
Nootka edition

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making a nice chamomile tea


got a letter from the ESA today lads
it said that they regretted to inform me that they would have to refuse my suggestion to launch me into the suns orbit strapped to the hull of a spaceshuttle, bollocks facing forward.

abslutely furious lads

>grad school wants you to attend at least one semester before applying for a scholarship
i just know that if i do that i'm going to get jewed and not get the scholarship, and be stuck paying for another 1.5 years

the yank of europe

be very mmmmm careful now



be very careful now..........

Car died this morning

been thinking about the idea of flesh-eating bacteria lately lads.
where would one go to acquire such bacteria and does anbody know if they have a taste for bollocks?

got a letter from customs last week
it said that ordering controlled medications from foreign countries can be dangerous

absolutely furious lads

not noticeably weird and only 20. maybe I can stay on your couch rent free and distract you from the lonely void that is life.

there have been reports that north korea has been testing ballistic missiles
this is true
however, the unrest and alarm that has been caused by these reports is totally without warrant
i can assure you, i have it on personal guarantee from kim jong un that the only thing that is being targeted by these missiles is my bollocks

alri gay boy

Sally, take my hand
We'll travel south cross land
Put out the fire
And don't look past my shoulder.

Why would you post this again

these are all internationa shippingroutes superimposed over each other

I don't feel like harboring an illegal alien in my 330 square foot studio. Just come here lad there's a massive homeless population and they seem to do fine.

Please don't be mean, I'm still in mourning

alri ricer

been thinking of drawing an eu flag on my scrotum and then walk into britain like that?

anybody have experience with this kind of thing? do you reckon it would work?

*points to sign that sign that says "if posted below the the new, post again"*


third eye is opening lads

made this

NHS refused my application to surgically attach a weatherballoon to my private parts AGAIN.

This is why I need feminism. Absolutely shaking.

doing a read

Step it up a notch if you're representing Germany

just had a ncie tug to emily grey


which type are you?


brexiters btfo!

gore don't open

wouldn't mind setting my scrote in the north sea and giving it a few mins

The International Finance Jewry is the reason why my bollocks haven't been decimated yet lads. I am gathering evidence right now to make an eye-opening youtube video that will start a revolution and institute a truely righteous and just gouvernment.

I. Will. Have. My. Scrotum. Denaturated.




i coordinated 9/11, pressed my bollocks straight against the window on the floor directly hit by the first plane

was an absolutely amazing experience



(*downvoted* racists in the comments)

hmm a leaf making a good post

just bought 6kg (500 pieces) of Lindt truffles


why lad

good investment imo

AMA about organic chemistry

best brand of chocolate

was a good deal 50 quid

been reading up about ancient china lads

did you know that inside the forbidden city only Eunuchs were allowed to serve the king? Far-Eastern wisdom truely is the path to enlightenment.

objectively wrong mate

martin shrikeli gaoled

we did it reddit

have you ever read Houellebecqs "particules elementaires?"

How many can you draw by memory

can i have a kilo
not fat just bulking simple as

sad book

name a better brand of chocolate readily available in supermarkets.

How much time have you invested into your hobby?

alri 20 quid


In Russia there used to be a sect in which the men voluntarily cut of their genitals. Don't know if they still exist. Shall do some research on hw to contact them.

business idea: have the chemistry lad unleash a genetically engineered virus

one that has been programmed to specifically target my love spuds


those eunuchs usurped power more than once


Have you ever had sex

YOU'RE sad

chemistry is just applied physics. literal meme scientist you are


what makes you think chemistry lad has the knowledge or skills to genetically engineer a virus

i would be mad too that you can have your peaches shredded only once

Wow this is recent, too. Impressive. Not as good as the naked briton in Japan, but good still.


because i'm a brainet and all that stuff just blends into one big 'cannot understand'

nein aber ich habe deine mutti gelesen, letzte nacht

what do you mean? structures? reaction mechanisms?

4 years at uni and 2 years working as a synthetic organic chemist

yes I have slept with 11 women including two long term gfs

you're a meme

absolutely steaming at the thought that my tax dollars are going to """"refugees""" instead of bein invested into my ingenious contraption destined to exact more that 8K Megajoules of pressure onto my bollocks.

>Not as good as the naked briton in Japan
what was he doing that was more impressive than riding an electric unicycle whilst masturbating?

literally just applied mathematics
literal meme scientist you are

structures for chemicals


You know it's happening, don't you?
That's right, I am of course referring to the advent of the Todmorden Millennium
Hope you're prepared x

Swimming in the japanese imperial moat


how the fuck did he pull it off lads
can you imagine a society like nazi germany arising today?

literally just applied philosophy
literal meme scientist you are

i remember the day that i shyly asked my primary school teacher for the first of many times to please stick my genitals into the doorframe and slam the door shut.

She said no.
fucking friendzoned again.

well you normally start off with a structure you look up or you may know by heart then as it reacts you keep track of the number of carbons and what atoms you've added/removed

burma btfoing terroristic muslim groupls



absolute madman


tell em don't waste my time


think i did a little bit too much coke, heart is pounding

i need some volunteers to help me with something:

i would like to start a campaign of targeted disinformation to convince americans that i have discovered large reservoirs of crude oil inside my bollocks.
volunteers please apply to: [email protected]

draw me diphosphate methyloxoazoline

Now run for your life, or you wanna get your heat, whatever
We can die together
As long as I send your maggot ass to the essence
I don't give a fuck about my presence

go outside and take a deep breath

Brush your teeth then.

Now I remember why I filtered thaicunt