Whats her name again?

whats her name again?

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well, she's either
>loretta "clinton lied, just step aside" lynch
or she's
>loretta "stall for time on hillary's dime" lynch
but no matter what she's definitely
>loretta "in a pinch" lynch

we won't know until the indictment comes out, or if not, then when the FBI testifies at a congressional inquisition that will make watergate look like a game of hide-and-seek.

Shady Loretta

Loretta "Lets LYNCH Whiteys"

>a congressional inquisition
We all know you mean a manufactured witch hunt.

Seriously, if there was a shred of criminal evidence, I'm pretty sure the FBI would have indicted or arrested her by now. It embarrasses me as a Republican when you dumbasses fall for the political theater.

1 post by this id

Loretta "who needs ankles" lynch

Loretta "$inister" Lynch

Loretta "do the crime, don't do the time" Lynch

laverne roberts