
Are black people owed reparations ? If so, how much would be enough ?

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zimzam paid that bill

We get ours first because of the cruelty we suffered at the hands of the Americans and British.



Oh, France, there is no such thing.

>Are black people owed reparations ?
For what? Slavery?
There are no niggers alive that were slaves.

>If so, how much would be enough ?
Zero. They don't deserve shit.

Blacks can go to the back of the line unless they pay back all the welfare

i still don't get why the slavers didn't deport every black person back?

If anything, white americans are owed reparations for all the niggers that ruined their cities, clogged the prison and justice system with their coonery, costing them untold billions of taxpayer dollars

Let it sink in that almost 50,000 people like this shitstains content enough to subscribe.

God help us.

40 acres and a mule, in Africa.

>i still don't get why the slavers didn't deport every black person back?
Because they weren't allowed to.

Lincoln wanted to send the slaves back but he knew he didn't have the support for it.

Poland is owed reparations
pay up

Just ask yourself 'what would Captain Picard do?'

makes just as much sense as me wanting reparations from my ancestors b.c of serfdom. the fact they can live here with the same rights as everyone else suffices as reparations

You can't do shit like that anymore or back then. The people get offended and vote against the benefit of their country for social justice. It's incredibly annoying. Don't they want their country to thrive?

Nothing's ever enough for that fagnig in the pic.


No. Black people get enough handouts. Those should end too.

If they can't survive on their own merit, then maybe slavery was better for them.


We have spent more money on nigger behavior than all of the money that all niggers in all of history have ever made, in two decades.

I'd love to be the one to machinegun niggers into mass graves.

they already get reparations
it's called welfare.

God, I hate this faggot. Why does he talk like a girl? Is this even a guy or a girl? what the fuck man

Yes. About $150? Basically, it should be big enough sot it's hard for them to refuse (that's like a pair of Jordans) yet small enough to humiliate them.

I'll apologize for buying slaves when blacks apologize for selling them

>captain picard
>a good captain

This scenario requires the Janeway touch

>Don't they want their country to thrive?
Fuck no, they only care about themselves.

The reparations were the 600,000+ union soldiers, most of whom were white, that died in the civil war to end slavery. Blood was shed for their freedom. They owe the soldiers and white people their thanks, not the other way around.

40 acres and a mule. For the purposes of irony, this land will be confiscated from Native Americans.

> enough sot it's hard for them to refuse yet small enough to humiliate them.

I like your thinking.

Fun fact, even if Americans owed reparations to black people through financial payments, welfare amounts would have already paid off estimated due amounts by like many years ago.

Jim Goad's book gets way into that shit.


No they owe white people for taking them out of Africa.

He acts, talks and looks like that fag from The Fifth Element.

Well, at least the ratings and comments seem to be in order.

we give all our money to Israel


>Are black people owed reparations

They should be grateful that they were enslaved, if they hadn't they would all still be in Africa living in huts made from cow shit mixed with dried grass and twigs as well as giving oral sex to cows to use the piss as hair dye.

Instead they live in 1st world countries with food, entertainment and technology those left back in their native lands will never ever see. ny black caught complaining deserves to be sent to Africa for at least a year to get a better understanding of how lucky they are.

>Are black people owed reparations ?
> If so, how much would be enough ?
One bullet per nigger head.Inside.

They aren't because none were ever enslaved and most never experienced jim crow

maybe a white boyfriend with a big fat cock would shut him up, think about it.


>how much should be enough
100 lashings for every nigger

Why do you want to give this fucking nigger more views?

>French flag

Oh, of course.

No. I'm owed reparations for the destruction of my familial estate and stolen property.

No idea what those"white" people are they're a bunch of mystery meat and the only one that's white is the last guy that talks like a nigger.
Because blacks were given citizenship immediately after the war between the states ended. That's what 600,000 yanks died for.

Sure, let them collect it from the Africans that sold them to white people. Those people are responsible for taking their freedom, not the ones who simply traded for them.

But we all know it's not about slavery, if it were then they'd want something done about the slavery that is ongoing today. There are more slaves today then ever before.

This is about Racism, they want white people to pay them for experiencing Racism. Of course white people are racist, not even black folks like niggers

They've already received reparations.
They're not living in Africa are they?
That's all the reparations they deserve.

No. Nobody living was ever a slave.

Yep. A boat ride back.

One had to wonder if he got that bearded mangina to suck his dick mas reparations.

The apologies are already taken care of, look up the "Lifeline Expedition", aka "the march of the cucks".

Skip to 3m for the fun bits

I would be fine with paying them repartations... to go back to africa

I would wholeheartedly support reparations in the form of $10,000, forfeiture of US citizenship, and a one-way ticket to Africa.

