Nationalism is a cancer that causes nothing but war, division, and suffering.
Case in point: the middle east
I can't wait to see you people prove yourselves wrong, I'm looking for a laugh today.
Nationalism is a cancer that causes nothing but war, division, and suffering
Other urls found in this thread:
> But you should apologize for slavery.
>citing SJW shit to make it look like hipocrisy
I've got pictures too faggot
That's because they're the types of people who actually prop up the dumb shit you just posted
> Nationalism, teaches you to take pride in collective achievement and love people you've never met.
FTFY. And sage.
Copy pasta slide thread that is posted hourly.
Having pride is different from claiming "My country is better than yours, I am better than you, fuck off".
Nationalism is just the manifestation of the human tendency of in-group preference.
muh heritage
>there's nothing wrong with me identifying with the victories and achievements of my ancestors
>but blacks and other races identifying with the struggles of their ancestors is stupid
Could you please refrain from shitposting? Thats our/aussies/canadians job. Thank you.
>Case in point: the middle east
i dont understand this,
what have muslims raping kids and kill everyone todo with nationalism?
>Implying war, division and suffering are bad things.
Patriotism and Nationalism are two different things
The middle east? That's largely religious. And out interference there is nothing to do with nationalism but the elite enriching themselves.
> identifying with struggles
That's your problem
Yes, patriotism is for cucks, nationalism for humans.
>war, division, and suffering will magically go away if nationalism goes away
hey pal, you blow in from stupid town?
Extreme anti-nationalism also foments unrest and war, and facilitates ethnic replacement.
indeed. patriotism is a pretty word for nationalism.
That's like asking what Nazi Germany has to do with Nationalism
>nationalism causes nothing but war, division, and suffering
So? What's your point user?
The difference is that I don't demand reperations from the fucking British for burning the White house, now do I?
>combining people of different cultures and ideologies has no repercussions
I'll take my petty squabbles over rivers instead of an overreaching government forcibly integrating me with bronze age barbarians.
nationalism is important. people with no nationalism sell themselves and their people like property. blacks have no nationalism. they sold their own people to slavers. they kill each other for fun. its disgusting. people who have no nationalism are garbage
what has nazi germany todo with nationalism?
it was National Socialistic.
Has it occurred to you that many nationalists are in fact patriots forced to nationalism because cucks like yourself made patriotism a dirty word.
>Amerifat tries to shitpost
>Babby's first strawman
No matter how hard you try you will NEVER be a Straya tier shitposter. Pathetic.
>I have to meet the savages from my liveleak videos before i can properly judge them.
Playing victim doesn't excuse retardation
The thought that their nation was better than other nations was a huge motivation behind everything the 3rd Reich wanted to do.
Huh, really makes you think.
Globalism is a cancer that causes nothing but war, division, and suffering.
Case in point: the middle east (isreal)
I can't wait to see you people prove yourselves wrong, I'm looking for a laugh today.
fuck you nigger I hope your turds come out like large square Brownies
Everything leads to war, nationalism prevent form the interior threat
Typical globalist scum.
Always looking for divisions to regulate and control.
Most unnatural phenomenon in the world.
>take pride in shit you haven't done
Sounds like a lot of dindus with their WE WUZ EVERYTHING
It's retarded to seek community and security with people with whom you share language and culture?
>inb4 spookposting
Yeah they;re taking away our freedoms like giving us fishing quotas so we don't destroy the ecosystem fuck those globalists. What regulations have they pasted that you disagree with?
It's retarded to hate people who you've never met
Especially when it's through cherrypicked propaganda
>"Nationalism is retarded, I mean you're taking credit for something you didn't even experience. Racists are so ignint!"
>"Of course we deserve reparations! 300 years ago muh ancestors were the only people ever to have been sold into slavery and because everything was made out of cotton we deserve $20 trillion each!"
Why do leftists do this? Why do they decree something that they're advocating for on the other side of the coin? I used to think cultural Marxism was a meme until I saw how little self awareness these mongos have and how common sense is now anything but common.
