Renown neuroscientist, psychologist and Harvard professor, Howard Gardener, has made statements about Donald Trump.

Says he is too sick to lead the world. He says Donald Trump has a personality disorder called "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", which is why he lacks empathy and is extremely persuasive and charming.

"Donald Trump's personality disorder makes him a VERY dangerous world leader."

FROM MAYOCLINIC: Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.


Other urls found in this thread:

His mental disorder is called WINNING

If he is so fragile why hasn't he necked yet?

>diagnosis without ever meeting the patient

You heard the man, hand over the delegates Drumpfkins.

Hilldawg has antisocial PD. Checkmate.

Isn't diagnosing someone without meeting them a serious breech in psychological practice?

Oh, and isn't Hillary pretty clearly the one with some sort of personality disorder?

> college/uni professors soeeing left wing propaganda

Whats new?

>Please psychology seriously

Azarian Name Meaning Armenian: patronymic, apparently from Turkish Azar ‘March’, but more probably from a first name Azaria, from Hebrew ’Azariah ‘God’s help’.

Into the oven it goes

Liberalism is a mental disorder, that needs to be chemo'd out of the country before it turns into Communism.

That is some sweet, tasty desperation right there.

>unarchived huffingpaint shitpost

Having some early Canada beers and shitposting eh? me too

>man running for president
>not important

reality is hard

>making a psychiatric diagnosis of a person you never met
>implying personality disorders are real illnesses and not just psychiatrsts labeling weird people

>Howard Earl Gardner was born July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Ralph Gardner and Hilde (née Weilheimer) Gardner, German-Jewish immigrants who fled Germany prior to World War II.[4]

> German-Jewish

I'd say this description better fits Hillary.

"The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.

The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.

Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.

Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.

“Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,’” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning.

Asked why he thought Trump made his private jet available, Ten replied, “Because he is a good man. He has three children of his own and he knows what being a parent is all about.”

>head of psychology deems transsexualism a mental illness, he's a bigot
>random professor says trumps mad, better believe him

Anyone else just order a Hillary hoodie after this?



>Be Harvard academic
>Never learn

Trump is a lot more functional than most members of the ruling class. See Robin's exchange with Hillary's woman.

>not having one already
Are you really with her, brah?

Guys, I need help, I got stumped defending trump today.

I told them all the good things but this girl kept bringing up all the families that would be deported

I told her they were illegal, and it was mexico they'd return to, their home and birthplace, not hell. (Kinda hell lol)

But she wouldn't accept my response that they're illegal, and they can re apply to become citizens through the right process.

Help, what should I have done?

Oh look, it's the fucking commies weaponizing psychiatry again.

>imblying most politicians aren't narcissists or sociopaths

>Narcissistic Personality Disorder
It's a fucking meme!

Sure he does you globalist swine. That seems pretty fucking narcissistic to diagnose someone before meeting them and acting as if you know everything about them. He has personal doctors who say he's fine so picture very much related

It's obvious to anyone with a decent level of education in psychology that he's a narcissist. Really it's just obvious in general, but you know how much Sup Forums sucks trumps dick so they're going to be ignorant about this and pretend like it's not a thing.

He talks himself up without modesty all the time and cuts down others (superficially) constantly. Also he's a global warming deniers which makes him a fucking idiot, scientifically speaking. Call me a shill idgaf. Racist fucks

Yes, and yes.
But remember point 1 when thinking about point 2... No matter how obvious it might be.

He definitely does have NPD but then again so did many presidents, including Bill Clinton

Nothing, she sounds like an idiot.

>and is extremely persuasive and charming.

trump is a faggot but this alone disproves mr gardener's hypothesis

>FROM MAYOCLINIC: Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Implying this does not apply to Hillary...

>guys I got BTFO by someone with a heart
>I'm a callous piece of shit
>What do?

>narcissistic personality ''''''''''''''''disorder'''''''''''''''''

>Help, what should I have done?
Punched the twat right in the cunt. Then pound back some VB's

Narcissistic Personality Disorder
you don't need a degree to notice that.
republicans pick some real winners for leader don't they
nixon/ paranoia
bush jr/idiot

Ok first off why do foreigners even care about us elections so much that they argue over them and two tell her that illegal immigrants drive down the wages of regular Americans and increase unemployment and play straight into the big corporations and 1% hands by depressing wages and doing work with no benefits or security. Illegal immigration also promotes rape as 80% of women are raped while crossing the border illegally and many more people are killed on their way over so accepting it and promoting it puts more people in danger


The fire rises.

Oh, wow! The opposition said that Trump is an unfit leader, just before the election. Gee golly, this must be true.

