Be a Jew

>be a Jew
>want to convince people that you're not evil
>and you don't deserve death

>ban everyone who criticizes you
>especially if they're smart
>even if it's a smart young girl
>expect people not to hate you any more anymore

>mfw when Jews are so fucking stupid and confused

Say what you want about Jews. Be they the chosen people or devilish degenerates, one thing is clear: they are illogical and retarded as fuck!

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She's got jiggly titteys.

Gas all kikes race war now


anyone got a link to an imgur set of her or something like that?

>Sup Forums is still obsessed over some attention youtube whore from six months ago
Stacy has probably taken a dozen black dicks by now, m8s. Forget her

Of course they are jiggly. Women of northern European descent are healthy and practical and need large breasts to feed healthy offspring for them to become tall and muscular.

Jesus Christ, how pathetic can you be?

She's a kike, though.

I want to waste my Aryan seed while groping her fat jew tits

jew girls and milfs are so hot

>Forget her

What the fuck, do you want me to forget evalion and be stuck with boxxy? Fuck off!