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>would be the 6th economy in the world if not part of the US
>entertainment capital of the world
>feeds most if not all of the US
>has some of the best colleges in the world
>the place where everyone wants to be
I could tell you're a flyover

It's true, I would like to be in Cali. But not the spic parts, the white parts.

>>feeds most if not all of the US
what the fuck

>filled with nonwhites
Butthurt lesser race detected.

>not the spic parks
So what you're saying is you don't want to go to California


Most overrated state

>run by crooked liberals

Nor Cal, SF, Orange County, and San Diego are places you want to be
>California's agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities. Over a third of the country’s vegetables and two-thirds of the country’s fruits and nuts are grown in California. The dairy industry, California’s leading commodity in cash receipts, generated a record $9.36 billion for milk production in 2014, up 23 percent from 2013 and 22 percent above the record year of 2011.
Shouldn't you be making not funny shitposts

that bears looks just like my cat, which is a rescue that someone abandoned and was living on the streets for who knows how long

Was a great place to grow up, until a tidal wave of little brown racist, animal abusing, couch dumping, car stealing, drunk driving, baby popping shit-skins flooded in and swamped it and turned everything to shit.

California leads the nation in agriculture by a yawning chasm.

:In 2014, the top 10 agricultural producing States, in terms of cash receipts were (in descending order): California, Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, Indiana, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.


Q: Which States have the largest number of food processing plants?

A: California has the largest number of food manufacturing plants, followed by New York and Texas (see text under third pie chart).

thats why we keep letting in those poor poor mexicans

gotta keep labor costs down ;) get fucked rest of the country

California is probably the best place to grow up. You get a pretty diverse experience, and I don't just mean racially. In terms of ecological diversity, California is not only the best state in the USA, but possibly one of the best places in the world. You don't even have to leave state borders to find virtually any kind of climate you want, with the exception of a tropical rainforest. 4-6 hours away is Las Vegas, and despite the hate I might get for saying it: Mexico is actually a fucking awesome place to visit. And it's right there. Cheap beer, cheap, delicious food, and a debauched id-liberating nightlife.

People say it's Mexico 2.0 but that's only really true in the shitty downtown parts of the greater Los Angeles area. Beyond that there's Mexicans, sure, but almost all of them are totally Americanized and have virtually nothing of Mexican culture remaining.

The main problem with California is that it's expensive as shit. Pretty much all my friends have moved to places like Oregon, the Midwest, Colorado, etc.

I really hate the farmers around here. All they grow is almonds, then whenever the city talks about annexing their land they go on about feeding the world and being 'good stalwarts of the land' all the while they live in mansions, and have an army of illegals doing all the field work for pennies.


I can buy a 6pack of almond breeze for $7 from costco because of those pimps abusing immigrants. Amazing for my gains.

When will you all realize that democrats are trying to create a working underclass for our benefit instead of supporting candidates that want everyone treated equally?

the flag is a representation of ursa major


none of that is really worth a dam when it's over run by mexico and the only people making it up on top are kikes.

>Anti fascist.
>Silence the political opposition.

The entire population of Californian should be wiped off the face of the earth and replaced by southerners and people from the mountain states.

So dude weeds and cucks to the BBC?

At one time, Detroit had the highest per capita income in the entire country.

its almost over

this guy knows whats up

Not for much longer. Could end as soon as this year.


And it all ends when the water finally runs out.

>food processing plants

I don't eat """"""food"""""" that comes from a plastic bag.

They want to steal our water next. Fuck them.
t. Michigan

That's never going to happen. Oregon should watch out though.

On the other hand, farming is going to be a great opportunity as the rest of the US ramps up to replace lost California production.

Caesar's Legion will cleanse the NCR.

Any food that's canned, cut, or frozen. This is also meat, and vegetables.

>Not Hispanic

Top kek.
