Moody's and 538 Predict Landslide Clinton Win

Democratic chances of winning the White House remain strong, according to a closely followed economic election model.

Moody's Analytics is forecasting that Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, will easily win the presidency in November over Republican Donald Trump, the June forecast predicts.

The latest model shows for the fourth straight month that the Democratic nominee will win 332 electoral votes, compared with 206 for the Republican nominee. The model chooses a party, not a candidate, to win.

"The closer we come to election day, the more that two-year change is based in history and less on our economic forecasts," said Dan White, a Moody's economist who oversees the monthly model.

"With just over four months left to election day, the chances of an economic forecast error distorting the results are fading," he said.

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We all know he's fucking done

538 also predicted it would be a contested convention, as I recall.

How'd that turn out?

Crystal ball said he would win the presidency, but not the nom

No one knows what they're doing

I agree completely.

I mean there's absolutely no way that he is going to run for president. I mean really, that guy from the apprentice? You really think the guy from the apprentice is SERIOUS about running? this is all just a joke or a publicity stunt

These forecasts don't take into account how an FBI indictment (and if suppressed, high level officials going public) is almost guaranteed now.

But then the nomination would go to Bernie, and he's always polled better against Trump than Clinton.

RealClearPolitics is now the only remaining election prediction site that hasn't allowed bias to cloud their judgment.


>The model chooses a party, not a candidate, to win.
and this is why there is a very good chance they are wrong.

>GA and AZ are tossups


>Nate Shillver said Trump had a 5% chance of winning the nomination
>Now says he has a 20% chance of winning the presidency

What method is Nate Silver gonna use to kill himself on November 9th? One that takes into account state polls, national polls, and endorsements? :^)

civil war will erupt if anyone but trumps wins

there will be riots if trump wins

so sayeth neetstrodamus

Shill please.

In OP's post, Nate Silver predicted both those states would go Blue

This is all purely psychological. Tell the opposition they're going to lose until they believe it. Once they believe it it becomes fact.

Nate silver thinks that just because blacks poll 91-1 in favor of clinton, that 100% of them will turn out to vote in the election.


>Listening to people who have been wrong about Trump the entire time

>thinking they'd let BS be the candidate

>people actually believe this


>Georgia and NC are in play

Carpetbaggers need to go.

The magic conch shell also told me hillary would win

I think Sanders could beat Trump. Most people see Trump as a huge unlikeable asshole, which only works because Clinton is an equally huge huge cunt.

Sanders, while foolish, is a pretty nice guy

>implying it won't make Trump's fiercely loyal voter base even more likely to come out and vote on election day

Just like they predicted the real estate loans crash in 2007? It's just too early, let's wait for the debates

Good. I hope Hilldog thinks she has an easy stroll. She's in for a rude fucking awakening come election night.

I predict 500+ for Dems desu.
Minus 100 for each of following:
EU disintegration
Massive terrorism incident on US
Clinton indictment (and Biden running)
Clinton indictment, pardoned and still running

Nobody thinks he has a fucking chance anymore. So stop reinforcing the point that we already accept.

Nate Silver will "predict" whatever is good for Jews.


People still pay attention to Nate Bronze?

>increasingly nervous men develop new branch of math to formulate scenarios in which trump doesn’t win nomination

Nate Aluminium can still convince 24-hour news networks that he isn't complete shit; that doesn't mean people pay attention to him.

>Nate Bronze
>Nate Aluminum

my sides

Anything that even hints at him not doing so great is Shill4Hill .05 has been deposited in your account