God damn, I never thought of that
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With no guns, there is no education.
If you remove guns then battle will be fought with Steel.
War is the problem, not the weapons we use.
The educated are more likely to become terrorists.
really makes ya think
Especially since the head of ISIS has a PhD in Islamic Studies.
Didn't the 9/11 hi-jackers have college education?
Can anybody tell me what boko haram means? I'm sure these groups are happy to be educated
pic related had a degree in computer engeenering
Majority of terrorists are educated commies
It's possible that one day weapons become so powerful that no one even dares to go to war....
Then weapons are the solution.
Check mate pussy.
Terrorists + Education = Educated Terrorists
What else do you want to do, send them guns?
And by "education" she means "teach people not to say bad things about Islam".
Yeah, no. It's in their culture, religion, mentality and genes.
If you kill your enemy, they win.
> with education you can kill students and professors
I know this well from RL
poor, weak, insignificant, provincial countries need no education it is literal waste of money and time. they cannot compete on anything
Brazil. lol.
> With no guns...
> There is no education!
Last time I checked Al-Baghdadi was quite well educated...
Aaand you pulled that piece of shit information out your ass.
You can't have a peaceful society without an armed citizen, sissy.
Stupid bitch, who the fuck is this even?
Doesn't she know that a lot of known terrorists actually come from wealthy and educated families. We must stop this meme of poor uneducated victims driven into terrorism.
There's no way to teach not to kill. We're taught not to all our lives. It doesn't work on some people, same as being taught not to rape, steal, or commit any other crime. The people who destroy so much of our world, who burn people alive, and kill unarmed men to get their point across can't be taught not to do it. They know it's wrong. There's a pure evil deep within their souls, and it can't be hidden under a few lectures. Dying is what it takes to stop them.
All Al Qaida leaders are engineers, doctors from the best american university ...
Someone is doing the educating!
So be educated and armed. Got it!
This has been the principle for a thousand years....make a weapon so great that war is ruled out because the outcome will be so awful. Or make a weapon so great that the enemy cannot match it, and thus war is ruled out.
These were the principles behind the machine gun and bomber airplane, for example. It wasnt until nuclear weapons and MAD that we achieved the homeostasis. Going to war is too costly because we will destroy the entire planet. Nuclear subs, missile silos, and tactical nukes on aircraft ensure that we will all die.
That is why we dont have great-power wars anymore. The wars we fight are the small brush fire wars. The west is not good at those wars because we prepare for the great-power war. And by preparing for the great-power wars, we lack in fighting asymmetric guerrilla wars. All the insurgents have to do is outlast us until politically and economically it isnt worth the trouble (American Revolution, vietnam, so forth).
Nuclear weapons ensure global peace which is why banning them would lead to a third world war.
Osama bin laden
Guns are the extension of the power of law to the individual.
If the individual is very likely to act lawfully, including in the pursuit of justice against those acting unlawfully, then the result is increasing order and stability.
If the individual has any significant chance of acting unlawfully, then guns will increase chaos.
The reason some countries only allow cops to carry is that in those countries only cops are sufficiently vetted to exercise the force of law. The reason other countries allow all citizens to carry is that in those countries all citizens are expected to uphold the law.
If your country doesn't allow you to carry and to use a weapon to uphold the law, then your country believes that a substantial number of its citizens are likely to act unlawfully, and that it isn't worth trying to get them to act lawfully. If your country does allow you to carry and use a weapon, but the homicide rate is ridiculously high, then your country KNOWS that a substantial number of its citizens are acting illegally, and doesn't care enough to stop them. These are both bad situations to be in, because despite the different gun legislation, the countries in question are similar: neither trusts its citizens to uphold the law, and so neither is particularly safe.
>It's possible that one day weapons become so powerful that no one even dares to go to war....
>Then weapons are the solution.
>Check mate pussy.
What is "The Cold War" for $1000, Alex?
We were at that point for a while already.
Why not both?
