Fuck god ABC radio has gone badly downhill

So today I listened to ABC radio while at work. I don't usually. It's the national broadcaster for non-aus

>Womens shelters and protection are very important sorry no mens funding this time

>Chemotherapy and it's uses

>Song about a transgender guy coming out called "Bell" performed by a husband and trans who are fucking (they confirmed it in the interview)

>breast cancer

>NRL Gender ethnicity spokesperson who was a fucking bitch from hell

>The need to educate people in the right way to react in front of different cultures

>Election posters stolen, written on - "It's obviously a gender disparity in Australia"

>One thing no matter what "If the elections present less seats for female politicians I think that is a silent scandal.

>bone cancer survivor wants a family

>New York Jew stereotype talking about the killing of Jews in Poland. Like the strongest jew nasal voice you could pretend to make. That was him.

>rectal cancer

>The female disparity in wages is actually a surplus - start charging your family

>some cuck guy that got drunbk and beaten up by a bouncer and is now a fucking cuck.

>breast cancer survivor panel

ABC what the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:


The only good thing ABC put out is Classic FM.

>bone cancer survivor wants a family
Poor guy

oh nononono it was a 30ish woman.

With a wreaked womb seeking IDF treatment but meeting stumbling block because she won't be able to carry the child to term.

>Nine news thinks it has a chance in a Leb court despite recording their kidnapping attempt

>"I think it's sad a woman has to go to this lengths to be with her children"

>male kidnapper is the only one in jail still.

>Not having realised this several years ago

It's a pinko news outlet. As bad, if not worse, than the Guardian and Fairfax.

Classic FM is dope

was it always like this? I haven't listened to ABC for years

At least for the last few years, since I've been switched on to politics

You know they did a big survey of journalists across Australia, 20% of journalists said they vote for the Greens, at the ABC is was 40%.

Andrew Bolt wrote a lot about it, the statistics are out there for you to find.

The ABC in recent years has decided its job is to be contrarian to what the slightly right-leaning private media presents, so it's gone full-blown pinko. Even though its job is to be as neutral and unbiased as possible. These are your tax dollars being spent to fund 40% Greens voting journalists to present you the news and opinions. Think about that seriously.


there was a book review for a trans-abo man growing up in the goldfields. THIS IS NOT A JOKE.

>team Xenophon

I once rang the wilderness society about 10 years ago asking for some money back please because i had to pay rent after donating for like 3 years

>They said we can't do that

Blowtorch the Greens

Hell yeah


listen now for the overnight

>trans free, most of the ballerinas are chicks

I can't not pass this lunchtime story:

>white male from America
>gets drunk., mouths off to bouncer
>bouncer beats the shit out of him
>ends up in hospital, weak organs



cunt you got beaten, go drink some beer and get you shit together + harden the fuck up.

> most of the ballerinas are chicks
that's not a good thing

It's an 8/10 good thing.

no it is not Australia is a white county so when a majority are Asians then you get boxhill in melb

Those funding cuts from the libs are working wonders

I live between Coober and the lower end of NT

If every city of Aus burned, I would probably light some fireworks. I just can't be fucked about you cunts, but hope you should be sweet.

>breast cancer
>chemotherapy and its uses
>rectal cancer
>breast cancer survivor panel
>bone cancer survivor wants a family

>there is literally only cancer on the radio

It's been this way for decades m80, discovering internet based, independent news might be the only thing that has kept me sane over the last 15 years

it's true ABC is the cancer station for Aus

>Now looking at a new therapy for melanomas

>Post birth vaginal lesions and cervical cancer with a male spokesperson.

>Alice Cooper is doing lunch show on the only other station I can pick up

I flick between the two repeatedly.


I think I have died.

dude i use to live in melb now i live on a small farm
tell you the truth i don't hate Australians i hate Asians Australians to me is people who have family history here and who's ancestors died for this land i know a Asian family that's been here since the gold rash i don't hate them i hate the ones who move here lived with there parents there whole life get there culture then say they are Australian

TLDR Melbourne made me hate Asians

Sydney for me for a few years and same

I now manage a large farm paid by China

Chinks stay away but we'll grow shit for you, and still the abos won't work.

I need fucking staff that speak English but can't say that to other people. asains cambos here don't know how to fucking do shit and lie.

abos still wont fucking work but will steal.

sorry for venting.


So sick of the one guy on Sup Forums who claims ABC are not biased because other channels are more overtly bias.

Subtle bias within the rules of feigning impartiality is just as effective propaganda.

I can't imagine one male ABC presenter outside the sports guys who hasn't had their chest shat on.

people are getting very mad about china and there owning of the farms
may get very ugly soon i think give it 10 or 20 years

So they will just lie next time. I think they should be forced to reveal exactly who they voted for or be removed from voting since they have so much influence.

holy shit is that real life asexual??

There's no hormones at all in that cunt.

this nigga gets it

>ABC Radio
>Not shit


ABC has been cancer for over a decade now. The only good thing left is the Classic and Jazz stations they broadcast.