Culture can be shitty, but it's the only thing protecting you from shittier culture.
Fun fact.Leave Campaign already stated that fishing quotas will probably stay in place. Another broken promise ._.
>Ireland is fully British
>you are not allowed to take pride in what your ancestors did
>It's retarded to hate people who you've never met
Tell me something, have you ever been hit by a bus at full speed?
Nationalism is the ultimate red pill that keeps the filthy races locked into their own filthy cages.
Sure a war or two may break out, but those are short term problems. Race mixing with the mud races will be the end of civilization.
Nationalism = hate? Does that mean black natinoalists hate everyone that isn't black? Explain your reasoning.
There will always be fishing restrictions in order to protect sustainability.
What is retarded is having these restrictions while the Norwegians fish outside of the restrictions and sell our own fish back to us
Most black nationalists hate white people
You'd say that even if mud races had higher average IQs than white races.
You're going to need to prove the fact that nationalism creates hate
I'll wait.
NB: "Wars happened in the past" or "[thing] happened in the past" does not prove that nationalism causes hatred
so youre supposed to hate everyone around you?
no wonder the alt right cant do jack shit
I think Sup Forums is proof enough
Or, it could just mean that they're proud to be the way they are? Just like White nationalism is proud of being white? Why do you immediately assumne Pride/nationalism = hate?
Next they'll want to get out of any sense of responsibility for their city, and neighborhood, and family or even themselves.
"own people" gets muddy in collectivism.
You ain't white enough for US, one-drop-fucker!
Of course, WE'RE pure, right, collective?
Teaches you to have pride in your roots. Which support the growing trunk of your life and the spreading branches of your children.
>an outlying group of reactionaries which is also incredibly small with regard to population size is proof enough
Try again.
I'll debunk the rest of your shit if you're even able to come close to proving your assetions
Sup Forums, trump supporters, the malays, mexicans, etc.
again see also >le trump supporters are evil raycists meme
I could get you a youtube video some lefty cuck that disputes this entirely
oh adding to Even if we accept that nationalists are hateful you still need to prove that this is because of nationalism
>OP doesn't know he's quoting Doug Stanhope
Those same "lefty cucks" are still perfect examples. People with an "us vs them"/"left vs right" mentality. They think there are only two sides to every battle, good and bad, and everyone in the south is lesser than they are.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
trump supporters said the most stupid hateful shit under the guise of "freedom of speech" and "doing it for america".
thats brewing hate. hatred never solve problems
I'm waiting for you to prove that nationalism = people thinking its us vs them and not people thinking
"I love my country and my people, I am proud of their achievements and I am proud of the fact I, and my family and ancestors, contribute to this society and help to improve it, even in small ways"
>trump supporters said the most stupid hateful shit under the guise of "freedom of speech" and "doing it for america".
now you need to prove to me that this is more than a small % of Trump supporters, that all Trump supporters identify as nationalists, and that all nationalists are hateful people
You're really fucking horrible at this
How do you want to bet, OP has never left the states, prolly doesnt even have a passport
going to fix two things here
rather than "that all Trump supporters identify as nationalists"
"that all the people, or most of the people, doing this identify as nationalists"
and rather than "all nationalists are hateful people"
that "a large amount of nationaists who are hateful people have their hate caused by nationalism"
this should make it easier for you
*but fuck shitskins and niggers and jews and everyone that fail to appropriate my culture.
you are a textbook example lad.
>*but fuck shitskins and niggers and jews and everyone that fail to appropriate my culture.
where did I say this?
I love my country and my people
I'm a nationalists so I want to put myself and my people first
this does not mean I hate everyone else in the world
actually one of the major reasons I'm anti immigration is because it brain drains third world countries and makes it harder for them to improve themselves
>They turned Greenland's flag into Denmark's flag
I am so discontented.
