So guys i need some help on this topic.
Basically im in college and now need to bring up some valid Points why the brexit happened for one part of a presentation.
I thought about arguing this was also about the european estabilishment versus the people of the european countries and for this i need a nice list of shit the eu does and wants to push on single countries , so far i got:
> Suicidal migrant policy
>TTIP and Ceta being forced
>Turkey in Eu
>No Schengen Borders, punishing Countries that dont want to take in rapefugees.
What can I add to this list?
Remember this is for redpilling purposes for my former students and for that I need facts about the corrupt failure that the Eu has become.
So guys i need some help on this topic
Other urls found in this thread:
beispielhaft: verfassungswidrige vorratsdatenspeicherung, erwägung ersetzender migration, facebook-zensur, überhaupt: heiko maas,
>heiko maas
I can definately use the first point mentioned, but for the others I cant blame these on the EU if only some guy suggested things once.
Maybe talk a bit about the history of how the EU came to be and how it functions nowadays.
A lot of people I speak seem to have no knowledge at all about how the EU functions, how it's more than just a collaboration between like-minded countries and how it's now turned into a political union without responsibility.
I thought about talking how the Eu went from a Union of safety and trading to a political union with lobbiest lying politicans that dont care for the people
Nobody got some more arguments to prove this?
Is this board just memes?
Unelected Comission that wields most of the power in the EU.
Bring up the unelected leadership of the EU.
It's hilarious.
If the EU were a country, it would not reach democratic standards to be apart of the EU.
That has a lot of fuss for people.
Another one is their referendumsite.
If they don't like a vote, they simply vote again until they get the one they want.
It's literally a plutocracy.
EU commission creates laws but isn't elected, they're appointed technocrats. No citizen in the UK voted for them, nobody has any clue who they are and we can't kick them out.
European Court of Justice making rulings we don't like, such as blocking the deportation of criminals or trying to give voting rights to prisoners. The anti-EU part of the UK press is very powerful and always prints about that kind of stuff.
10 billion a year is given to the EU instead of invested here while public services and especially housing stock cannot keep up with the level of immigration. Meanwhile EU wastes hundreds of millions travelling from Brussels to Strasbourg for no good reason.
Fishing industry. EU took away a huge portion of the UK's territorial fishing waters and shared it with other nations, paid sailors to scrap their boats, and had a quota policy which resulted in throwing dead fish back into the sea.
Very good point
the "Let them eat croissants" attitude that most EU representatives have is another important factor imo
pic related
Mention how not all countries have the same economic priorities. Case and point Chinese dumping steel on the British Isles which was ruining the British steel industry.
You can also mention how the people that draft laws in the EU are not directly elected by vote.
Immigration is the obvious one but if you're in college liberal cucks will just ignore anything else you said and call you a FUCKING WHITE MALE racist.
Read Booker & North's 'The Great Deception'. Most comprehensive history of EU ever written. Then you can explain how it came about and what the people who invented hoped to achieve by it (and ultimately why they've failed).
Another point is how an elitist parliamentary "Labour" party basically ignored it's own voters for decades, allowing for the rise of UKIP.
Main reason was the immigration. Fucked salaries and life quality for brits hard.
Because the British were never fully committed to a European union, they were committed to a union of Europeans.
This argument was most important for me.
1. The European Union makes legislative frameworks for more and more political issues. National politicians, even if elected in a landslide, can only legislate within an increasingly narrow bandwidth of European standards.
2. The European Union's democratic element is woefully lacking (probably because there is no European demos), to the point where if the European Union tried to join itself as a member state it would hopelessly fail the democracy criteria.
3. So no matter what people vote for, they're bound to what the European Commission decides is best for them.
4. But the European Union is founded on flawed maxims (things that contradict objective reality, like bigger is better, centralization makes everything more efficient, multiculturalism works, immigration is good).
So in short, the European Union is that slightly creepy relative who comes into your house, asks if he can hold an expensive vase, drops it, and then asks if he can hold another expensive vase.
Democracy is a fucking farce.
Think they'll need to update that soon.