Anime was a fucking mistake.
Anime was a fucking mistake
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Turks were a mistake
I want to fuck her so hard. Who is she?
It's a cultural artifact of a society that made live filmaking (at the time) too expensive, nothing more.
Lots of things were mistakes, so learn from them and move on.
He's...I forgot the name.
please stop posting more pictures of trhe stupid turkroach anime girl not all turkish women look lioke her for fucks sake shes just a slav rape baby this isn't; funny amymore go take your waifu shit down to a because thats where you belong you burger eating cactus into anus shoving cow riding mall going dog surfing piece of shit american go fucking end yourself like the germans did you cunt anzu is a fucking cancer on Sup Forums
ur mum
that's a 37 year old man who does that for a living. he has videos where he starts as a slightly pudgy bald guy with bad teeth and then uses makeup and other tricks to transform into something that appeals to pedophiles.
I have the link if you want it.
Its a she don't be fooled
It is.
All adult that watch it are fat, ugly, beta and NEETs
Anime is the answer.
anzu is 2.5D
Turks are literally gene stealers, worse than jews. Almost all of their population is from other countries, mostly surrounding.
ah yes the typical 'she is a trap ex die feis'
Kill yourself degenerate scum
>yfw that disgusting roach will get skin cancer by the age of 30 thanks to all that excess make up applied every single day.
>yfw she's hideous without make up
Anzu was a mistake
Weebs are gay anyways, you'll still fuck him
Why am I forsaken to keep this mortal coil.
no shit.
anime is perverted.
"The universe was a mistake." -God
Anime is great.
Lol. It's a guy "she" said so on twitter
She lost her cock in a circumcision accident
Is this a man?
i want to gill anzu i want to burn that dress into ashes then bunr sher face off adth 6tthen when shejius crying i'll open her pnatuaies and cut the wangf off fuck and shoiw it to all the basement dwelliung amerimonkeys so they cry aqnd kill them selfs
Who wanna hear Anzu's Turkish?
Please stop posting pictures of this person on this board. I am very lonely and it is triggering to see.
Thank you.
that's it. i'm a #anzumissile now.
She sounds qt as well.
What the actual fuck? U.S. states have their own flags?
Which part of you is it triggering?
Anzu is justice
it's either his benis or his heart user.
>you will never an anzu
you can always an hero
So were video games, television, movies, music and cartoons.
what do you want us to do? you sound like isis.
We kill every roach but her.
>you will never cum all over her pearly white teeth and cute pink tongue
I don't care if thats a Turkish boy. I want it.
I wish you could get banned. for shit thread and shit opinion
Remove the cancerous elements in each of these mediums.
Remove the moeblobs out of the anime.
Remove the social marxism out of the television as well as the movies.
Remove muh dick, muh moni out of the music.
Remove the new age cartoons network garbage.
A-are you going to kill this?
Screencapping your post incase some weeb degenerate pulls this shit again.
All the countries posting on this board are basically states in the American global empire, so yes.
Stop this right now.
Pretty much this, he / she is so cute, I'd rail its ass so hard.
>Erdoroach not banishing his hive from Sup Forums was a mistake
i'm intrigued. tell me more.
I feel bad for you Kraut we mostly send you K*rds and çomars
y u do dis turkey?
>t.krautman who spent the best holiday of it's life in samsun
Stop bullying anzu ;______;
this. it needs to stop.
is everyone in germany a fucking weeaboo?
Please, you faggots call her "2.5D" and think that she's better than typical women but even the purest of hearts can be corrupted when an army of online beta fanboys constantly compliment and pay her patreon/kikestarter shit.
>She tries to gain pity by saying that people laugh at her fashion/style in Turkey
>She's so popular now, she's going to Japan for """"""""""""""business"""""""""""""""""
Why is everyone so infatuated with this turk?
Yummy. What do Turkish girls think about Albanians?
goddamn. Turkish sounds pretty nice
Sounds kind of like my anime
ISIS will purge these filthy kafir from the land.
>Germany tries to shitpost and fails miserably
My little Turkroach cannot be this cute.
weak. at least you tried.
I don't, I just contemplate her grace at distance, ANZU must stay pure in body and mind.
I think it's youtuber Peachmilky who is not nearly so attractive without all the feminine tricks.
she was a whore all along, stop comparing ANZU with random sluts.
If this is in turkey, I actually have hope for them. Iran was progressing before the shah and revolution though so I won't get my hopes up.
>not she
Im having a hard time finding the signs, the hands are pretty effeminate and no adams apple
this things parents have got to be terrible disappointed.
posting a photo of anzu from my private collection
get it while you can
Dude western media is literally trying to show us as a A*ab country we are not even near Iran
I want to rub my benis on her ribs