I mean, we took these people out of their homeland the peast we can do is send them back.



Srsly I'm glad my irish ancestors were starved by the english in the potato famine. Now I get to live in the US

>Brits and yanks tripping over themselves to give apology for slavery
>Southerners to this day have given no apology

considering my family moved here after slavery was already done id say no


Black people cant feel they are doing any wrong (psycoapthy) so of course they are going to keep asking for more for nothing

>go to walmart to pickup booze with friends
>friend of friend is black
>I pick out southern comfort
>"This is like reparations for you, right?"
>lols had

Union soldiers died. That's plenty enough

I'm not sure if I should rage of laugh

Would white people also get refunds, adjusted for inflation, on the slaves which were purchased?

Wouldn't be fun if someone did the math and came up with an actual number demonstrating what could be saved by them not being there.

I for one don't give a fuck, it's in the past no-one here today is responsible and again as many people point out their quality of life is vastly better. I mean look at a majority of Africa even in the 21st century it's a fucking shit hole and no fucking surprise the gollies are killing other gollies just for the keks.
Also if it weren't for slavery they wouldn't even be alive full stop to be bitchin' "Dem crackas owes us bigs timez, we use ta be kangz..." Either accept slavery happened and be alive or just kill yourself and right the wrongs of history.

Yes they are.

The exact amount that was taken from them.
>nothing at all

Their forefathers didn't have their houses burned down, their property looted, plenty of them were sold as slaves anyway, they were already property when they were purchased for the trip. They weren't even robbed of their freedom by whites.

Sterilization and a one way trip to africa.

The jew slavers who brought them over should take them back, cost split between them and the blacks who sold them into slavery.

> I'm not sure if I should rage of laugh

Then raugh.

Yes they are, from african nations and israel.

>If so, how much would be enough ?
A 9mm is just about enough.

I'll pay dindus reparations when the Romans pay the Germans reparations for slavery during the Roman Empire.

Once again Dems try to victimize black people
If this comes through it will harm blacks more then benefit them

More welfare will make blacks more lazy and it will increase racism

Dems are still racist fascists


Can we start a GoFundMe to pay this nigger's share of reparations and send him back to Africa?

Do you think he makes the white dude suck his dick?

It's called the racism of low expectations. It is arguably more pernicious and damaging than overt racism.

A free ticket back to africa for each and every single one of them.

Then we need to give them enough money to make an average African home and support and average African lifestyle for at least 1 year. So like,500$ each.

Blacks are brought up believing that they are not equal in society and believe they must become equal (as their grandparents fought for). Now that they actually have that equality, they still cling to the beliefs they were brought up with - that they are not.

There will be no stop to this cycle unless a generation of blacks are taught in school that they are in fact equal, however that would be difficult while their parents instill it in them that they in fact are.

The only way i can see of breaking that cycle would be through black churches. Unless Trump actually wins, blacks will always be led to believe that they are not equal.

I have a reparation program for them, quite simple really.

It is one bullet or a boat ride, they can choose either a bullet to the back of the head or they can fuck off by boat back to Africa.

That or they can stop acting like Niggers expecting free shit, stop dindu'ing the crime statistics and become part of society.

The ball is now in their court.

a one way ticket to africa would probably be enough

is all the americans that fought and died to free all the niggers not enough?

Yes, they are owed a free boat ride back to Africa

they're not owed a goddam dime

The Italian government owes me reparations because the Roman Empire enslaved my ancestors.

Patrice O'Neil had a great bit about reparations

No, he makes the white dude's girlfriend suck his dick while the white guy watches.

boat ride home would be fair

So what if Sup Forums convinced them to do it of their own accord? You know, get #WeDemandToGoHome trending on social.

'We have tried for two and a half centuries to contribute to society and the white people have continually rebuffed our offer. Let them be denied the gifts we have to offer and take them back to our true homeland, which we will lead into a new age of prosperity. We demand the federal government which has seen fit to wrong us time and again allow us to return home. We will no longer have to politely ask for a place in society, for we as a people will finally have self-determination. And from our hands will arise an Africa of wealth and prosperity that will last for all ages.'

They are owed a one way ticket back to Africa

Like a afrocentric city state utopia somewhere in Africa. We'll call it Negropolis.

Holy fucking shit, this can't be real, this must be satire right?

Non, user, that's Gazi "Black Hitler" Kodzo.

Just saw this video...

>shut it down
>we wuz kangz snf quinz
>african black god powers

Stop it guys, meme magic is real, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

They're all owed a one way plane ticket to an African country of their choice.

Dis nigga gay af