>Black africans never had advanced civilizations or empires
Then explain this faggots

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How many of them had gunpowder?

>>Black africans never had advanced civilizations or empires
What kind of shit trick is this? Did they have empires? Ugh, sure. I give you that. So do ants.
But advanced civilization? Don't make a fool of yourself.


>Implying the kingdom of Aksum was black

>what is ancient egypt
Why denying that backs were
Advanced/had advanced empires




>starting civilization in the middle ages


Aksum bout me nigga

Of they did, too bad everything except Mali was destroyed by colonization.

Those empires took place at different time periods. They weren't all there at once.

Calling something an empire doesn't make it great or powerful.

>implying any of these are advanced
btw they had 10,000s of years of a head start to whites

If North Africans are so black then explain why they don't qualify for African American scholarships. Checkmate!!

Face it, ancient Egyptians weren't niggers, just like modern Egyptians aren't niggers. They're sand niggers. Learn the difference.


>some powerless shithole full with niggers is called an empire


Do not believe the media lies

Fuuuuuck! They couldn't smelt iron without the Greeks teaching them how first. Compared to that gunpowder was fucking black magic. Right up there with voodoo.

Empire of Dust maybe.

Great Zimbabwe was shit. It was a bunch of rocks stacked on top of each other. No architecture, no theory, no math, no engineers. Just fucking rocks stacked on top of each other. And when the inhabitants left the city, they didn't even take the architectural 'lessons learned' to whatever shit settlement they respectively went to.

Its garbage. Stop it. Subsaharan Africa had no great Empires, just collections of tribal people. Don't try and reinvent history. You fucking trolled me good fuuuuckkk

nice proxy faggot , did you forget that in june some newspapers warned about gangs of niggers in egypt?


>be noble and advanced black empire
>stretch from horizon to horizon a thousand times over
>more natural wealth than all of europe
>300 pale humans come from the endless lake
>ride upon magical floating houses
>offer some beads and trinkets for your empire
>kill all those who oppose them
>put the warriors in chains
>take them onto the floating houses
>disappear them across the endless lake
>tame the wilderness and build industry
>create infrastructure and increase welfare
>start feeling bad about it
>give the colonies back, with 8,000 years worth of improvements
>locals let it all rot into the ground
>blame the colonists
>genocide each other constantly
>blame the colonists
>world-class infrastructure crumbles into dust
>blame the colonists
>steal the farms and kill the farmers
>starve and waste away
>blame the colonists
>live in squalor and disease
>blame the colonists
>can't operate the free power plants you were given
>blame the colonists
Those were your black African empires.

> pic related

I have a feeling that these "empires" are just a few tribes located across a sparsely populated landscape.

Can any history fags confirm?

You stupid ape, thats a RUIN of the city, which is what happened when trade declined in the area. It happened in 1450, along with gold mine exhaustion, and the rise of another empire up north that also held the zimbabwe tradition.

Do some research one day.

Rome fell well before the same time, and it doesn't look like a heap of shit. Literally rocks piled on tops of other rocks, no cement, no plaster, no binding material. They didn't even incorporate any architecture from their largest trading partners, the Arabs.

It is and was a shit city.

>1,000,000,000,000 Mugabe bucks deposited into your account

Thank god there weren't any leafs here to fuck this up.