What is an ideal society for Sup Forums?

what is an ideal society for Sup Forums?

what would be the point where you could say "all is well" and just enjoy life?

everyone has the resources to live comfortably and improve themselves

so socialism

>what would be the point where you could say "all is well" and just enjoy life?

I disagree that this state is ideal. To be content is to become livestock.

if we went for ideals id say mutualism

1940-50s white America

No socialism causes the opposite of that

It's got more to do with technology than politics.
I want to live as a man should, a master of the natural world.
A government that prioritizes scientific advancement, objectivity, and rationalism is what I want.
It will never work because women and uneducated will always exist.

A world populated 100% by Northern Europeans.


Cut the population by 90%. Everything is suddenly fixed.

>what is an ideal society for Sup Forums?
Where arranged marriage is the norm and it's accepted that a girl's first sexual experience will be with her father when she is very young.
Where females are no longer allowed in schools or allowed to vote.

The American South prior to 1860

There are places in africa calling you user


>Women and eneducated will always exist
So once we don't need women for birthing anymore we genocide them all? Be like that one guy in the robot movie wherehe drinks alone after he built robots?

Prussia from 1740 to 1786.
Rome from 96 AD to 192 AD.
America from 1776 to 1865.

>state religion
Enjoy paradise.

But those are African shitholes.
>So once we don't need women for birthing anymore we genocide them all?
Yes, after women are made obsolete they will be gotten rid of. Not killed, just no more will be made, like telegraph machines or payphones. Little girls will be kept around for fun.

it all starts with the great war and following, the great wipe out.

japan claims most of the asian regions, and the south koreans become vassals to the new japanese empire. large swathes of china become nature reserved and remain untouched to undo some of the environmental damage done.

india claims the middle east, but large swathes of land near and in the Levant will not be hospitable for life for another couple hundred years. indian nukes are revoked and lower castes were wiped out by higher caste indians during the great wipe out

africa, barring egypt, which is now a vassal to the indians, is barren of human life, all of africa besides isolated mines and the lands of south africa become a large nature reserve. poaching is hereby a death sentence if caught.
massive restoration projects in egypt commence, and their culture protected.

south america is claimed by argentinians and chile, who merge and become one people. they become staunch allies to the western forces and undergo extensive trade.
brazil becomes a large nature reserve.
lands 50 km on each side of the panama canal are excavated and filled with sea water to form a barrier.

america dissovles both canadian borders and mexican borders, and become the designated spot where all remaining peoples can come and settle, and enjoy their victory together as one.

europe remains as it is mostly, with all smaller countries being absorbed into bigger ones (netherlands/belgium/ denmark/poland/ to germany, austrohungary empire reestablished etc)

russia forfeits massive swathes of territory along the japanese and indian borders to maintain a buffer region, just in case.but receives most territories lost in ww1 and extensive trade deals with western forces.
for their help in the great war they also have claim to a few mining facilities in africa.

in every citiy in every region of the world, european, japanese, indian, argentinian, and america, a monument is erected to our cooperation.

Women are property.
LGBT is eradicated and removed from history books.



I don't know how I came to this point in life but I truly believe women should be 2nd class citizens.
Men like them. They're fun to mess around with and have sex with, and they can, though arguably worse than men, raise children (to put that better, a woman can do some of the things to do with raising children, but a man is ultimately required to give the child direction in life).

So i don't think we'll get rid of them, but adjust the population. Women are unnecessary, but we should keep some around like an endangered species for novelty.

Before that can happen, we have to strip them of authority.
No woman should have authority in any sense.

>homogenous society
>you get to choose what you want to learn in primary education
Let me explain this:
If you don't want to learn about British literature, you shouldn't have to. A competent reading comprehension is a must, however. Instead of Brit Lit. the student will have to choose an alternative thing to make up for grades. (Such as an actually practical trade skill that is useful to society, just as an example.)
>No aid to Africa-tier countries that offer basically nothing to us in return except for "muh warm feelings"
>taxes on unhealthy/inferior people
Any other ideas?

everything run by robots. population reduced by 99%. unlimited supply of sex with real women. everything is good.

I dont think there is a ideal society, but I'd say Japan (homogenous population, culture, traditional gender roles) + USA's resources would be pretty good

i wanna call you a weeb but nah i agree. their culture is par with ours.

1950s 'merica without the """merchants""".

America during the 50s

No Jews. No niggers. No Mexicans. And no whores.

So China in 30 years then?


a small out-in-the-country germal village.

population of around 500 people

the world seems to just drop off into an empty, endless void a few km outside the village limits

the weather is mostly a light drizzle with beams of light piercing the clouds

livestock roam freely in the fields outside the village, but no urge to consume is needed.

life resumes as it was before industrialization and modernization.

World government where people are genetically engineered to a certain standard quality by the state, birthed artificially, and raised equally.

Basically Brave New World but perhaps without the genetic mistakes and tiered classes.

OR... I wonder if there could be different land masses for people at different caliber. Like having a piece of land that is socialist to house the stupid and inept, and then a piece of land that is libertarian/capitalist to house the people capable of thriving in a competitive economy.

Except someone would have to pay for the socialist land piece... but imagine America being cut in half. One side is where there are little taxes, but its capitalist and a dog eat dog world. The other side is communist, a much safer space where people who cant handle the bants and capitalism go to get their socialist healthcare and whatnot.

A white one.

A higly technological society, where robots work for us, culture isn't a thing anymore, the government provides for everything, where we can work on art and science without thinking about profit and nobody interacts outside of a computer screen or VR interface.

>Anglosphere is united
>anglo men have full rights, rights to firearms, vote etc
>White women are second class citizens with no right to vote or firearms
>Non whites have no rights at all in the anglosphere

>America, Rome and to some degree Prussia
this fucking guy

>ideal society

A society where truth is accepted, men who think they are women get treatment for their illness, canadians don't have sex with dogs, black people stop being niggers.

global crusade

A 100% jewish society. The goy has to go.

>Humans only practice the arts and science and get everything for free
>Robots do all the jobs that allow humans to survive like food production

Zero human society. Let Neanderthals rule earth or Lizards