>Austria's Constitutional Court ordering a rerun of the runoff round of the presidential election
>Irregularities in the counting of the votes have been found
>Austria's Constitutional Court ordering a rerun of the runoff round of the presidential election
>Irregularities in the counting of the votes have been found
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Where is your multicultural God now?
Why re-run it when you know which side cheated?
Holy shit.
Praise Qek
I like habbenings.
>Irregularities in the counting of the votes have been found
And who did benefit? The left? Unbelievable!
Good luck Austria-sama
No has explained to me why the Austrian judges have allowed a supposed "far right" wing party to do the elections over?
Shouldnt they be especially fearful after the Brexit result? I know Austria has a huge foreign and muslim population as well, it doesnt add up in my eyes.
I don't need this kind of precedent
Justice prevails
I wish you luck. Austria is the first foreign country I ever visited so it has a special place in my heart.
Go back to farm some potatos before your people die again from famins
>But the ballots have been deleted.
> mfw the highest court ruled a re-election
> mfw greencucks keep shouting about "they obviously didn't FIND ANYTHING, they JUST want to fix irregularities"
> mfw Hofer wins
Aaaaah haa haa haa haaaaa.
The goyem know.
Let it all burn.
Perhaps that's exactly why they are doing this. Fear of the populace.
Governments need to have more of that.
It's definitely a huge move from that court.
5 years ago they would have buried the results, and perhaps jailed people too vocal about it for hate speech.
Now they publicly disclose cheating and allow the far-right for a re-run ?
They must see things moving in Europe, and don't want to end up on a rope...
That corner seems strangely familiar
Is this photo from Kurtis Gym?
ok boys, now dont fuck it up again in september. EVERYONE votes
make austria great again
Why would someone from Japan choose Austria of all places?
The lefty stole votes?
Why the re-count?
We're both undercover racist nazis who were never de-nazified.
invoke article 50
>Why would someone from Japan choose Austria of all places?
Austria is the axis around which the European fate revolves and you know it.
Dont be scared by Brexit lads, we need you to rise the fire. We need momentum
Vote meme
Vote again and make us proud you faggots.
If I remember correctly, there were places with 100%+ voter turnout
they vote right and europe is saved. They vote left and Europe carrys on going down its path
these digits fookin confirm it
So does that mean the other guy cheated? Will he face charges?
Why do they even allow this along with the Brexit referendum? Is the elite/establishment less powerful than we think they are?
The last few weeks have given me hope.
It means that the people who ran the election, counted the votes or sent in postal votes may or may not have been cheating. Van der Bellen is no part of it though.
Real China. Best China
Anyone got that pic on twitter where an Antifa member said he was counting votes?
just jewgle
I think just like in the USA we were promised that immigration would not change our demographics. Now it clearly is and people are voting to change that before it is too late.
This it?
but please dont be a new friend
Goddamn sneaky kangaroos, always messing with elections.
>far right party
So, how many times does their opposition use the word "Hitler" in every single debate between the two?
KEK almighty has given you a rare second chance.
Don't fuck up, Austria, do not make KEK angry.
I know that some losers on Sup Forums said they didn't go vote because they believed Hofer will win by a large margin.
Do not dare anger the all powerful KEK with that stupidity again.
seldom, the FPÖ is well integrated into the political process due to existing since 1956
The constitutional court is strictly non political.
All they do is probe if all the vote rules and regulations where met and carried out as given by law or if something happened that is not ok.
and the verdict is simple:
>no obvious voting fraud happened
>but the irregularietes and reckless disregarding of vote principals by the vote leaders in 14 constituency could have used exactly in that way to compromise a fair voting process, therefor we can't out rule manipulations to a 100% certainty and go for a rerun
Conclusion: They found a lot of shit and in the interest of a fair voting process and democracy they annulate the results and call for a rerun.
>implying anybody gives a shit about sideways peru
>How often Green/Red/Black/Pink use nazi relativisms during debates with blue?
Mediocre question, as the answer should be obviously, always
The better question is
>How long does it takes before Red/Green/black/Pink use a nazi reference debating with blue
Red: 2nd sentence
Green: 1st sentence
Black: in the middle
Pink: 2nd sentence
calm down gavrilo princip
saw this on the sidebar
this the the Verfassungsgericht. They are neutral judges tasked with guarding the constitution and basically nothing else.
As such, they can bar legal proceedings or demand them reformed. So basically their sole reason of existence is being a pain in the butt for the government.
