Go to google images

>go to google images
>search 'American wearing sunglasses'
>post yfw

Other urls found in this thread:




America owns the internet.

So we don't have to specify "American" unless we're specifically looking for " American wearing sunglasses"

Easy fix. Just type "man wearing sunglasses"



Reddit boys need to realize how fucked we are. Le America is based you a yuropoor won't save you

>go to google images
>search 'greatest ally'
>ayy lmao

They can't censor everything


R/thedonald KEKS already here! Wwoooooo hoooooo

>British man wearing sunglasses




Search "burglar", "thief" or "criminal".

Bloody hell.
You only have to look at prison statistics or Police records to see the real truth.

What a whitewash.

Kek, search "rapist"

>search "criminal"
>pictures of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump strewn in with stock images
>suspiciously no Hillary


Google : American couple

Had a chuckle

Holy shit, there's no way google isn't editing the results for shit like this. It's like 90% black couples


Thanks (((google)))

I was talking more about how Trump and Bill Clinton showed up. That might've just been for me, though.

They're not.

It's because there's millions of pictures portraying an "African American couple".

I'm telling you. We own the internet. Just type "typical couple"


you'd think this is south africa



You guys are failing to realize that google is jut a program.
They don't have diversity quotas for their search results. American wearing sunglasses implys that its an African American. You dont call Caucasians white Americans.
Okay sometimes google tampers with search results to avoid controversy. But just search American Thief. Less results but look at the first three images.

Stockphotos classify pictures with black people in them as "African American", but pictures with white people in them just as "man/woman".

That's behind every single google search you'll find posted in this thread, even the ones with white in them, because the only times stockphotos will mention white is when there's other races to be mentioned too.


try "american wearing hat"

good results

>literally first pic
muh sides

>We own the internet. Just type "typical couple"
Only about 10% of those are American
Real American couples are Black

well shit, that was unexpected

They absolutely exclude certain results.
Remember this?

like a clockwork

holy shit it's real

also wtf the first (only?) white couple on it are literally nazis? kek


Wow, never knew whites were so prone to crime. Thanks, jewgle.

>American wearing sunglasses

Nice post time.

You people are retarded.
Stock photos have tags to make them easily searchable.
i.e. african american couple wearing glasses
That's why searching "american" returns a ton of black people.
If you search "white american couple" you get a bunch of african american couples on a white background.

It's not a conspiracy, it's just a dumb algorithm for people looking for images of black people. A white couple wouldn't have an "american" tag on any of their images because it's not relevant.
Ease off on the tinfoil just a little.

mi no spik inglish seƱor americano

>hurr it's because of stockphotos being like this
You are literally retarded, who do jew think ranks these stockphotos with priority and deranks or ignores others to fulfill a certain agenda and why do you think these low google pageranked stockphotos make it to the top?

>go to google
>type "british men"
>no results

The "greatest ally" search is funnier

lol british fags

come here, and we will ripp your fonken skin off before 5 o kloken tea.

theyre still americans

>Doesnt understand how SEO works.

>thinks google is going to risk negative press

They delete anything that could be remotely offensive to minorities from the top results.



Image rankings work the same way as the web search rankings. The more money you give google, the higher likelyhood your image ranks first.
This is why stock photos fill almost every image search, because they need them to proliferate the results in order to sell their images.
I know, conspiracies are fun to believe in, so just ignore me as another contrarian shill.

stay obsessed


>google not wanting to cause further controversy
Sure, the JOOS might be involved. But when are they not involved?

Look at this you fags.

"American Family"

Small measure of hope restored.

You know nothing about seo. Beside the images and especially specific searchterms are edited or to make it more clear: they literally derank and delete certain pics from the results and rank up others. It's luke reddit

whats wrong with this?
1st image result

We know they do.

Its just honestly less conspiracy and more pandering. I simply don't think search results are a big part of the zionist agenda.

It's fucking obvious that "American" is being treated as if it's "Black". Are you fucking retarded?

There is like 5 niggers for every white person!

my sides

top goy

It pulls up African-American couples.
Search for beautiful women, or cute babies. 90% whites 5% asians 4% Hispanic 1% other.

Search "White man and white woman"

Only niggers put the qualifier "white"

Search "man and woman" and every result is a regular person.

no, you aquafresh dillweed.

it is not politically correct to feature anything with a "white american", but it is ESSENTIAL that you tag shit "african american" as much as possible.

any search of "american" combined with anything that will return a person will tip over a dumptruck full of shit tagged "african american" and very very few things tagged "white american"

that's just the way it goes with hyphenated political correctness.

if you search "Beaner wearing sunglasses" you get VERY different results.

go on, try it.
white people everywhere!

>search 'German wearing sunglasses'

Niggers are coming up because the tags are
-African American

White people are tagged with 'man' or 'woman' in mind, not 'white man,' or etc since it's made with the expectation that the majority are white


>yfw Google censored the "black teenagers" vs "white teenagers" image search

Socialist cunts

Try "aspiring rapper"

I'm not sure if you know but everywhere other then the US, 'America' is a codeword for a black man. For instance, we see a black man walking on the street, we call the American. Everyone does this. it's common.

Fucking Brilliant

Type in "fashionable westerners" and prepare to be confused.

The height of fashion.

>I got this


google white women

That's funny, I just call them niggers.


White is a qualifier only shitskins use... if you google "women" or "human women" or "normal women" there are fewer than 4 niggers for every normal person.




Where did the meme that America is white come from?

I will fucking marry her someday.

>search 'greatest ally'

holy shit hahahahahahaha

>Nose ring
>Eye contact material

>no milwaukee



>The only white couple in that pic
when did the jews stop being subtle?

Literally search on any sort of search engine the same thing. Hell, DuckDuckGo is the same. Do you really expect every single search engine to filter results to promote race mixing? That requires way too much time to complete

Oh fuck off, you're far more of a deviant than she'll ever be. Regardless of political beliefs, it is YOU who shall burn at the stake.

What do you complain about?
You don't get enough children - whites are soon the minority.

And all you do against it is to post on a taiwanese ping pong tournament board about it!

Those aren't people you silly billy!