Really makes you think...
Are electric cars a meme?
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Electric farm vehicle makes a lot more sense. High torque, low speed.
For passenger cars, not really.
>you can judge the net effects of pollution based on what the mine looks like
Electric cars really aren't much better for the environment right now
Most power is still generated from coal and oil anyway, so until cleaner and more efficient energy is produced in higher quantities (like hydro, nuclear, or solar if we can ever get it to work better) you might as well just use a combustion engine vehicle
That said, there are other benefits to electric cars, like faster acceleration, quieter roads, and less smoggy cities
The energy still has to come from some where. At least abiotic oil is a renewable resource.
Gay and fake
Fake and gay
One fucks up the surface, the other fucks up the underground (sometimes including potable water) and the atmosphere. They're both shit.
Literally supporting Saudia arabia with your faggotry
>tfw people on my facebook post things like this
>tfw they are otherwise normal people
That's not an oil sands site
The average electric car creates more pollution before it leaves a factory than my 69 SS El Camino has made during its entire lifetime.
Its a leftist pipedream that doesnt actually solve the problems its addressing and ends up making it worse.
But what if Trump takes over Saudi oil? Would you change your mind then?
But muh carbon footprint
They're literally just parrots/unthinking meme carriers
you can infect them with any meme you want if you know how to get it past their immune system
difficult and dangerous if they've already been infected by rival memes designed to attack yours
>Are electric cars a meme?
It's not. It's really beautiful up there. The oil fields barely make a mark in the environment.
That's not Alberta, Canada. That's Kern River, California.
It's already a fucking dessert, why do you care goy?
Electric "coal powered" cars are the memiest meme on four wheels.
the mined lands will recover faster than the earth's atmosphere.
Very informative video thanks for sharing!
Kek, you can't be series. Either that or you hate trees.
>Most power is still generated from coal and oil anyway
Yup, but the plants producing the energy do it more efficiently and with less pollution.
The entire "green tech" industry is a meme
Yes. Hydrogen would solve all our problems, but we just can't access it.
>implying I care about the environment
Here are a list of things I do not give a fuck about:
>The Ozone Layer
>Dumping radioactive waste
>Coal seam gas mining
>Shrinking coral reefs
>Global Warming
>Sorry I meant Climate Change
>The West Antarctic Ice Sheet
>Cow farts
Nuclear energy is the future anyway.
Why bother with coal or oil when you can build 100MW installations the size of a few residential houses, that does not pollute at all.
LFTR ftw.
top flag, m80
Care to explain how?
Retarded regulations on oil only hurt us because they aren't subject to them.
This is an actual Alberta oil sands site. If you see a worse picture, it was likely intentionally taken in spring or fall when there is no vegetation.
OP you know this picture isn't real, r-right?
Get more specific than left or right ma8, you seem uneducated.
>Kern River
So you think I should throw my laptop battery and have a gasoline motor running it? gtfo.
>A renewable resource
Yeah, keep dreaming buddy.
Also, that oil drill site might not look so great when they spill the damn oil all over the place.
The fun thing here is that the ones who favor electric cars to reduce pollution is the very same people who lobby for closing nuclear plants which then are replaced by coal plants, which produce the energy for the electric cars. Due to this it's been proven that electric cars contaminate almost the same as combustion engine cars during all of its life cycle.
The problem here is the oil thingy is mostly underground. While you may not see it, rest assured the effects on the earth will manifest sooner or later.
Fuck you're an idiot. We need it to last as long as it takes to get off the planet and learn how to terraform new planets.
Literally if you look far enough into the future, if we use up all the combustable resources that allow us to get off the planet without learning how to move to new planets we would be trapped on Earth until they could naturally regenerate. We would be imprisoned on the planet for millions of years and the species would most likely die off.
We could side step a lot of these issues completely if we just use the comparatively slightest amount of restraint now and just work collectively towards progressing the species. We should just forget about 98% of the bullshit we whine one about and just become bad arse space travellers.
tree grow faster than Atmospheric CO2 is reduced. they are both evil, choose your poison.
Looks like a cancer on the Earth.
Electric cars are better because they produce less carbon to build, maintain and operate over their lifetime.
Watch Werner Herzog's Lessons of Darkness if you want to see how most modern oil fields look like.
Pic related
Why don't libcucks like nuclear?
This. We don't even use breeder reactors because they're "too spooky". Fucking France uses those.
Same, warmer is better. Too bad the ice age is starting.
Yes, you are.
Go research abiotic oil. The earth's production rate ramps up the more we extract.
That's like showing the aftermath of a high speed colission to show what a car is like.
Oil spills like the DP diaaster are far more damaging than any lithium extraction
>this meme
That's a copper mine, not a lithium mine. Most of the worlds lithium comes from brine pools, and lithium is the third most abundant element in the universe.
Stationary generators are always going to be more efficient that motors that have to balance power/weight/efficiency.
