So I've kinda been fascinated ever since Brexit happened to see the reaction towards some of the migrants in the UK, specifically the Polish. Are they a blight like a lot of people say or are they alright because they seem pretty bro tier in my town in the US. Our town was half built by them and there's still some Polish speakers and a huge amount of people have Polish last names.
Poles in the UK
The liberal media is playing this up massively, I've never known anyone to have a problem with the poles.
I see. Is it overblown because they are lumped in with Bulgarians and Romanians?
Poles are bro tier, mosty keep to themselves. Mainly white Christian. Have a few at work. One came round to help withsome DIY. Didn't charge, was just happy to have a few beers and chill.
Brexit hasn't created new racists. They just feel they got a God-given right to be cunts after Brexit.
It makes you wonder who'll do the dishes and unclog toilets in UK now, huh?
Take a note here, Brits give a lot of shit to Poles, but never to mudslimes, because they're scared shitless of them.
they only do it because they can't get away with being mean to brown people. Don't take it personally just their chavs are pussies.
I fully realize that. On the other hand, I don't see how is Brexit supposed to save or "uncuck" UK. Whites are already a minority in London.
For some reason there are a lot of poles at my workplace. Maybe it's because they're all women but I find them all to be insufferable bitches.
Polish are very hard-working cool people. No idea where this sentiment is coming from.
I suspect the vote has made the real stupid racists bolder but I've yet to meet one.
They have their bad ones but Poles aren't really a problem in an of themselves, especially compared to some of the scum like Romanian gypsies.
The problem is the sheer numbers coming. It's keeping wages depressed, increasing cost of living (by increasing demand), increasing pressure on public services (8 month waiting lists to see a doctor), and further inflating the massive housing bubble (£500m average house price in London).
It's completely unsustainable for the country and fucking over a lot of people, especially the poor. Yes GDP may increase but that wealth isn't being spread evenly.