NEET Portfolio thread

How are you profiting from the end of the world happening?

Also have 700 oz physical silver.

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So i'm a neet who gets welfare every month. I live with my parents, so I don't have any expenses. Should I put my neetbox into a portfolio? I'm worried the government will notice and take my neetbux.

Noice, I'm going the bitcoin route. Not exactly end of the world related, but whatevs

You should buy some physical silver. I've made 6 orders from and all positive experiences.

Was up 20% in June and about 7% today.

That's how I started,
I went completely broke 3 times and starved for about 2 months, but I figured it out and Got off welfare.

I just do trading and now I'm just over the poverty line after 5 years of grinding and reading and learning.

I honestly would suggest doing it my way, make sure you practice on a virtual stock site first to figure out how it works.

I bought silver a couple years ago, about 20 ounces to start. But then I thought it was completely worthless and through them in the trash can. Not even joking. It just doesn't seem like it's ever going to be valuable.


I have 20K in savings

How do I into money making jewry

That was dumb

>virtual stock site
spoonfeed pls

I've done so much research on the gold and silver markets and as you can see I'm pretty much all in on a hyper inflating US Dollar and complete fraud at the COMEX and LBMA.

I would buy silver, but not the ETFs. Buy the real thing and store it in your possession. It's a currency, not a commodity. It's being suppressed to hide the printing of US dollars.

Marketwatch has some. Under "games" I think. You can set it up so you play with pretend money.

metals are terrible investments

Death to all but metal

That's why all the sovereigns are buying it I guess...

there are two possible endings to this
1. You actually make some money; which is nice for you about as long as it retains its value (it doesnt)
2. The end of the world doesn't happen; your investment is pointless

If you actually think the world is going to end buy pool chlorine or kitchen bleach (for water purification); cigarette lighters; high proof alcohol; toilet paper and plant seeds

I have all that stuff. Even after a terrible may for metals I'm still up 32% on the year. When this financial happening goes down for sure I think this could be a 300-400% year.

great. thanks m8

>it's real
holy shit

Why don't you invest in 3x ETFs?

Try out tradingview has a free paper trade if you sign up

>he's on a blue board

I used to day-trade JNUG and UWTI but at they are only as good as the issuing bank and I am not very confident in banks these days.

I have physical certificates of ownership for these holdings so it's not just a digital record. A lot of trades are never even settled.

YOLOing on failing oncology companies and some veterinary shit. DNAI and NVET

You're a fucking retard and you are never going to make any money.

>gib me free money

Fucking nigger


I've been reading these too

I'm not a NEET since I'm a student abroad but I suck at trading for now.

I've lost 3k in the past year oh my 10k savings. I've recently made some small recoveries but I don't have the stomach to hold when the damn thing drops 10%.
I panic sell and then the thing goes up again.

I never had to lose money, just had to hold for a bit more.


You never lose money until you sell!

Well thing is that I held UWTI throughout the big oil drop. I held it for a month and every day it dropped.

I bought it at 1.55 and sold it at 0.75, that was the all time low for a couple months.

Oh man I hear you there. I took a beating at that same time actually. Bought around $2.50 and sold at about $1.00. It was right before the reverse split.

Learn to take that 10%hit or you will continue to lose money with your emotional investing

Rude jude

Yea it was rough, I've recovered 2k (I lost like 5k at that time) with NUGT but still in negative.

Yea I figured so

I already have money from working