Underrated post
Majority Majority of Majority of the 9/11 hijackers were engineers
if you get shot in the head everyone suddenly listens to what you say?
Really takes some dink
ISIS draws in a lot of educated people.
The Goat Herder stereotype is from Afghanistan. Where AlQueso and Taliban use locals as part time fighters.
Mehemet getting a degree in Chemistry isn't going to keep him from being a terrorist. It is just going to make him a better terrorist.
People die when they are killed.
>Educate Muslims
>Now it's well-educated Muslims killing you
Seriously, there have been plenty of studies showing no correlation between class, education and terrorism. Terrorism crosses social strata and education.
As a former liberal I can tell you that part of their theology is that terrorism happens because the west exploits the third world. If there was not poverty and sadness in the third world (which is all caused by the echos of colonization, corporate rape of the land, and so forth), everything would be ok.
This is why they call for more monies for schools and shit. Because they think a textbook will create a job or something. When you point out that the more educated, middle class people are the terrorists it is ignored or explained as an outlier.
We (and I say we because I was part of the cult once) really believe that every terrorist act is just out of desperation because some American killed a guys goat and the Exxon took his oil so he had to be a terrorist just to support his family. He had no choice and it is the wests fault. Heck I even remember protesting (online) drone strikes in afghanitan because of the Time Square bomber. I said that every time we bomb them, we create more and more time square bombers. It is never the fault of the person doing it if they fit a specific oppression card status. Never.
That girl probably is in class learning about why the Koran says to kill infidels.
Steely rakes the drink
Malalalalalala is just a filthy terrorist apologist. If only that bullet finished her off.
The taliban rarley fought on the ground, they offered bounties to the kids in the Rural areas. If your getting shot at in Afghanistan it's more likely because the kid wants a hundred bucks than that he is fighting a jihad
>Muh educayshun
I'm tired of this meme.
A good education can only help to fulfill your potential, which is determined by your genetics.
fighting always picks up when it is the off season for what ever farming or herding the locals do.
We just need to give them more money for them school programs
Why aren't we already doin this? BAKA
This man speaks the truth. This was the exact mentality I encountered growing up in a loonie leftie New England suburb.
What would really defeat terrorism is a massive reform in Islam, but the infidels cannot make that happen.
Furthermore it won't happen without massive bloodshed, maybe we're witnessing the beginning of it already.
So muslims are so fragile that hearing a bad thing about them will make them terrorists. Doesnt seem like that is a safe system to start with.
teach muslims not to terrorize.
No shit guess what killed monarchy?
The Taliban should've finished her off tbqhfam
now, there is some truth to the idea that our drone strikes create more terrorists.
you take some guy in pakistan who never ever thought about the USA before. now have a drone missile blow up something and kill a family member.
that guy is going to now be "fuck the USA, they killed my son".
though everything else that takes him from cursing us, to causing harm to us. Is not as the liberals think
Next time you're waitimg for jamal to finish with your wife try googling ''why do engineers become terrorists'' and take your pick of sources.
>Taliban has its roots with Islamist professors in the Afghan university system in the 60s and 70s
>"With education you can kill terrorism."
Idealists are few in terrorist movements, those who genuinely believe in the cause.
The vast majority of combatants are people who have been drawn to the movement for selfish reasons, money, women, power, companionship, purpose
With facts, you can shut down an argument.
With brainwashing, you can shut down free speech.
Taliban literally mean religious student
Jewish moneylenders.
French peasants.
The real tragedy about drone strikes creating more terrorists is that their deaths and outrage are being used as political fuel for the left to put themselves on a pedestal. They don't actually care about the Afghani farmers dying in bombings unless it helps drive their narrative of "muh evil white men."
That's why the bombings in Turkey didn't anywhere near the same amount of press coverage as Paris. It wasn't a western civ vs. brown people fight.
Before Man was, War waited for him.
With education, you can create terrorism. #Killallmen
I'm not saying education is bad. But I am saying that it's NOT a universal good.
