That feel when 1PLN = 4 dollars
Why are you doing this to us?
That feel when 1PLN = 4 dollars
Why are you doing this to us?
1PLN= 0,06 RUB
Get on my level plebs
1 USD = 540 CRC
>feet and smoke
who id dis chick?
>depreciation is bad for economy
why you care about USDPLN?
what matters is EURPLN for exports and it's inside a good range.
>Poland talking shit about GBP for early a solid week
>£10 GBP can buy his country
You mad bro?
source man
You still here?
This board is for white people. Pakis, Jamals and chavs please leave.
this is the file name
I'm neither of the three m8.
Stay mad :^)
1 USD = 1 PLN
Ty idioto
visiting family there this summer
Very happy about the exchange rates :)
>believing you can identify depreciation of one fiat currency by pricing it in another fiat currency
shiggy plunger diggy you dumb fucking faggot
What should it be?
with poland, germany alone does 10x the trade that the US does
wtf still dont know name of sea man daemon
>all those ugly calluses
Shit taste in footpucci
Can I come to Poland and worship her feet? I can pay in superior American money.
>paying to lick a girl's foot
> can buy
everything is sold, m8
on the other hand, what the hell useful can you buy here?
Holy shit, you're actually a real place?
Nah, if you try to lick your gal's feet or a girl you know, she'll lose all respect for you. The best way to do it is pay a stranger.
I kiss my girl's feet while I fuck her.
>get her on her back
>gather both her legs up in one arm
>hold her down by the neck/shoulder with the other
>kiss her feet while you dominate her with penis
Hot af
Moar plz
But would she let you if you weren't having sex? I don't think so. She's leave you for Muhammad. Submissive girls are the worst.
post video pls
i need that video of her in tights
I wouldn't debase myself by subjugating myself to her.
I like feet, not being a submissive pussy.
One and only one
if we aren't white then no one is :^)
>tfw Family is from Central Galicia with a polish surname
am i good?
1.00 USD = 3.96305 PLN
Right, so anonymous stranger it is then.
>polish surname
jew or ukrainian
poles lived only in Lviv
Pffft, 1 usd is 6000 sum - going by black market.
>tfw considering paying an escort to sit on my face and let me lick her feet, acting dominant, but I'll probably lose all self-respect
Stop believing Ukrainian propaganda. Galicia is Polish
but we originate from Lwów, Mateusz
Lwòw was in Galicia
Are escorts cheaper if you don't want sex, or is is a fixed hourly rate?
stop making Americans look bad your probably a kike
> im not a pole im a burger
What can you buy with 500 CRC? What about 10,000?
WAS Polish
is Breslau German?
I've considered using escorts to live out all of my fucked up fantasies but what if I become famous one day and it's used against me? You can't trust whores.
I'm too much of a shit-bag to even do kinky stuff with my girlfriend incase she breaks up with me and tells everyone I'm a weird cunt.
I browsed a lot of ads recently and most are a fixed rate. some specialize in femdom and don't agree to sex at all or you have to pay extra for it. I haven't see any where no sex is cheaper
I smelled one sandal of a girl whe we were passing tests, and they were outside.
She had amazing feets, tits and ass.
Am i degenerate ?
no, but my nationality is American. Our family left for America about 1910 and lived in a polish community in Ohio until we went back to Europe in 1990 with the US Army.
Now we live in Bavaria
How much?
>tfw zarabiam ~$30 na godzinę
prostitution is legal but isn't regulated so it's cheap as fuck. usually 150-300 (40-75$) zł for an hour
Kek nothing wrong with that. A friendly tip - while you "passer un examen" in French, you "take a test" in English.
try to explain fellow Germans how Polish feel when they say "gib land" while they already dominate us economically and politically
>tfw zarabiam $500 miesiecznie
>is Breslau German?
no, no matter how you look at it
That's a bit much if all she's doing is stepping on you. Couldn't you just pay a girl of the street 20 bucks or so? I've seen a lot of videos where Euro ladies just take off their shoes if requested.
