SJW Attack

>Be me
>Be black
>At farmer's market
>Start talking to lady
>"You have a lovely accent!"
>Be standard American with regular east coast American accent without a tint of nigger
>"Thanks! Although I've never been told that before-"
>SJW appears from the other stand to my right side to """""defend""""" me
>Mfw this man is coming out of nowhere to berate this lady when all she's doing is being kind
Why are SJWs, democrats, and the general left like this? Why do they think minorities need to be protected and defended? The woman was being kind.

>inb4 you're not black
Postin proof in the second post ITT
>inb4 you can't inb4 your own post
Oh true
>inb4 you're a nigger
Well, you got me there

Other urls found in this thread:

Still a nigger

Proof, sorry couldn't find a marker

Post penis for proof. Preferably inside a white female.

Tfw cuck

How much was the farmer asking for you?

>regular east coast american accent without a tint of nigger

Because they like to think they are Great White Saviours crashing their own society for poor little brown people.

>implying I'm white

These bants. Goddamn.

Audibly kek'd

They have white guilt and think that being extremely patronizing will make up for it

Because they're the most racist people out there and can't see it. They see anyone that isn't white as incapable of defending or even thinking for themselves.

Exactly. I realized this today. By him treating me like a child, he thought I was less of a human than a racist person ever would. Fuck the left

Took me a second

"Oh you poor uneducated black minority. You are too stupid to realise that this outwardly lovely white lady is not paying you a compliment but is in fact being racist towards you, because she is white and you are black.

I, being an educated white who understands white privelage will protect you from her because you silly nigger's can't do anything by yourselves."

Fucking gas the lot of em m8.

Yeah, they're just fucking retarded. They fight for causes that don't really exist.


ONE of the many explanations for this is the following:
Firstly, the left was massively discredited politcally and economically after the Soviet Union and China, so they shifted to "minority politics" and political correctness.

Secondly, and this is the left from the beginnning: they CREATE the "needy", the "oppressed", so they can step in to *rescue* them and *help* them. It's a cunning way to power by the creative resentment.

And the rest is virtue signaling and vanity of a holier than thou attitude.

So what did you do OP? Did you just stand there stunned and confused or did you shut that SJW whore up?

Too bad so many SJWs are ugly fat whores because you could easily clean up due to white guilt.

Yeah OP, whatd did you do? I hope you defended the nice lady


it's only sjw's
democrats aren't like this (from what I've seen), especially the left.

the left hates sjws as much as the right. sjws are pretending to be left just like hillary clinton.

Reminds me of the time someone asked me if I was Australian because I sounded like I have an Australian accent.

I don't have an accent but I do have a minor speech impediment.

Damn you have a big chin

This. I want to know how you reacted.

11. When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said
about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that
he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is
pronounced among minority rights advocates, whether or not they belong
to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are
hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities. The terms
"negro," "oriental," "handicapped" or "chick" for an African, an
Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory
connotation. "Broad" and "chick" were merely the feminine equivalents
of "guy," "dude" or "fellow." The negative connotations have been
attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal
rights advocates have gone so far as to reject the word "pet" and
insist on its replacement by "animal companion." Leftist
anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about
primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative.
They want to replace the word "primitive" by "nonliterate." They seem
almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive
culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that
primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the
hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)

12. Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect"
terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant,
abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of
whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from
privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold
among university professors, who have secure employment with
comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white
males from middle-class families.

Should have said he was whitesplainning or something,


>Why are SJWs, democrats, and the general left like this? Why do they think minorities need to be protected and defended?
Useless in real life
Need to be important
Craft some importance

Should have called him a racist for speaking about you like he owns you and then threatened to beat him up.

so what did you say to the cuck?


Because SJWs are subhuman scum that believe everything a White person says or does is evil.

SJWs enjoy being upset. To them it's a way they show off how virtuous they are. They're trash.

>make up bunch of shit
>do captcha
>press post

We basically work for google

>black man
>farmer's market

Was she white with glasses- angry look? I think I know that one. My condolences.



christ the entirely wrong photo

The SJW rhetoric is far more racist than almost all of the people that they attack for being racist. Their rhetoric supooses that minorities are somehow incapable of standing up for themselves and need the support of moral guardians such as themselves which ironically is almost the exact same thing slave owners used to tell their slaves to justify their ownership of them.

It's fucking disgusting.

And there goes the thread.

Aw I thought you were just being really nice

your skin is dry as fuck. Get some cream

You have to tell them to fuck off and stop speaking for you next time. These poeple don't really care about minorities, they only care about making themselves appear like a good person.

Fuck that's mean. It'll die horribly.

America is full of accents.
This isn't anything weird.

Fucking boston.

Because liberals and democrats are just as racist as southern rednecks. They think you're too stupid and weak and helpless to protect yourself at all, so you need to be defended on twitter and given endless welfare checks to survive.

Modern sjwism is literally just a rehashed "white mans burden"

Use your minority card to troll them. Say /pol tier stuff and make them go crazy.

How do you feel about white people who genuinely think in terms of 'good ones' when talking about black people? Do you acknowledge that your race is so fucked that it warrants this callous sorting or are you offended even though you'd probably be counted among the 'good ones' no matter how you feel about it?

goddamnit so their ruining your life now too ? what did you say to that faggot ? and what a d bag just to butt in on conversations...

well you guys wanted this.. looks like you have to live in the same hell as i do... have fun and try not to commit suicide

>keks ascention into the cosmos

ok but i'm white and think the same way about my own race... like a just don't like germanics and scandi-noids for obvious reasons but i like italians and scottish and russians way more


what hapenned after?

Sorry op

good you actually got something out of that.... you better hope those assholes don't take power you will be almost as bad off as me, and thats bad

yep, want to know too

>I don't have an accent but I do have a minor speech impediment.

Being retarded is the same thing as being Australian so I could see where others might have some confusion.

Hi, welcome to SJWs, they're all batshit lunatics. Enjoy.

Most democrats are not like that. Its the republicans who are rasist cunts. And so you vote against your own well being? You dumb.

found the swede on vacation

>bernie posting


Most of the times I call and consider someone a nigger, they're white.
Because there's a whole lot of white skinned niggers out there.
Jew media, jew education, and jew government makes niggers out of everyone. Everyone who submits to the methods of jewish enslavement of the goyim is a modern day cotton picker.

>be Nip
>go to Toronto
>"Why the fuck are there so many chinks and pakis here"
>realized I said it out loud
>loud ass gasp
>HEy YoU CaN'T sAy ThAT
>Why not I'm Asian
>that's racist
>how? I'm not Asian
>he stands there dumbfounded
I can safely say that Quebec is the best state

>tfw i understand you


It isn't about protecting you user. It is about them feeling morally superior. Since you are black you are a victim and sense that lady said something to you that was socially awkward she is a racist, bigot victimizer, and since he came in and yelled at her and called her a bigot he is now a good person.

Amphibians can withstand some pretty rough stuff. He probably landed and is fine. Provided it doesn't dry out....

He did the same thing everyone does when they encounter an SJW...He gave it a confused look then went on the internet to ask if these people are for real

I don't know, how high can helium balloons get? A few hundred feet up won't really do anything, then it will just slowly fall down over the next day or so.

The shortest way to describe it is: virtue signaling. It is basically all that the left ever actually does, besides killing people.