The Toughest Breed of White People


That's not the USA

Just keep your big mouth shut, and heed their advice, kiddo.

South African Whites are so tough they flee to Australia and the UK when the going gets tough. White Americans stay here and establish a stronger hold on the country as established by the Trump election

White South Africans flee, die or race-mix. Useless.

I'm afraid Europe became like this shithole on some decades.
I guess they will be resistance before going to this point.

>comparing a country where whites are getting shat on by 13% of the country compared to being shat on by 80% of the country.

Blacks really do control you lot quite a bit considering that they're literally 1/10th of the population

Ah yes trump the defender of whites who sprat tans because his ideal of beauty is looking like a spic

they flee when they are too poor.
the richest ones still lives as farmers and are organized, they are actually afrikaners commandos who could take over the nigger government if they wanted, the problem is they are afraid of international reactions, like embargo for racism or some shit like that.
lol? no, race-mixing with semi-savage aids niggers who want your death is dangerous.

Literally, the 2nd largest group in South Africa are Coloureds - mixed race people

And yet we do a good job of killing non-whites

It was before the aids though

Coloureds are an old ethnicity created by Boers peasants and Khoisans tribes (and sometimes Poo-in-loo too) during the colonization times, they are not actual mongrel and are racist against blacks too, which are bantu peoples.

And Coloured people have children with other Coloured people + have a much higher birthrate than Whites. Coloured doesn't always necessarily imply black + white mix, it's a historic term for all mixed race people from the 1600s where inter breeding between slaves, workers and colonists was common. Interracial marriages is far more common in first world countries than in SA. Don't speak about things where you don't know the bigger picture

The "blacks" on South Africa are essentially Bantus people like Zulus or Xhosas, the Coloured came from the mixing of Dutch colonists and Khoisans / Hottenhots peoples (the original black natives of South Africa which a different phenotype), and also Coolies (worker from India or Malaysia).
they speak Afrikaans (the local dutch language) and are another community, for exemple that's not because your mom is fucked by a zulu that you could pretend to be part of the Coloured community.


Khoisan people are Black, too, and they still exist, stupid faggot.

>they are actually afrikaners commandos who could take over the nigger government if they wanted, the problem is they are afraid of international reactions, like embargo for racism or some shit like that.

Source? That would be cool as fuck if true. Are they just waiting for the right time?

Khoisans are the ones who have the language with all the clicks and shit right?

Well, Europe will get to an interim (probably like Brazil or Lat Am and America is getting to that phase in no time) and things will be different depending on what will happen with that phase

yes Pepito but they have not the same faces than Bantus, they are also discriminated in Namibia.
some considers them "Capoid" and not "Negroid"

The term "Coloured" has evolved in a cultural sense, not just in a racial sense. That's what distinguishes mixed race people from South Africa to mixed race people from other countries. Mixed race people in other countries generally tend to live according to the cultural norms of one side.

That's why being Coloured implies that you're mixed race, but being mixed race doesn't imply that you're a Coloured. South Africa has a category called "other" in their census, which applies to people who are neither black, white, Indian/Asian or Coloured.

I'm guessing Sup Forumsyps such as yourself?

Khoisan people aren't Bantu, which is what one would consider black. Besides, the Khoisan population culturally and linguistically associates with Coloured people

>they are actually afrikaners commandos who could take over the nigger government if they wanted

That's true though. It was pretty hot there in the 1990s. Literal massacres on the streets

>summoning Sup Forums
okay José, tell me, what I said that triggered you exactly? I offended you saying there is some racial differences between Khoisans and Bantus? most of purebreed Khoisans lives now on the Namibian desert, that's why the huge majority of blacks on South Africa are Bantus, they also not even on South Africa on the first place, they came from the north during colonial times.

what it's so funny exactly?

No it's not. Afrikaners culture is mainly about larping as tough guys when in reality they are nothing but the opposite

How do you know?

Empiric knowledge

>the Khoisan population culturally and linguistically associates with Coloured people
>which is what one would consider black.
Lmao does that mean West Africa isn't Black? Is that too why the the South African census totally has separate Black African and Khoisan categories?

Your knowledge is shit


It's not speculation, it's the reality. People who are Khoisan consider themselves as Coloured or "other", not black African