>implying that empathy is a positive thing when ruling millions of people
>implying that ANY great leaders had empathy or that they acted on it

told them that criminals get no mercy
>what should i have done
grown a spine

He's not a psychiatrist, so he's not in position to diagnose any personality disorders.
Psychology and neuroscience are borderline pseudoscience.

Snake oil salesman.


Hillary has old cunt disorder

Literally like 95% of successful CEO's have NPD. Ever meet the popular kid in school who has everything and is insanely full of himself and he thinks he's the shit? Yeah, those people become CEO's. People like this doctor on the other hand end up teaching SJW's at college and making the same income for 20 years because they aren't willing to ask for a raise.

TL;DR: NPD is a GOOD trait for a leader because he'll think in his best interest which eill be our best interest. The worst thing in the world for a narcissist is being mocked. He will be physically incapable of making bad decisions.

>trump is good leadership material
>that means he must be mentally ill

these people will say literally anything they can to damage trump


he was on to the tribe

You're not a psychiatrist so you're not in a position to have an opinion you fucking cuck

>(((Howard Gardener)))

No shit


Almost every world leader are narcissists including Obama

shouldn't you be in a kitchen?

Have you, by chance, never had a job interview? Talking yourself up without modesty is kind of the goal. Trump is in the process of the biggest job interview ever. There are plenty of things to complain about him, but this isn't one.

Yeah, then when hes criticized so slightly as president... what do you think is gonna happen?

His fragile self esteem and lack of empathy is a recipe for disaster. He will respond to any criticism with BOMBS.

Trump clearly displays all symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder like splitting (black-and-white thinking), everyone is either a "loser" or a "winner" there's no inbetween

People go from great, excellent, tremendous genius to dummie dum-dum loser in a split second

More like made being a non self-hating white man into a 'medical condition'.

>Have you, by chance, never had a job interview?
We're arguing about politics on Sup Forums, so I'm guessing not.

>Huffington Post

>I said cuck I'm one of you guys

>He will respond to any criticism with BOMBS.
Every president in history has had their war, name more than one who hasn't

But Hillary is perfectly fine, oy vey!!! Just vote Democrat you racists!!!!!

Other people who had NPD:

- Ted Bundy
- Saddam Hussein
- Anders Breivik
- Benito Mussolini

Keep trying to convince yourselves this is a good thing, Drumpfkins



>Agenda Driven Behavior (AND CERTAINLY NOT POLITICALLY MOTIVATED....WE PROMISE) Specialist at SJW University has made a diagnosis without actually putting his non-patient through any clinical testing.

>World renown, extra handsome, super intelligent, remarkably clever doctor-professor of SJWU Howard Gardener has made the shocking diagnosis that no one saw coming. Dr. Gardener explains...

>"I was quite shocked when I conclusively diagnosed Trump as being Hitler without putting him through clinical testing in person."

>"The results of my analysis were simply irrefutable. Hitler was known to wear a tie, and, as you may know, we always see Trump in a tie. This was what caught my attention first. As the analysis went on, I became ever more flabbergasted. Trump has hair, and Hitler had hair. Trump uses words to push his political agenda, and so did Hitler!"

>"However, what sealed the deal on my diagnosis (WHICH IS CERTAINLY NOT POLITICALLY MOTIVATED, AS I ALWAYS PUBLISH MY FINDINGS IN MAJOR NEW SOURCES) was the fact that Trump is liked by people who have different political opinions than me.... Which can only mean that he is Hitler."

>"Having concluded that Trump has Hitler personality disorder, I think he will be VERY DANGEROUS! Think about it! He will enter the Oval Office on his first day and sit down at his desk...... WHICH IS WHAT HITLER WOULD DO IF HE WAS AT A DESK!"

>"All I can say to potential voters is that you need to vote for Hillary, because she is just like Jesus. Don't make a mistake and vote for Hitler, because he will be a VERY DANGEROUS person!"

Who would've ever guessed!

All valid points.

Better elect a treasonous career criminal instead, just to be safe.

How can you guys vote for Trump? Aren't you scared he will launch nukes? I can envision him going nuts and just launching nukes at everyone.

Hillary = Another shitty pres.
Trump = WWIII or nuclear holocaust?

He seems dangerous.

Hillary doesnt have Antisocial Personality Disorder.

This is just Republican propaganda/memery.

>Talking yourself up without modesty is kind of the goal.

i'm skeptical as to whether youve ever had an interview or held a job. i interview folks regularly and would throw their resume in the trash if they tried to boast the way trump does without being able to back it up.

how underage can you get?

I'm an expert and this story is shite.

>Harvard professor
>thinks you can diagnose a mental disorder without even having a conversation with the man

Where is Obama's diagnosis? He's obviously a narcissist/Messiah complex type.
I #shill4hill now

Hillary literally has a brain aneurysm

This is Soviet-tier propaganda.