Sup Forums is a bored of love on the web don't listen to any one else
> Hitler every one hates him but pol forgives and forgets and remember him for the good he did they don't hate him for losing
> Milo a faggot that likes black people dose pol wish this man to be stoned to dearth in Sweden of course not and they most like him for his points of view they just hate his life style
>Russia the very country that started commission do they wish people would destroy Russia no they like it and Putin
> races pol loves all kinds of races they love them so much they want them to stay that way forever and not mix
now tell me how pol is a bored of hate
Us? hate everyone around us? Have you been on the internet sphere lately, outside of Sup Forums?
We are the most hated on group in the world at the moment.
But you mistake hate for frustration at the fact our government's are treating people who have no respect for us likes kangz. People who are coming in, obviously abusing our systems in place to help people who really need it. Then we are told we are the bad guys for getting pissed about it.
You are the ones who hate everyone.
We need war. How else are we going to purge this world of niggers, gooks, kikes, sand niggers, wetbacks, whops, and greasers?
Having a shared sense of pride binds a society together and increases morale, peace and productivity
people don't give a shit about their fellow countrymen, yet you pretend they give a shit about all world's population.
Look at your own country. Riddled with racial hatred and segregation without solution from any side. Go fuck yourself and let me live with my peers.
If you two don't have any way to prove any of your assertions Im going to leave this thread because, in all honesty, you're really fucking bad at this
some of those immigrants are hardcore britishboos that would be more of a brit than you actually.
I hope English is your second language
Just because you don't love something, doesn't mean you hate it. Love and hate are strong emotions. Do you feel strong emotions for each and every stranger who dies every minute around the world?
Prove this.
Also tell me in what way it is moral to brain drain third world countries?
Tell me how it is hateful to love myself and my people, to take pride in their accomplishments, and to be proud of the society that I actively contribute to
When you can do these things we can move forward
Go ahead, you're just projecting/pretending not to be a racist for the sake of an argument.
Just go back to Trump general and bitch about how niggers need to leave your country, you're just wasting my time with this "not ALL of us are bad" bullshit.
Mudslimes use the same argument.
talk shit get hit
when all you do every day is nigger hatin theres bound to be people who have nigger friends that will get tired of your shit
my throbbing cock
nah cunt it is 12:34 am here on Friday I'l give you a lil hint on what i was doing before i got home it involves alcohol
You're an idiot.
Pick one, Bernie.
>Go ahead, you're just projecting/pretending not to be a racist for the sake of an argument
Prove this.
NB: "youre on Sup Forums ! ! ! ! " doesn't prove this as Sup Forums is not one person
>you're just wasting my time with this "not ALL of us are bad" bullshit.
actually its the contrary
you're asserting that most nationalists are evil, hateful people
I'm waiting for you to prove this, if you can't you're the one wasting my time
you should learn how to structure an argument and do a quick google search for "what is burden of proof"
I too wanna hear what the Mayo has to say.
An immigrant being more brit than the actual British makes no sense.
I guess I'm wrong then, there's no arguing with this.
the thing is these people are here to trigger Sup Forums and prove their intellectual superiority
the issue is a lot of Sup Forums never asks for the statements in the OP to be proven before moving on with an argument
these people are just morons with no real idea how to structure an argument, and you can see ITT they get slightly annoyed when you ask them to argue properly and prove/support their statements
please respond to
Do you want me to go up to every person and ask if they identify as a nationalost and dislike/hate X country?
Christ, you're acting like YOUR time is being wasted.
>Case in point: the middle east
>no supportimg argument
>no "facts"
>no sources cited
That is not how "case in point" is used you dumb, buzzword spewing, parrotfag
Shut up malayshit
>Do you want me to go up to every person and ask if they identify as a nationalost and dislike/hate X country?
If you can't prove it rationally, as you're displaying right now, then you need to do it empirically.
I like this Burger
Teaches you to take pride in eating curried dogfood and having fast sprinters in the Olympics
and love people who want to rape you and/or cut off your head
We can save the planet by removing the liberal cancer.
Their Utopia is prison anyway.
Into prison they should go.
kill yourself before you shill yourself