All women are narcissists

>All women are narcissists.

How true is this statement?

Pretty inaccurate. All women are insecure is more like it.

>all women love themselves

If this were the case we wouldn't have insecure women with low self-esteem.

Narcissistic women are whores.

All humans are narcissists, I think it's a survival trait

Most don't love themselves, but they are all self centered.

Narcissism is self-obsession, not self-love.

Narcissistic girls are top tier for hate fucking

This. Women's narcissism comes from feelings of inferiority not superiority.

Learn to manipulate this and you've figured out the key to getting laid.


>All women are insecure is more like it.
The way I see it
1-5 know they're ugly
6-7 think they're ok
most 7 think they're god. They get ugly guys and hot guys, both wanting different things though.
8-9 a lot are pretty insecure. They were bullied by the 6 and 7s at school.
10 most, if not all, know they're hot.

6ish here, I never bullied any girls for their appearance, it was the 8-10's that bullied me.

post your feet

Completely inaccurate, most people are just naturally self centered. Also

Make a post with your feet.

Hey Natalie.


t. Cunt

No timestamp but an intriguing post

Get the hell out shill

honestly, form the scientific point of view, I do not know ALL women

catch 1000 of them an make an experiment

Most women are horribly insecure, they act narcissistic and overconfident because modern media has brainwashed then into thinking it makes them attractive.

Society has convinced women that they are valued for their beauty and only good for reproduction. This has lead to insanity among females in the western world desperately trying to stay young with injections and plastic surgery. Others opt not to bother and focus their lives on their career never bearing children. Either way it's a pitiful situation.

This would be part of it.
Also, women are far more concerned with fitting in than men. Most of their behavior - even if ostensibly rebellious or "counterculture" (i.e. shaving your head, dressing like a boy) - lies within the bounds of what's trendy, acceptable, or somehow beneficial to their image. It's like they're in a perpetual state of competition, whether they know it or not.

Aye. Tis' the reason why neg-hits and teasing is so effective.

They're brainwashed into "fashion" since they're children, of course they're narcissistic

You're probably more like a 4-5 since women inflate their own worth and looks.

>Society has convinced women that they are valued for their beauty and only good for reproduction.
>implying this isn't true

Yeah, probably.


facts are not statements anpn

>implying everybody on /pol aren't sociopathic narcissists

this. the overcompensation comes off as narcissism because youre a beta male OP, and you do the same fucking thing

Even if it's reality consistently reminding women of it drives them insane. I think this is unique to the modern world since information travels so quickly now. Internet, TV, ads, all influence the behavior of women and women are way more impressionable than men.

It's not, it's a stupid whine9k meme from complaining robots who blame everything in the world

I think women are meaner to other women than men are to other men.

Women are social automatons. I view them as robots really. Their responses are so obvious and calculated I can literally know what they're going to say like 70% of the time.

>Implying people that thought like Sup Forums didnt conquer europe and almost create aa white utopia using the worlds most advanced technology in their day
>implying this pits Sup Forumsacks on the same level as womyn

Kek hates you dont use his image

This exactly.

Narcissism is actually born out of low self-esteem. When a person hates themselves, it could get to a point where they will be self-obsessed, just to overcompensate.

>loving yourself is hating yourself

Only psyche plebs would make such an observation.