
>Does things that are against the law.
>Gets caught.
>We're supposed to feel bad.


dumb filthy puertonigger

dumb leaf.

>if you watch a few of his videos he mentions the name of the "company" that offers them, i didn't note it down, nor do i think i can point you into a direction more than that. sorry pal

He doesn't seem to have distributed them himself like he said here:

There are sellers on ebay publicly offering the schematics:

"BUY ALL OF MY (daily growing) SCHEMATIC, BIOS's, Training, and Laptop Repair Video INVENTORY FOR $129** (Mega Order!) AND IT WILL INCLUDE A SUPPORT TEAM at OUR ALL OUR WEBSITES"

Seems like there is a laptop repair cabal.

Once I changed out my PC's 4gb memory for 8gb and a swat team came and shot my dog. The lawyers for the PC manufacturer took my home.

We are a free and open democratic multicultural society of liberal values and I learned my lesson. I stopped being a criminal.

No. They'll be shooting you, then your dog if they have bullets left over.

He claimed you can find most of them with a few minutes of googling. Probably find the name of specific parts and google "partname schematics" and go from there.

Heh I picked the mushrooms off my pizza and put some extra cheese on it and the swat team came and killed my mother. Damn, I need to stop criminalizing' with my filthy ways.

Are you seriously this stupid burger?
Repairing the motherboard is like repairing your bike.

>Oh, i don't do that, i just throw it away when it breaks.

fuck apple. i dont care if he violated some jew laws. The fact that a corporation gets government cronies to bully the little guy is disgusting.

Hoh I mixed my whiskey out with some coca cola and the swat team barged in and shot me in my stomach. Why don't I learn. A life of illegal antisemitic criminalizin' thievery.