They have gotten active in Germany too in the last years because our government tries to do shit with its two-thirds-majority and can basically be seen as the sole guardians of actual democracy in a sea of opportunistic shit politicians
Who appoints these judges?
they are leading the polls, I checked on Wikipedia: 34% now
wtf is team stronach?
It is happening! We will be amazed about what's going to be possible.
Hofer STATEMENT from today
Anchluss of Germany when?
What is Hofers view on Trump?
another video from today
>wtf is team stronach?
a meme party from 2013
Never, we have enough Turks as it is.
austrian deutsch sounds kinda cool
also, who is more based: hofer or strache?
Forgot about him. My bad
They are the attempt of an US/austrian businessman to have a better grasp on taxmoney. Its like an economicaly liberal opportunist party. Kind of making out with blue but then again telling lies behinde others back and ass fingering the greens.
I'm not Japanese. It was a college program for some overseas conference, and I thought it sounded fun. It turned out to be a globalist brainwashing scheme and ended up redpilling me.
depends. german ones are proposed by state governments and ratified by chamber of states and parliament. dont know about austria
thanks bros
will they keep FPO out of the government like they did here with Vlaams Belang or will the centre-right cuckservative party form a coalition with them?
Austria has a lot of dialects.
The most dufficult to understand is probably Vorarlbergerisch and Tyrolean
Also Strache
Imagine Hofer winning. Some people would die from Butthurt.
We have to meme this into reality.
*are probably
Daily reminder that your Verfassungsgericht saw no problems with giving privately owned media companies government like executive powers in Germany.
we already had ÖVP-FPÖ in the past, but it was a disaster for the FPÖ
in one state we even have a SPÖ-FPÖ government right now and it's actually working pretty well
>Austria proves yet again how being in the EU cucks your own right to elect your officals
They'll rig it again and even more unless you have some method of stopping them.
Now Hoffer will "lose" by 5% or so.
i cant really remember what youre referring to. The facebook control stuff?
anyhow, even if they let some shit through, they have blocked a lot more shit from the government, like to fuck with the EU and compared to other Nations is extremely active.
If the minister of interior calls them a threat to the integrity and ability of the government, you know who to root for.
this seems to be a pretty well made spoof account
last two digits are the percent hofer finishes the election with
Praise KEK
Hofer to save Austria!
The "GEZ is now a de facto tax" stuff.
They want Europe to shift to far right governments so those same governments get blamed for the collapse and then the eu will strike when the iron is hot so to speak. They let the brexit happen on purpose. They are just about ready to collapse and the I don't think the bankers have any more Jewish wizardry to pull once shtf. This way they can blame nationalism for the collapse and regain power later on. Then again, I'm just some leaf poster so...??? Who the fuck knows
When will these be re-held?
Does Kek will it?
What are the chances of Hofer getting elected this time?
God the lefty butthurt would be for the ages.
Do you think Brexit will hurt or help?
When they figure out how to rig the vote so no one notices.
Does anyone have the "Ziemlich beste Freunde" pic with VdB?
Meh, at least i know what part of my money goes to these pieces of shit. Its not as if other countries werent funding TV Transatlantico with their taxpayers money
it's possible
>american opinions
I can\t handle all the habbenings
So you are saying you love to be a cuck. Same for paying 50% of your income to Muhammads and Jamals new teeth and pension.
huete ORF2
ZIB SPEZIAL + RUNDER TISCH zur Wahlwiederholung
Come on EuroAussies, take your country back.
I'd say higher because the razor thin difference in the vote was underestimated by the polls. Now formerly undecided Austrians know he actually stands a chance and I'd say he'll most likely win if elections are re-run.
I need opinions Austrians, how will your prevent another rigged round?
The last time i checked you guys had the ORF, as if that were any better.
>Same for paying 50% of your income to Muhammads and Jamals new teeth and pension
Since i live in a state that basically only took families in as all the fickificki people instantly left for west germany or Sweden i cant really tell.
By hanging all leftists
There wasn't any side cheating.
This isnt a Garrison And I wont save or reproduce a horseshit shit
Fuck off kike shill
That could work, but it might alienate some voters
So will heads roll?
What the fuck is going on how is this acceptable?
As says we allready had such a constellation, but I guess the VP wont do a coalition with blue if a red/green/black is possible and they have the most votes of those three
Wrong, when the GIS man comes to your door step and tries to talk you into signing a contract you tell him to fuck off or else you will call the police. Like you would with any other Drückerkolonne.
Funny, but any serious answers?