features
>high cheekbones
>not high tits
You really are a disappointment, Leaf
By "genetically unique" do you mean because your ancestors were raped by Mongols?.. yes I believe you do.
Finns are Master-race
Nordic Body with an slight Asian IQ boost.
>When the gook denial hits
>All these dime a dozen disposable genetics
Your blood is pure mud
God, I feel so ashamed of sharing the leaf flag with these faggots.
wtf is wrong with you???
canada is white, finland is gook
Can't Bin the Finn
>Your blood is pure mud
The nazis had to make you guys ''honorary aryans''.
Actual racial anthropologists classified you gooks as Asians.
>The nazis had to make you guys ''honorary aryans''.
Yeah and you guys they burnt in the ovens.
I'm not bothered by the opinions of untermensch
There's this word: "Fingolian."
Look into it. The northern Siberian tribes were never a part of the Caucasian tribes. Finland is just an interesting breeding crossroads, and some of the experiments are just as gorgeous as some of the ones that look like a yak's shaved ass.
We were honorary aryan due to the language, that's how it was judged I know it's another bait though from the shitposting mongrel king leaf.
The ''Canadians''(not an ethnic group) didn't burn in the ovens Dumb ass. How are you so stupid? I thought you were Asian
Fight the Chong Min ,bin that finn
I'm talking about your mud genetics, sorry if I assumed you could make a logical connection.
>just as euro as other euros
>just ignores the clear gap between them and other euros
I'll never understand quite how the Russians lost that war so hard
implying the aryan race had to do with linguistics
>You're not sick, you're just unique
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
hello brown eyed bagge
We're one of the genetically healthiest populations in Europe.
fetal alcohol syndrome
>Finns to have entered Europe about 12,000–14,000 years ago from Asia.
Are you implying brown eyes aren't white you mongrel?
>tfw finn
Most Europeans came from Asia.
>clearly greek
I refuse to believe a country like Finland produces retards like you.
Scythians were found in the Mediterranean around modern day Greece and Turkey.
Try again.
All right then
> Why do Finns have high cheekbones and small eyes?
I wonder why....
pic related is also finngolian.
>Implying you wouldn't
Has to be a trap
>Posts a fat ugly Finn
>Still prettier than 90% of Canadians
confirmed master race
>Why do I smell sewage and copper every single time a Romanian passes by...
I wonder why...
This is a common Nordic feature. Nordics ascend from a different lineage than Europeans on the continent, so we look different, see map.
>I'm not bothered by the opinions of untermensch
>Continues to respond
>Another triggered Finn in denial, why am i not surprised
I'm half if, dad is from kuopio.
He is literally blond hair blue eyed, I came literally looked no part Mongol
>They all tend to be socialists too.
I have noticed this as well.
Triggered nonwhite.
I'm half if, dad is from kuopio.
He is literally blond hair blue eyed, I came literally looking part Mongol
Not European, not white.
Did she get punched in the face or is the black eye part of your "superior" genetics?
Fuck, was waiting to post this but to beat me to it
Don't be so salty Chang
Your country is 60% white.
Come home, yellow man.
not that i would know. filename is her twitter.
It's just bants, friend
Our country owned slaves.
Your country were slaves.
Gee, I wonder whose superior?
Probably just because she trained like a mad fuck back when she did figure-skating. She wasn't happy with anything but the best
Someone had to pick our cotton.
>I have cheeckbones and normal-small eyes
>but Spaniard
I feel double non-european right now
Say what?
Sorry lads, I have only English ancestors for thousands of years then back to the vikings.
But I'm not having children so I wont be passing on my pure English genes.
I feel like I'm letting down a team
Your country is an European colony.
And your blood is pure mongol blood.
Has a Pope (aka Vice Regent of Christ [aka God]) declared you a race of literal Angels because of your superior beauty?
Don't think so chaps, all non-Anglos BTFO
>Not Finns in denial
Häkkinen is fookken' based
>Our country owned slaves
We called aryans slaves though.
It is now my life mission to bang a finnish woman
Dont finns have the highest IQs in Europe tho?
>Why do Finns have high cheekbones and small eyes?
Because they are Indians, DUH!. Just ask Elisabeth Warren.
Let me guess you are a proud aryan too?
Isnt there multiple races in finland? sami people, midle finns and karjalan people are very differend outside and inside in my opinion. younger generations are mostly mixed with these and drop or two of germanic blood.
What u guys think about differences between these people?
in my opinion karjalan people are little sneaky, high IQ and very sensitive people and skinny tall skeleton.. sami people good work ethics, strong bones, all of them seem to work with their hands, very moral people. dunno about midfins except that i think they have some problems with reading that i totally have, im 50% karjalan rest from midfinland, no sami genes on me i think. also got ginger genome so im irish also lol?
>drop or two of germanic blood
Nope. Only 1.5% of our pop is Germanic.
Dunno, but a pope has also kissed the feet of shitskins mudslimes, so I wouldn't put much weight on what the pope does.
Have some more m8. You aussies are fucking based ! Been drinking with you guys a couple of times and gone neck to neck with them every time. Many people can't say that they've beat a Finn in drinking !
>Fly to Finland
>Speak in Aussie accent
>Mission accomplished
Your life mission is easy mode
Nope. Not even close and I'm still superior to dirty inbred Mongols.
Pretty sure Nigeria has contributed more to the world than your country.
100% sure Sudan has.
but didnt germans and probably all the people who made a visit during and after ww2 fuck some finnish chicks? that should leave drop or two of germanic blood young people now
germans killed lots of people, but they raped very few.
they executed soldiers who committed rassenschande
Is pic related, fingolian?
lol germans didnt have to rape finns..