How are you preparing for the Asian century?

How are you preparing for the Asian century?

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beating off

Training with assault rifles to go on a rampage killing as many j*ps as i can

Studying to become an anaesthesiologist. That way I'll finally get access to the least painful method of death

Playing the long game mate

I'm not

how do i get a qt jap waifu?

by already having an asian boyfriend

Well I'm planning on cherrypicking pictures of asian looking Jordanians so by the time it happens everyone just thinks we're normal asians and we get to join in on the fun
Good plan right?

being white and 6'2

400lb of pure american power :^)

If you are gaijin and speak Japanese it should be easy desu.

If you don't speak Japanese you have to get "gaijin hunter" girls, whom often are mentally deranged to some extent.

Sentences have to be in title
Please respect the tradition

White, 6'1" with a 7x6 inch dick. Where the rice bitches at?

>White and 6'2

getting ready to fight the robot war against the chinese

Anyone have the gif or webm of shitso wasabe getting yankd by the thiccness in chief?

rude, I am a lanklet

>Asian century
>not Latino century

>Latino century
More like Islam century

jacking off to hot japs

Why is the muzzleflash lightning?

33% for each one of those.


Yakuza and a shipping container x----D

>tfw you are an Asian in this century

better start relearning chinese desu while the americans are distracted by more important things

nice pits.

by mastering kung fu

The """Asian century""" will just be China and America in a Cold War II and being more paranoid than they already are.

>tfw you'll have been genocide'd already and won't get to see the global all out race war between muzzies, changs and chicanos

I bet it'll be glorious.

Marrying a Chinese qt.

China will be a Christian nation in less than a century, and America will collapse into smaller nations. The New Confederacy will be a Christian state. I see us on amiable terms.


Good luck

Nah, it'll be more like Japan+Korea+Taiwan+India+South East Asia vs China while America stands by and sells weapons.

P.S. Stay out of our hemisphere.

I hope they stick to historic Chinese Christianity and not become Westcuck evangelicals like Korea

I'm already dating her, lad. I'm just one step away.

Impregnating as much yellow cutie as I can to prepare the Eurasian century.

Why would China become christian? Are they converting massively?

Yes. The fastest growing Christian populations are in Asia now.


>Nah, America always get involved with everything.
Based on what? Prior to 70 years ago, we were aggressively uninvolved. Australia is the only country we have a really strong affinity with, so unless Australia is planning to go to war with China, we're probably not going to get directly involved.

That's just numbers though. There are so many Chinese that even if it's less than 5% thats alot of people

>marrying into the eternal chang

hey, its your funeral man...

There will be multiple hundred millions of Christians there within 20 years. That's more than 5%. We're talking larger than US population.

pretty interesting

>Prior to 70 years ago

Yes, prior to a fucking long time ago. Nearly the past century has you involved in everything and that won't change.

Eternal Anglo and Eternal Chang. What could go wrong?