Hello my friend.. I want you to are read this.... peace be upon you... please think

hello my friend.. I want you to are read this.... peace be upon you... please think...

I want her to be Clinton's VP just so I never have to hear from her again.

Replace "he" with "she"

>1 post


Oh, I do think, friend. The glory of President Trump will be unrivaled in our time.

my friend I ame here with you. you must realize your country is in so danger. Please think my friend... before it too late...

God i hope she gets VP. Two liberal hags will ensure a trump victory

Fuck you Achmed, dont you have some goats to rape?

You type like a sand nigger. Of course you oppose god-king Trump.

>He cheated his way to getting richer
Didn't she lie about being an Indian to get a free ride at college or something?

please my friend..... racisme is a terribel sin... please read your bibel

How the fuck does a full-on progressive like Warren unironically endorse Clinton which is the embodiment of almost everything she hates? Oh right, $$$

>he started out rich

$1m isn't much in the business world

>He'll leave us in the dirt




I cant wait until we vaporise your countries with nuclear weapons.
>Praise be upon a dead sandnigger

She was never actually a progressive to begin. Most leftists are too stupid to notice this though, since she is always intentionally introducing bills that will never pass. Also she is against auditing the Fed, despite being an "anti-wall street crusader."

What do you call a senator with a vagina full of rabbits?

Says the person who abused affirmative action to get a teaching job at Harvard where she only teaches one class for $350,000 a year.

Mrs. Canada?

no no I am not muslim... I am atheist... religion is the cause of all the wars....

Op's right. I thought about Elizabeth Warren for a while. We should really paint with ALL the colors of the wind. Not just white.

no speak-um redman language
me give firewater and blanket for hide and smoke leaf

please my friend... no racism... we are all people of the earth....

She still claims to be Indian. She got her cushy job teaching one class at Harvard for 300K/year, in part, because she is a native American female...with natural blonde hair.

To be fair, we don't know if the curtains match the carpet.



Literally nothing credible.

She is a senator and also the only natural blonde native American ever.

dont they make a lot off casinos, where does all that money go?

Pfff, like she didnt cheat cheat her way to the top

Considering that Hillary is intensely homosexual, do you think maybe she and Lizzy might have "bumped" into each other at some point?

She stopped Powhatan from killing John Smith.

A business man's job is making money. Why is this so shocking to liberals?

Making money is what an evil capitalist does.

All good jew cocksuckers worship at the feet of communism.

>A business man's job is making money.

Indeed :^)

Not to mention the guy on the left started from nothing.

Trump is human garbage.

>Not to mention the guy on the left started from nothing.

PLUS, he delivered some Jews to the Nazis, so Sup Forums should be sucking his dick in gratitude. Instead, they suck Trump's dick, while he's sucking Jewish dick. We're through the looking glass here :^)

Didn't this gutless bitch leave Bernie Sanders in the dirt?