Plus, no amount of education is going to override a person's natural tendency to take stuff from people who aren't your family (i.e. people not of their race/culture), beat them up, take their stuff, and give it to your own family. That is the basic nature of any organism that reroduces sexually.
The only part you can change is where the line between "in group" and "out group" gets drawn.
Bush did like 12 drone strikes in pakistan.
Obama has done HUNDREDS in multiple countries.
alright so the terrorists come to your class room, what now?
Michael Sheuer, a former CIA Middle East expert, does believe that Western violence in the Middle East inspires their terrorism, although that includes support for Israel. The guy still endorses Trump, BTW, maybe because Hillary is a Muslim-murdering warmonger or maybe because Trump endorsed torture and Scheuer is pro-torture.
Remember how that went for us. First we had a massive overhaul of society in the plague. Then came the Rennaisance, then the reformation, then enlightenment, then modernity. We are talking, what a 500-600 year process? And we had a several BIG wars during this times as well (30 years war for istnance).
The massive reform, if it follows the model of Christianity, wont be something we will ever live to see. By that time you guys may be the last remnants of the catholic church.
I'd be willing to test out the theory that if you kill all Islamic terrorists, there won't be anymore Islamic terrorism.
Maybe people should stop shitting on christians and white supremacists then, after all, you're only promoting them.
>It's possible that one day weapons become so powerful that no one even dares to go to war....
As long as owning 100% of an irradiated ashen shadowland is more valuable to a person than owning 40% of a healthy land, then weapons will be deployed.
In other words, so long as there are jews, there will be war.
so, they're education is a work and progress and we just need to be tolerant until they get their shit together.. I cant even, what am i reading. literally.
Please tell that to all the university students. They don't seem to understand Obama = business as usual
watch this
Sticking point is that the left refuses to acknowledge other factors, like "support for Israel" or Islam being a degenerate death cult.
So if I go to school, I get to kill all the Terrorists?
>leader of ISIS has a bachelors, masters and PhD in Islamic studies
Notice how she never says the words "Radical Islam".
Correct. Military loves educated grunts. Go Army!
But Christianity wasn't castrated until the mid-1800s, when male membership declined and women assumed a place of primacy as "moral leaders." If we want to defeat Islam, we need to do the same with them - reduce male membership, increase female leadership, and watch it self-implode. And it could be done in two or three generations, if we really put some effort into it.
Sure, if you can just educate yourself in your own countries, that'd be just swell.
africa would like to have a word with you
I thought most Islamic suicide bombers have degrees in engineering.
It should have been better letting them uneducated.
Thanks for proving my point entirely.
>With guns, you can kill terrorists
>With education you can kill terrorism
>Malala Yousafa...'s handler who writes her soundbytes.
She's getting cute. I'd mouth F her.
Say these words, bitch. "Radical Islamic Terrorism".
>this fake nobel prize winner
>(which is all caused by the echos of colonization, corporate rape of the land, and so forth
You're just fucking subhuman barbarians, you faggots will still be blaming whitey 100 years from now when China is remorselessly raping your asses
Woooow, good point. Now if only Muslims would let their women go to school
lol look at this retard that can't even quote posts properly
Just with the right school of thought.
She's a terrorist sympathizer of course she wants to do anything to disarm Americans or anyone fighting against her Islamic friends
With jews and good goyim you can kill and blame terrorists.
You're ruining it for everyone.
Im not sure how you do that. Though if you asked me in 1790 how to get women involved the Lutheran or Catholic churches I wouldnt have a plan for that either. I am open to your suggestion, what do you propose to do this?
name my band
Much as you can't fight ideas with bullets
you can't fight bullets with ideas
You have a speech impediment or something kid?
Well it's not too stupid because there are Millennials and other worthless shits here that have the same pitiful, defeatist attitude that you cannot destroy Islam because it's an ideology.
They must be reminded every time of how retarded they are.