>alberta proud npd supporter
Lithium is recyclable. Oil isn't.
It was starting, before global industrialisation started.
Researched it, took ~30 seconds. 2/10 troll, please kys.
It is full of shit, lyshenko-tier soviet pseudoscience.
This actually.
thats why Toyota moved to hydrogen fuel cars, its the real future.
This is a lithium mine actually
Actually, this is a lithium mine
It kind of is renewable in the sense that so long as life exists, oil will be produced. There is several hundred million years worth of oil in the planet.
Big deal, I don't have to breath lithium exhaust everyday.
They're not high torque - they're instantaneously maximal torque. Also they due to not gearing the way a normal engine is don't have the ability to lock differentials and provide maximal power the way a proper offroadster can.
Hybrid farm vehicles? maybe.
I still like my defender though.
If our dumbshit leaders would just use conventional nuclear and then invest in LFTR/Fusion.
the most efficient electric motors do not hold a candle to diesel in terms of torque
maybe in another few years
If all of our electricity came from Nuclear plants, having an electric car would be cheaper than oil will ever be
Thats Murrieta Fields in San Andreas, faggot.
This. OP is a faggot as usual.
>too bad the ice age is already starting
You really believe that bullshit that you just typed don't you?
>Their power comes from coal
That's so fucking third world. Where are you nuclear plants?
Or at least your infinite Hydroelectric Dams?
This. I couldn't 3 fucks about the environment when the governments solution is to just move big bad polluting factories to another continent. It doesn't solve any problem apart from our living area is cleaner now.
Getting a V8 truck soon
>69 SS Elco
It's a shame really - but to be honest I've never looked at my car towing etc and thought it needed more torque so hopefully when electric comes to offroad vehicles they don't over do it
I have a question, is this just a refinery or an oil mine too? I can't tell if there are pumps from the distance
No it actually looks like pic related. You're retarded if you fell for op.
lol... too late
You can even see the plant some other Canuck posted in this pic with dem vegetations. The biggest problem isn't the pollution though, it's the fact that the entire Canadian economy relys on this piece of shit.
Here's a handy trick:
Desert means an arid land.
Dessert means a sugar-laden foodstuff usually consumed after a meal. It has an extra S just like you want an extra serving.
Curious how they work out those numbers...
Electric cars, even when charged 100% from fossil fuel power plants burn 50% less fuel per mile. On top of that power plants can filter emissions more efficiently than ICE cars.
This video found different results:
Your laptop battery is charged via a wall outlet... using electricity created at a coal plant.
That's the name of the settlement it's in.
But mines are reclaimed after they're done. Here in Australia the dirt that's not ore is kept beside the mine and the mine is filled in and replanted by the company. Reclamation is part of the contract the operator signs with the government for its mine licenses.
This is a salt mine.
Electric cars are not a meme, but there really can't be more than 350 million on the roads at any one time. There just isn't enough lithium or grid capacity.
There's still plenty of oil. Probably 1.8-2 trillion barrels for 2 billion cars. After that they'll have to be natural gas powered.
Most oil used in the US is drilled here and Canada is our largest foreign oil supplier
Never gonna happen mate
The world in 100 years is going to be 50% negro. More nigs than whites/asians/spics/arabs combined
All resources, financial or otherwise, will be devoted solely to money for dem programs
Only 15% of Canada's power is nuclear. No wonder people shit on Canadian, ignorant fuck. 59% is Hydroelectric, 8.5% Natural Gas, 4% Wind, 2.85% Solar, and 25.56% Coal. That makes Canada the leader in renewable energy because of the Hydro, but the 5th worst country for CO2 emissions via electricity generating.
Electric cars are not just meme; they are fucking dangerous! Almost got hit by one of those fucks on the parking lot at the nearby grocery store.
Electric cars are nippy as shit from the lights but give up when their gearing runs out (mine at 83mph).
Cheap to charge and a real easy drive with 'no change' auto. They go a good distance around town and country with their regen-bteaking but motorway munches down them kwh ( you can't regen wind resistance)
The major boon is the free parking in towns - if it's plugged in then no parking ticket. This is now, expect it to change. Not eben expensive to own with the hired battery.
Both of you are retards. Go study up on electric motor theory before spreading your bullshit on the bet.
.65 not 25.56 coal.
Good ol random dyslexia.
Don't know about grid capacity but I know current estimates say our current reserves of Lithium can support around 1 billion lithium battery cars.
This, electric cars will cut you fucking wide open. No one is safe
Quebec is like 95% Hydro. Probably why they're pushing electric cars so hard here.
to be fair this thread was started by a fake image so it is bound to be full of misinformation from the start
LFTR is a waste of money when we have already developed perfectly fine uranium powered plants and theres enough conventional uranium for 200 years. Why spend time and money researching thorium plants. Only use for LFTR I can think of is allowing third worlders to have nuclear power without them being ever able to weaponise it.