Memy memami nie można porównać amerykę i polskę. Koszty życia tu są wyższe.
Trochę uzbierałem i wracam do Polski. :^)
jakos sie specjalnie nie nastawiaj tu na kokosy
Polak wie jak przezyc w biedzie, nawet w ekstremalnych warunkach
pol biedy jakbym jeszcze nie musial utrzymywac rodziny...
ale my mamy przejebane, takim Amerykanom nikt nigdy do kraju nie wlazl i burdelu nie zrobil
Przyjadę sam to na siebie zarabiam, chyba że się kiedyś tam ożenie.
Jakie miasto polecasz?
Amerykanie nic nie wiedzą o świecie.
ok Ozkan I believe you
You come from Lwów, you are not ukrainian
zalezy co lubisz, wschod biedny i tradycyjny, zachod bogaty i postepowy
prawda jest taka, ze zostajesz tam gdzie znajdziesz zone :P
>tfw named Mateusz
>tfw from southeast Poland
my first name is Andrzej, Plumperboy
not Andrij?
my little hohol
>zostajesz tam gdzie znajdziesz zone
Ogólnie to Polskie dziewczyny się zmieniły? Tu ciężko znaleźć normalną co chodzi do kościoła. :/
chances are good that you are more hohol than i am, we both know how many rapes occured during WW2 :^)
>what started as a promising feet thread became a Polish heritage thread
Oh well.
"poles" from galica are usually crypto jews because they wanted to go west
and dont care about me, habsburg silesia here
Feet are pretty weird 2bh, I understand an ass or tit fetish, though.
>That's a bit much if all she's doing is stepping on you
It isn't all I want her to do and I'm not that into trampling Tbh. I just want to pay for an hour of soft femdom stuff and I mostly like feet worship and facesitting.
Our surnames are Wyczekowski and Kruczek, so tell me if that is Hohol
universal, you will certainly find a ukrainian with that surname
hohol or russian tier
strange, nobody in Pooland has such name desu
I'm going to Ukraine for a trip in a couple hourse and the current exchange rate is circa 1 CZK = 0.98 UAH
It was Around 1 CZK = 2.50 UAH when I last visited 2 years ago. Feels goode.
Wyczekowski is the name of a Prussian Aristocrat Family
Feels good to be Aristocratic
we wuz prussian
live like a king, czech bro.
alcohol is less expensive there, than water in western Europe.
nie uwazam juz Polski za katolicki kraj
you are never satisfied Łukasz, aren't you?
why do poles dislike hohol nowadays? I know you have a rough past with them, but doesn't the hate against russia unite you?
Titties and ass isn't a fetish that's just normal.
Hohols were worse than Russians. By far. They are like animals.
I like ukrainians, I wish them best
What? That means that exchange rate is worse now for you, isn't it?
Before you could get 2,5 UAH for 1 CZK, and now only 0,98 UAH?
btw, i'm stealing all your pepes
It's the other way around, I'm a dumbass
0,98 CZK = 1 UAH now, 2,50 CZK = 1 UAH before
Somehow is smoke a selling point for you?
don't you dare
Poor Polish whores can't afford shoes
>ugly smoking whore
Absolutely disgusting.
t. hohol lady who is cleaning my apartment
No genuinely Polish person likes Ukrainians. They're scum.
yep all poles hate them that's why live here above 1 mln ukrainians
a ty pewnie jakis zjeb ze zmiany albo z ka ra czan
I smoke and I like girls that smoke, what the fuck is the problem here Manleto Barbosa?
Yeah, they live here and do shitty jobs no one else wants to do. No one would clean my apartment for the small amount of money I'm paying that hohol girl.
Kurwa, naucz się dobrze polskiego, jak chcesz w tym kraju mieszkać. Pierdolona czerń ukraińska, kurwa.
I would like to come to Poland and spend American dollars. What should I get?
Odreagowujesz upokorzenia doznane ze strony Szwabów i tych drugich małp?
>I am a disgusting person and like bitches as nasty as I am
Makes sense. Your taste is still shit though.