Stupid mudshits...thinking hiding in a church for sanctuary will save you? where do you think this is? 1066?
stupid faggots
Stupid mudshits...thinking hiding in a church for sanctuary will save you? where do you think this is? 1066?
stupid faggots
the video is glorious! xD
The Uncuckening has begun
>kebab being removed
>whiny liberals
>MILF cops
This video has it all
i love how they was cocky right up until they gripped him hahaha
they need tasers, pepper spray, LAV's, and some tacticool AR's
>deportation back to war-torn Iraq.
shiiieeeeeeet, was taking out Saddam worth it?
>One of the asylum seekers was just 16 years old
Do they think we're fucking stupid or something? Not a single one of those military aged able bodied snackbars looked 16, maybe 26
Skyrim belongs to the Nords
its ok to use it if you actually laughed hard
you can hear him crying like a bitch when he is shoved into the car haha
The idea that foreign mudslimes would get to live in Iceland is vomit-inducing.
Police doing good work cutting the bullshit at the source.
pls use memes instead of emoticons
>Around thirty people encircled the asylum seekers in a vain attempt to protect them and stand in solidarity with them.
Lol cucks
my dick is diamonds right now
These "asylum seekers" keep going further and further away from their shitholes to ask for "refuge"
I won't be surprised if they start asking the ISS to house them. Hitching up on rockets and shit.
>Britain votes to leave EU
>US will vote for Trump
>Austria overturns illegal presidential election results
>Iceland removing kebab
i-is it time for the great awakening?
The fire rises.
You better believe in happenings burger....
How these men got into Iceland in first place??
>starts crying
fucking glorious
libtards that fall for the refugee meme being forced. think they are poor boy who didndu nuffin but flee IS while they turn they life around.
They only arrested 2? I saw atleast 4 mudshits in that video
legals habour illegals