Why white nationalists hate slavs

because slavs are

1) numerous- shitloads of em
2) poor
3) dumb
4) drunk
5) white as fuck(blonde and blue eyed)

thus disproving the notion that white = excellent. slavs prove that white superiority is a just a lame joke. there are LOADS of slavs all with blonde blue eyes.

slavs prove that poverty is the cause of degeneracy, not race.

You just listed stereotypes. Slavs are very westernized now.


It is not the time to divide between whites, m8. Every white is worth infinitely much more than every shitskin or nigger.

>Every white is worth infinitely much more than every shitskin or nigger.

are slavs worth as much as germans?

Germans are worth the same as turks

>Germans are worth the same as turks

and brits are worth the same as squirrels

Well said.

Probably not. I'm not sure how much genocide Germany received during ww2, it's possible that the "master race" germans were mostly wiped out.

good bantz weweow

East Germans got raped by the soviets
