What will things be like on Sup Forums if Trump loses?

What will things be like on Sup Forums if Trump loses?

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mostly likely will lose since polls from virtually every outlet is showing a blowout

not shilling neither I take a realistic approach on many things especially politics

Pretty quiet after Hillary finds a way to shut us down.

bitching about hillary instead of Obama


>media polls

>realistic approach


It's where the resistance will be organizing their meme raids and gorilla warfare

Concern shill. Polls are rarely accurate

Things are going to be so boring, I remember Sup Forums before the 2016 election

>Concern shill. Polls are rarely accurate
No, they're usually accurate

Polls are okay when it shows candidate A in a good light but not when it shows candidate A in a bad light? that is what you're getting at or what?
Show me a poll where trump was under 5 points and went on to win a state

the most he was under and won in was 2 for Oklahoma or the state next to it
bernie "SHOCKED" hillary when he won michigan despite being two points or one under

Polls are accurate , it is all math involved you're a fool to say they're just talking points when they are so much more

I'll leave to never return.