Why does this movie trigger frenchies so bad?

why does this movie trigger frenchies so bad?

please respond, my life has so little


I heard it made a lot of right wingers upset but I can't see why it would.

Also why did Tom Hardy surrender to the Germans at the end instead of dumping in the ocean near the British ships?

I was very disappointed by this film

Same, felt like a dragged on trailer

I mean the reality of it is that the French are the hero's of Dunkirk. They fought a massive rear guard action that without, the British would have been annihilated. I'm guessing that the film fits into the narrative of the modern world where the french are cowards because they don't want to bomb shepherds or whatever the fuck we're doing in the middle east

t. Haven't seen the movie

i haven't seen the movie, but it's pretty obvious an anglo director making an anglo movie about an anglo pathetic retreat will portray those british heroes as less cowards they really were.

That movie was really good for the first half then went absolutely fucking nowhere.

>coming from the actual cowards who surrendered
we never should've liberated you

F:hey birts let's fight together the evil german, ok ?
B:ok, go ahead i got your back
>flee like pussies
F:hey where are you brit cousin, you were supposed to be here.
B:hahaha fuckin french pussy surrender hahahahaha you glad we're here with big america to save your coward ass hahahahahaha

because its a movie about the french portrayed by the english so it automatically triggers them

It sucked. There was no action no fighting no nothing. The story itself was lame. Too much scene hopping, no nazis, barely any french. Literally a bunch of smelly exhausted brits waiting for boats. It does not make for a great movie plot

I agree that the french fighting allowed for Dunkirk evacuation but you are acting like

A frogs didn't have a country to fight for when at the time none was saying the war was lost but just that the BEF was isolated and couldn't fight on
2 frogs weren't evacuating themself which used up time and ships to in the end go back and surrender like cowards

>a force of 2 million
>a force of 25000 that got surrounded and ran out of supplies

Are you unironicly retarded?

the numbers were comparable

Honestly if I was French I'd be pissed too. From what I've heard the French are barely even mentioned in the movie.

>I've heard the French are barely even mentioned in the movie.
Who gives a shit.

Well, the French for one. Also, anyone who cares about historical accuracy. So that's two groups of people right there.

Go watch transformers

>Well, the French for one
Again, who gives a shit.
>anyone who cares about historical accuracy.
Documentaries are much better at portraying historical accuracy of events through film.
> So that's two groups of people right there.
One group is a bunch of cheese eating surrendering monkeys and the other are autists.


Why were we even allies with the French to begin with?

Because pic related. Brits were supposed to hold the line but decided to flee and let their ally dying to defend them. This movie make them heroes for performing this stunt.

it was a massive political issue to side with the french post ww1

Partly because it implies we are expecting/want another war and also due to frances dismal performance in ww1

Lad that is pretty commonly accepted as truth

But you seem to have been sucking the socialist lolipop for too long if you think that every British soldier will fight for France as if they are french
It's a forign land
And as I have said french troops were evacuated as well

We should've been neutral, the continent is none of our business.

>>Sup Forums

We don't have a choice if it's our business or not it's fucking close and if Germans had a monopoly we would be fucked

You lost in six fucking weeks. I don't mean to downplay your role at dunkirk but you should really shut the fuck up.

Well, it's always a problem when the allies you're supposed to count on actually don't give a fuck. The Brits barely sent anybody in the campaign (the BEF was like 10% of the allied forces, showing how much they were commited) and the Belgians surrendered in hours.

You mean 100%?

Or are you retarded and think the British army is large even though we have a giant fucking navy?


>French and british guys discussing whose ancestors were more sneaky.
This thread.