>they just need more money then it'll improve

>Abc bleeds money
>sustained only through the tax payer
>we get absolute shit from it

If something cannot survive on its own it needs to be put down. If the thing keeps bleeding money the people clearly do not want it and it should be dropped.

>muh abc
It's not some beacon of great objective journalism. It's a shitty mouthpiece for lefties and I'd hold this opinion even if it became a mouthpiece for righties. If you want a mouthpiece go buy your fucking own and stop forcing the tax payer to keep your shitty shit afloat.

If your shit is so good you'll find plenty of space for it in a private market. If not, your shit isn't as good as you think it is.

>and now, a book review based on a true story of one persons transition from a male to a female while being a classical dancer in Castros Cuba

>I think you could really see a co-relation between the influx of democracy and public education towards accepting this wonderful person as a female lap dancer.

>>rectal cancer
Sounds like the whole thing summed up in two words.

You don't understand user, these cuts are why it's gone to shit. Cuts are always the reason and therefore the solution is always just more funding.

Look how well more funding has improved American schooling or the British NHS

>Son, it's not looking good for Grandad

>let me show you: Gramps has two bunnies in his bowel

>and then this third one came up

>I'm so sorry son, but Gramps has bowel cancer. three bunnies confirms it

>passes an "I'm ABC and About Bowel Cancer" sticker from 3 years ago.

Wave the flag for Australia.

If the abc is good for one thing it's the Facebook page it has. Always get my news from there and then whip my cock out as I begin masturbating to the comments of outrage and triggered shit

the amount I've cum to her election posters is amazing. Always on a traffic jam.

She just looks like a sparkling clean vag.

>I vote Xeno

>I cum to Kate

>tfw being lead on a leash by Kate to a fundraiser

>spent most of my time shitposting while getting fucked by party members

>At the end of the night, Kate sucks the cum from my lips and walks off with a senior ALP minister

>honesty is a currency

>honesty is a currency.

Who cares anyway, right wing policies in our country are mostly shit and anyone with a brain would not vote for a party which supported them.

Some of them don't think homosexual people shouldn't be allowed to marry each other.

Some of them eat raw onions with the skin on. They are oddballs.


reaction - left?

Liberals did the exact same thing. They don't have the moral high-ground. The Greens are the biggest party who have been consistently the most stable in the past few cycles.

K Rudd, Kate Ellis
58:04 min

Team Xenophobe here - fuck everything that doesn't agree with me.

>Some of them don't think homosexual people shouldn't be allowed to marry each other
They shouldn't. Marriage is a cultural and religious ceremony between a man and woman. Homosexual marriage is an afront to Western civilisation.

Enjoy your safe schools.

and the Greens are the ABC cunts so no fucking way.

I'm a farmer and good but fuck those cunts

>Should I stand here to stop the ball user?

The ABC is one of the most regional friendly outlets there is. Where the fuck is Land Line on the commercial stations who command a loyal Liberal / Nationals audience? They only show up when there is a flood or some other natural disaster where they can use sympathy to sell more advertising.

If you're a farmer voting Liberal / Nationals then get your head out of your arse and look around. I assume you're younger if you're on here and there is heaps of innovation in farming. If you embrace the change and with hard work you can totally have the traditional farmers lifestyle that previous generations of farmers had. They were breaking their backs and toiling constantly and now we have automated tractors and shit. If Coles/Woolies are buying apples, or milk, or whatever they are currently gouging at cents on the dollar then do some work and find something that will generate you more income but is harder and more technical to produce.

I agree that marriage is a religious ceremony. It should be removed from law completely. Some religions accept homosexual marriage. Whoever subscribes to whichever shouldn't have to effect any other religious groups. It has no place in modern societies' legal frameworks.

I am 45 years old. I divorced my wife and made a business.

Fuck off with that shit.

>automated tractors and shit.

Boy, have you ever used a GPS tractor?

My drip lines are gps marked you fucking talking down cunt.

Why'd you divorce?

Australian shitposting at its finest

>"SUDDENLY" (tm) realise that the ABC are filthy leftists when you start browsing Sup Forums and caring about politics
The ABC is the same as it's always been, and this is coming from someone who listens to it for hours at a time every day at work for the last 15 years.

Your frame of reference has just shifted right.

She only wanted kids if I brought a property in Sydney, she thought she was a princess.

Blah blah I brought a farm in the middle of Aus and said get fucked I'm a primary producer can't be around cunts all day.

This was about 4 years though, made my shit up since then

So much happier :) Wine and horses.

>So sick of the one guy on Sup Forums who claims ABC are not biased because other channels are more overtly bias.
Maybe your views are simply not a part of mainstream Australia.

I don't understand why people who form a minute percentage of the population expect mass media to cater to them.

This is true. Everyone knows that it is slightly left leaning but not in any way to trigger the dissolution of the organisation.

ABC classic FM is all i listen too.
No bulshit politics. Just a few headlines in the news every hour and a shitload of Chopin

I live in Sydney, it's nice here but if it just isn't you then you shouldn't do it. You would probably just become really depressed. If you like land, and the type of land sizes that only come with being in regional areas then yeah you made a good choice.

Have a good election