>before it turns into Communism.
It's much to late for that. We need to start gassing up the choppers.

>Vote for someone who's either criminally incompetent or a criminal


>Vote for someone who said mean things and thinks highly of himself.

Gee, tough choice.

>Narcissists don't make good leaders
Kek, tell that to Alexander The Great

The problem isn't that he has it or not, it's the implication that he can't be President because of it.

A leftist saying someone who doesn't hold their beliefs is mentally ill?1?1!1? I've never seen this before. This is new.

Because someone without empathy raises $6 million for veterans. Because someone without emapthy tells kids to not drink, smoke, or do drugs. Because someone without empathy would save an elderly womans farm. Because someone would empathy would step in to stop a mugging.

Hillary on the other hand is a psychopath of catastrophic proportions. A pathological lying money laundering war criminal.

Could it be that this professor like all parasites, is scared of what his true value is in a free market? He is living off of government hand outs to students that greatly inflate his income. He feels Trump is a threat to this. Come on, Socialpaths like Hillary Clinton are naturally drawn to Politics, it gives them a wonderful lifestyle of riches and vast power with out creating anything. They are drawn to the monopoly of legal force and theft the government has a monopoly on. This power always attracts the worst of the worst. Trump is a refreshing change of pace.

Excerpt from the article, holy shit DRUMPF BTFO

>Trump’s shortage of empathy can be seen clearly by his stances on topics like immigration. Instead of recognizing that the data shows that most Mexican immigrants are not violent, but instead people simply looking for a place where actual opportunity exists, with a broad brush he claims that they are “criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.” In a similar vein, Trump has vowed to ban all Muslims from entering the country should he be elected. It appears that his lack of empathy has distorted his mind’s ability to grasp the fact that the refugees he speaks of are actually seeking safety from the same murderous maniacs that he wants to keep out. Perhaps if Trump had relatives in countries like Syria and Iraq, he might understand the constant fear that most live under, and in turn become more willing to welcome them with open arms rather than leaving them to be slaughtered.

You should have told her that America is a land of law and order, and they broke the law and thus must be punished, because if they aren't, people start to realize there are no consequences at all for sneaking into the US, they'll flood into the country, which is whats happening now.

>Calling someone callous because they care more about their countrymen more than Mexicans
If you weren't such a phony you'd care about all the Americans that have been murdered by illegals. Why do leftists like yourself have such suicidal tendencies, don't you care about the survival of your own country and people?

Do you know what manipulation means?

You think when Trump raises money for the vets, he cares about them?

No, he just wants to enhance his image so he can become the most powerful man in the world.

Beyond shocked. I'm now on the #WithKillary

bait/shill or not what scares me is the comic book tier conclusions you people are pulling out your ass

not wanting proxy wars and trying to make a better relationship with russia are the kind of actions that make you think he would be trigger happy?

>fled Germany prior to World War II

Pure coincidence

>Bobby Azarian
>Neuroscientist (PhD) and creator of the blog Science Is Sexy (
It's over, Trump has lost, eternally stumped, can't recover...
This guy has his own blog, it's 100% legit, and not autistic ramblings from a complete retard oh wait...

Funny how people who have never met Trump and hate him will say how he's a narcissist and arrogant and lacks empathy - yet 99% of people who have worked for him and met him have all said he's a top bloke and genuinely great person

>b-but he's had interviews where he's said narcissistic and arrogant things!
No. He's definitely not modest, but he's not narcissistic or arrogant. He knows he's smart and he knows he's a good businessman. He doesn't believe in false modesty. That's not exactly a bad thing.

he has NPD

what happens when the Mexican president makes some statements about Trump while Trump is president?

His self esteem is fragile because of his disorder

Trump not only will be able to react with words, but he could react with nukes

>Howard Gardener
Early life

Howard Earl Gardner was born July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Ralph Gardner and Hilde (née Weilheimer) Gardner, German-Jewish immigrants who fled Germany prior to World War II.[4]

thats the person who wrote the article, not the professor.

the professor is Howard Gardener

>No, he just wants to enhance his image so he can become the most powerful man in the world.


>But... he just wants POWER!


>He thinks ONLY about HIMSELF!


I keep waiting for people to prove to me that he is somehow different then every other self-interested and narcissistic shithead (except for Calvin Coolidge) who strutted into that office for the sake of power.

If you actually listen to Trumps Foreign Policy instead of Left Wing MSM news.You would know that Trump is the peace canidate, and Hillary is the hawk.

blatant shilling like this is why no one has any confidence in the media or academia anymore.

fuck you I have $750 AUD ON IT YA CUNTY COON

Why are they repeatedly talking about "world leader"?
Aren't they even hiding anymore?

t. your infantile imagination