New Horsey's
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I know I may be biased, but this is pure shite.
I don't get it.
why would mexicans do cliche mexican jobs like lawn services if they dont like being stereotyped that way?
Why are Mexicans working on a golf course in Scotland?
That tears it I'm a Cruz Missile I tell you what
I don't see anything wrong with the picture?
He runs a successful golf course with babes, gardeners, walls to keep out the riff raff.
So you're saying Trump DOES support good (i.e. legal) Mexican immigrants and he's not racist, just passionate about the rule of law?
Wow, Trump B-BTFO...
They're too useless to do anything else
Why are you talking about Holly and her shit? How is that related?
>tfw I read the comic right to left at first
This is shit even for Horsey.
-There is a wall and a mexican
-I don't get this one, its 2deep4me
-Chump sounds like Trump
So am I the only one that's getting a boner from this?
You've opened my eyes
How can he ever recover?
Again with the hot women. Porn when, Horsey? Stop being such a cocktease.
It really make me think....with my dick.
Is not like uneducated people who don't know how to speak the local language can find more complex jobs.
not even funny or intriguing
>big tits
>dick sucking lips
>thin waist
>wide hips
why doesnt he just make a fortune with porn instead of these dump "political satire" strips
Weeb trash.
Trump permanently beaten the fuck out I am now a Cruz Missile; hand over the delegates, Dahnald.
Horsey draws some hot girls
Anyone else get the vibe liberals only promote tolerance because they are so bad at returning the favor?
You have changed my mind. I am now a #clintoris.
WTF I hate Trump now!
That's a whole lot of wishful thinking. Gee, with as much as Horsey fights Trump for his flaws, you'd think he would spend more time ripping on an actual murderer like Hillary. It's almost like he's part of some machine.
It actually makes Trump looks nice. Failure on Horsey's part, he should stick to I AM SILLY rethorics desu.
/Switching to a Cruz Missile!
Don't ask questions laddie
WTF, I'm with Hillary now! #uglysolidarity
Some times when crossing the Rio Bravo some Mexicans get lost and end up in the gulf and from there the tide takes them to different parts of the world.
This looks shittier than his previous work
Why does Horsey never draw Hillary?
I am now a #Cruzmissile
wtf I hate Trump now?
The fucking butthurt this guy has caused. Can't wait to fucking vote for him.
Is it bad I don't see anything wrong with this?
It's true. A wall keeps the good immigrants in through selective immigration.
Cheating for the sake of your country is acceptable.
Not paying debtors (Jew banks and countries who take advantage in trade) is perfectly legit.
>making Trump to be a cheater without any proof
>pretending he's in debt when he could buy Horsey's entire family
pic related
>1 post by this ID
>everyone keeps bumping this thread
Remember SAGE and REPORT
That's hysterical
Mexigellan, Cartel Polo, and Spictopher Columbus out sailing the ocean blue in search of benefits
I don't know about him but I've drawn porn of one hipster chick he's done
wouldnt they(left) cry out raycist when the "right" would publish a mexican as a gardener?
thinks that make me go, hmm ¿
>Cheating for the sake of your country is acceptable
Yeah it's great, except when China does it, or Russia does it, or Mexico does it... Well it's great when USA does it am I right
Horsey's a fucking idiot
dumb cartoon is dumb...
Then why do they bother to hop the fence? Or is non-tourist mexico just that much of a shithole? (that was rhetorical, we all know it already)
they still make more money here than there and live a better life because that's just how capitalism works son
oh and gibs me dats
>not supporting Jeb
>not paying debts
As if Horsey or any other Leftist has any room to talk about borrowing money and not paying your debts. Trump doesn't even have the ability to devalue currency to alleviate debt and has to do it through the courts.
where's the punch line?
>Progs dominating comedy for so long they've gotten lazy and forgot how to tell a joke - let alone frame one
>not posting one of the original Horsey comics and posting an edit instead
Oops, my bad, that's Zyklon Ben
i wonder if horsey knows, but he is aiding trumps position
No it's shit, I mean sometimes he makes sense given the cherry picking and false equivalency most political humorists use but this is just garbage, it's like he's just phoning it in.
What's Trumps "angle" in the liberal media?
Like Bush was always portrayed as an idiot, and Romney as boring. Clinton as a sex addict. What's Trumps character?
>1 post by this ID
Move along lads.
And what are you going to do about it?
Horsey draws cute women. It's the only positive thing about his comics.
>Putin is a midget
I'm gonna wait for the day of the rope, Hans
Per persuasion man the only thing that sticks is crazy racist, deviating from that does not work for the left
Why are there Mexicans in Scotland according to Horseshit?
Are girls who work for Trump hot though?
horsey should just quit and draw porn
I have to admit, horsey draws some hot babes. It'll be great when he can no longer make it with his political cartoons and we begin seeing his XXX comics on sadpanda.
Why don't they want to learn? They prefer to press 2...
Just do porn already Horsey
I can't tell if it's real or not anymore. Thanks pol.
Fuck, my bad, I thought that was Horsey
I would totally bone that cartoon chick
good thing wall building is monolingual.
Wow that term means nothing on here anymore.
>a gold course in Scotland
>Mexican landscapers
That's it!
Horsey Porn When?
Here goys
>ever being better than Zyklon Ben
Shill harder