Why would you believe in a fairy tale

Why would you believe in a fairy tale.
when you could find out the world for yourself

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What's the atheist response to the point that science is a way of building the knowledge of the laws in which a god made the Universe other than linking to a Richard Dawkins video?

Why do people believe they will be able to change anyone's long held beliefs on a Lebanese Frog Exchange?

Get real kid. Left side is atheism, right side is pantheism

i tried it for 8 years did not figure out a single thing

An atheist huh?
Who cares your going to be pushed around because you aren't organized in any way.
Christians were an easy target. Good luck fighting through the accusations of islamaphobia.

Sorry, atheist too but whats the point when half + of us aren't making a stand?

If the universe was once condensed into a singularity which existed for an untold amount of time then suddenly exploded into the universe there must have been a cause. Things at rest stay at rest until acted upon.

If the universe was at one point not in motion, then the next was in motion - there must have been a prime mover.

Either god exists (and is a white male) or Newtonian physics is wrong. Pick one, neckbeards

Atheism seems to just make it easier for people to remain slaves to their baser desires rather than religious dogma. I find far more religious people being more tolerable to exist around than atheists.

Religion also doesn't mean you can't have a scientific understanding of the world. If you have a proper understanding of both science and religion, you'll find they compliment each other completely.

What thought is religion taking away from me?

Sometimes its good to lie, and to believe in lies.


I've been both and I only started enjoying life after becoming a Christian and stopped trying to kill myself.

That there is a huge probability that God isn't real.
Not saying he is or isn't. But if you are religious then we all know what you think don't we.

>fairy tale
you mean like believing in (((((scientists))))? aka, government/kike approved faggots? the prophets of the new world order?

>trust us goyimg
>it's """"science""""
>muh quantum magic

Ya. Lots of losers need a sky daddy to not be fuck ups.
Go to a tweekers house and ask who there believes in god. (Hint: all of them)

I used to be a criminal, I killed people.

Lots of niggers love god to.
Almost like there is a correlation.

Plz disregard fedora tipper.

>t. Atheist

>jidf comes to pol
>forgets to change its toolset from generic forums to 4chins
getting sloppy.

I'm not a nigger, why are Americans so obsessed with black people.

>religion takes away the thought that there's a probability god might not be real

Then atheism takes away the thought that there's a probability god is real.

What a stupid thing to say

because american """"culture"""" = black culture
and because america is only 60% """"white"""" (mixed fags, identifying as white)

because you serve no use to your country you might as well be a nigger

Atheism is fucking retarded.
Stop defining yourself by what you DON'T believe in.

I'm a Golfiest.


I don't golf. Haha.


Atheism = Leftism

I have yet to find an Atheist who is truly redpilled.
Atheism is a ploy to destroy the West.

No, you're a murderer.
Didn't say you were a nigger. I was implying that shitty people turn to God to avoid respocibility for what they do, or have done.
You killed people.
That is on you.
"God" won't clean that blood off your hands.
Just like he won't take that meth out of a tweekers mouth.

>I used to be a criminal, I killed people.
kill yourself you edgelord fagget

No it doesn't. It means you lack theism. Doesn't mean you are an idiot with a closed mind. If I see God, I would then believe in him.

"Atheists see in colour!" Nah, they are not these super smart people, just ordinary. I'd say a lot of atheists are thick plebs who don't have the depth of intelligence to believe in anything beyond their little world. Example, a garden variety atheist "Why dunt god stop African kids dying of starvation eh?!" Their entire view of religion comes down to images of God being a genie and a mild irritation at the thought of some priests telling others what to do.

I make 800k each year, but thanks for trying walloon.
I never said anything about turning to God to justify any behavior, turning to God made rethink my life and stop that behavior.
>Killing people

the word you are looking for is ateeist you fucking teeist piece of shit

>If the universe was at one point not in motion, then the next was in motion - there must have been a prime mover.
the monotheistic idea of a god (aka the christian one) has to exist outside of the universe by definition, and may therefore not be constrained by the laws we've come to know

the universe may not have been caused. it may have always existed, it may have never begun in the first place. it may be everything at once and we're just perceiving a few specific parts of it. there's no way to accurately tell in the form we're in now.

I don't believe in god. I'm already not a peace of shit. Checkmate.

This is the most fedora post since the original fedora post. I'm not even kidding. I fucking cringed hard. Bravo.


You're an idiot. You were asked the question "what thought does religion take away" and your answer was the thought that God's not real. By that logic atheism equally takes away thought because apparently not believing in something is having that thought taken away.

>this is what passes as logic to fedoras

>>Killing people
tip your edgy fedora before you hang yourself

>Le JIDF meme

I said the thought that God may not be real.
SeeI know it is hard to English with all that brown dick running threw your head canada. But come on now.

tips in appreciation

thoroughly engenders one to contemplate

Religion takes away the thought that God's not real.

Then atheism takes away the thought that's gods real.

This is literally the stupidest statement I've ever seen in all my time watching people argue about religion lmao

Atheism creates Fascism and Communism.

I don#t need that.

Anyone else wanna get BTFO??

Atheism is a lack of theism.
You can not have a religion, and be open to the idea of a creator.
You can not be religious and open to the idea of a lack of a creator.


no atheism is the belief god isnt real

It is a lack of theism.
Or do you not understand how prefix works.
Also, you can not believe in god, and still be open to the idea there is a god.
There could be a god, but I don't believe there is.


Because I was raised religious.

Got a problem with it, get your ass beat boy

>Why would you believe in a fairy tale.
>when you could find out the world for yourself


Atheist associates have, as part of their current policies, a directive to elevate the "experiences" on the "oppressed" above facts, evidence, and reason. Effectively, they equating stories with all of the validity of religious testimonials on a pedestal as something that should be accepted without any critical thought.

Atheism is now the religious right.

This should help you understand how words actually work in the English language.

Also, even working within your definition of atheist, you can still not believe or lack belief in god, and be open to the idea of a god or gods.
